Do not go to the galaxy

Chapter 189 1 Nothing Will Change

Chapter 189 Nothing Will Change

Xiang Wan looked at the blade with the cold light in his hand, and was dazed for a moment, but soon hatred rushed to her heart, prompting her to take the knife.

But looking at Zuo Xingyun's face, she couldn't do anything for a while.

Various scenes of the past emerged in her mind. When she was young, she raised hamsters, but the hamsters didn't live long, and they weren't raised carefully enough. They died before they stayed with her for long.

She and Zuo Xingyun buried the hamster together, crying so hard.

He hugged her and whispered: "You still have me, I will not leave you, I will always be by your side."

Every time she was sad or in danger, he would appear in time. He gave her a sense of security that no one else could compare to, but it was him who ruined everything for her...

Crystal tears rolled down her cheeks, and Zuo Xingyun's appearance became blurred under the mist.

She tightly clutched the knife in her hand for a long time, and finally she resolutely stabbed him!
The touch of the knife point piercing into the flesh was so clear that she took several steps back in shock.

This knife did not hit Zuo Xingyun's vitals, and Xiang Wan's force was not heavy, and the stab was not deep, but the blood still quickly stained the fabric of the clothes.

Zuo Xingyun pulled out the knife without changing expression: "You have a chance to kill me, why not?"

Xiang Wan didn't dare to look at him, and retreated to the corner: "You go... Please..."

She was on the verge of collapse and couldn't take any more stimulation.

Before leaving, Zuo Xingyun left a sentence: "The original nurse will continue to take care of your mother, and nothing will change. I'll just pretend that you didn't say those words today, and nothing happened."

Not long after Zuo Xingyun left, Uncle Yuan arrived at the hospital.

Xiang Wan ignored it until dusk fell in the sky, and then returned home in a daze.

Xiangzhai was brightly lit, Zhang Ma came out to greet her as usual, but there were fewer thoughts.

Xiang Wan looked like a walking dead, looking at the beautiful western-style building in front of her, she only felt that the more it looked, the more it looked like a cage, the cage Zuo Xingyun used to trap her.

The roses in the garden couldn't stand the autumn wind, and they were so decayed that only green leaves and vines remained, and no bright colors could make her feel happy.

On the other side, the Lu family.

Zuo Xingyun calmly drank tea in the courtyard of Lu Tianming's Chinese-style villa. The tea on the stone table was changed three times before Lu Tianming finally rushed back from outside.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Zuo Xingyun didn't raise his eyes to look at Lu Tianming, his tone seemed to be to an old friend whom he hadn't seen for many years.

Although the ages of the two are far apart, they all worked together once, regardless of their seniority.

Lu Tianming was considered an old fox, he wouldn't be so stupid as to think that Zuo Xingyun came here to catch up with him, on the contrary, the visitor was not kind.

He didn't beat around the bush, and went straight to the point after he sat down, "You came to see me because I went to see Xiang Wan, right? As an elder, it's not inappropriate for me to go and see the younger generation, right?"

Zuo Xingyun put the tea cup in his hand aside, looked up at Lu Tianming with sharp eyes: "There is nothing wrong with you going to see her, but you said something you shouldn't have said."

Lu Tianming sneered: "What I'm saying is the truth, what should I not say? You know what good you did yourself. Who doesn't know that what happened when elder brother went to see you? You can't get rid of it. "

"Heh." Zuo Xingyun responded with the same sneer: "I don't need to explain to you, as long as I have a clear conscience. If you get closer to Xiang Wan, don't blame me for disregarding my old relationship."

(End of this chapter)

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