Chapter 158
Han Shuyan and Xiang Wan were discussing the price of the newly developed desserts. Xiang Wan listened very carefully, but he was not very sensitive to the price. Nian An didn't have time to understand the market: "Sister Shuyan, this kind of thing has to be decided by Sister Nian An." , I am not as proficient as her, you just look at it."

I don't know if it was an illusion, but just after she finished speaking, she seemed to hear Xu Lu snorted softly.

For a while, the elevator became quiet, and Han Shuyan didn't speak any more.

When Xu Lu went out on the first floor, Han Shuyan muttered, "What's the matter with that girl? What is she humming when we talk?"

At this time, Xiang Wan was sure that she was not hallucinating, but that Xu Lu was just laughing at her.

She looked at Xu Lu's back and smiled meaninglessly: "She just doesn't like me, nothing else, don't worry about her. From now on, sister Nian An will make decisions in the store, and I will be a hands-off shopkeeper."

The more Han Shuyan looked at Xu Lu, the more familiar she looked: "Why do I seem to have seen her somewhere?"

Xiang Wan thought about it, Han Shuyan and Xu Lu had known Zuo Xingyun for many years, maybe they had met before: "Her name is Xu Lu, and she has known Zuo Xingyun for a long time, have you two met?"

As soon as Xu Lu's name was mentioned, Han Shuyan was so excited that she spoke her mother tongue: "MD, I just said where I met her. When I was chasing Zuo Xingyun before, she often tripped me up! I still remember her The sentence that I told me said that I am not worthy of Zuo Xingyun. I am not worthy, but she is worthy? After so many years, my children are grown up, and I have not seen her succeed! It can be seen that she is not what Zuo Xingyun likes That dish!"

Xiang Wan didn't know what to say, she somehow felt that Han Shuyan had a big heart, she hadn't forgotten such a big 'vengeance', but she forgot the other person's appearance, and almost didn't recognize him.

On the way home, Xiang Wan received a message from Shi Yanqing: How is your little uncle?

She replied casually: Pneumonia, in the hospital, the situation is much better.

Shi Yanqing asked her for Zuo Xingyun's ward number, saying she wanted to express condolences.

She didn't think it was necessary, and Zuo Xingyun's temperament was not very approachable, and she was afraid that Shi Yanqing would make a cold face: No, thank you.

Shi Yanqing insisted: He is your little uncle, and he got sick when we went out to play together, so I should take care of him.

Now that he had said that, Xiang Wan didn't refuse anymore, and sent the hospital address and ward number.

Half an hour later, the nurse walked into the ward holding the bouquet: "Mr. Zuo, someone sent flowers."

Zuo Xingyun was irritated by the drip that couldn't be finished for a long time, and he didn't understand it, Chen who was standing by the side helped to receive the bouquet: "Thank you."

The nurse took a peek at Zuo Xingyun, blushed and said no thanks, and left.

A few bouquets of flowers in the ward made Ah Chen sneezed: "Brother Yun, not many people know about your illness, why are so many people sending flowers?"

Zuo Xingyun frowned slightly: "Who sent it this time?"

Ah Chen glanced at the card in the bouquet: "Shi Yanqing."

Zuo Xingyun's eyes darkened slightly: "Take it and throw it away."

Ah Chen was puzzled: "What's the matter?"

"Aren't you allergic rhinitis? Why can't you smell it?"

Ah Chen was so moved that he almost threw himself into Zuo Xingyun's arms and called out to Big Brother: "Brother Yun, you are so kind~"

Zuo Xingyun gave him a sideways look: "Fuck off."

The phone rang suddenly, Zuo Xingyun looked at the caller ID, it was the nurse from Xiang Wan's mother's side.

Under normal circumstances, the nurse would not contact him, so he looked serious: "Hello?"

(End of this chapter)

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