Do not go to the galaxy

Chapter 197 Thinking too much will kill you

Chapter 197 Thinking too much will kill you

Shi Nian'an and Zuo Xingyun have also been in contact, and always feel that he is not that kind of person: "But Zuo Xingyun really has nothing to say to you, because of you, he is good enough to the people around you, for example, when he goes out of the shop I took advantage of opening a store for us, and my brother's family, thanks to his reminder. In contrast, I don't know that Uncle Lu, but I am more inclined to Zuo Xingyun. I don't trust people like him He will take revenge on your father because of the prison disaster caused by his own mistakes, and before taking revenge, he should have thought of breaking up with you, so how can he still treat you well?"

Zuo Xingyun had such a high evaluation in Shi Nian'an's heart, which Xiang Wan did not expect: "But now the facts are in front of us, and now my mother and I are under his control. If someone cripples your leg, then give You have carefully customized a pair of crutches, which are very kind to you, will you be grateful to Dade for forgetting how your legs are crippled?"

"After your Uncle Lu told you these things, did you ask Zuo Xingyun if these words were true?"

Shi Nian'an frowned and pondered for a moment, then asked a question.

"No." Xiang Wan lowered his eyes: "He always acted like he didn't want me to know anything. He would only get angry if he asked me a thousand or ten thousand times, and he wouldn't reveal anything. This time he said my dad He didn't kill him, but I don't believe it anymore, because before that, I asked him many times, but he didn't answer. If I say it now, it won't be credible anymore. "

Speaking of this, she paused: "Also, I always thought that my dad's case was closed before. I didn't know until Uncle Lu came to me. No, the police are still investigating. The last time my dad met before the accident One person is Zuo Xingyun, who is obviously a prime suspect."

Shi Nian'an held her hand distressedly: "Since the case is not closed yet, let's wait for the police to close the case, and then the truth will come to light. If Zuo Xingyun didn't do it, wouldn't he be wronged?"

Xiang Wan bit her lips in pain, and didn't let go until the pain turned white: "Sometimes, some people can use their power to change the outcome and turn black and white. Now I don't know what to believe or not to believe. It's hard to tell the good from the bad, I even... a little bit blame my dad for protecting me too well and letting me know too little."

Shi Nian'an sighed, opened another bottle of champagne and poured it for her: "Then what's the situation between you and Zuo Xingyun now? Are you breaking up?"

Xiang Wan raised her head and drank the champagne in the glass, and didn't say anything about Zuo Xingyun kissing her: "Come on, I stabbed him. At that time, my mind was confused and I was very scared. I didn't dare to use too much force. He should It's nothing, I came to see me once later, and I saw him alive and well. I know, I can't really kill him with all my heart, and the best result is to never get in touch with each other."

Shi Nian'an was startled: "You stabbed him?!"

"Hmm..." Xiang Wan didn't dare to admit it, but she didn't dare to think about that scene until now, and every time she thought about it, she was afraid.

It took Shi Nianan a while to calm down: "This is the way it is now, let's take a step at a time, don't think too much, people's brains are so big, thinking too much will drive you to death of."



Uncle Yuan didn't leave immediately after receiving Xiang Wan's call. He stayed in the car for a long time before deciding to call Zuo Xingyun for instructions.

"Second Master, Miss is staying at Shi Yanqing's house, she let me go first."

On the other end of the phone, Zuo Xingyun just came out of the bathroom after taking a shower, and his hair was still wet.

Hearing Uncle Yuan's words, his face darkened: "What did you say?"

(End of this chapter)

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