Chapter 1 Do you think you are a domineering president?

"Ye Zhen Zhen, how long are you going to continue being crazy like this?"

"Those hot searches on the Internet, you say it's your job, I can ignore it, but this time you brought Xiaochen to record the show, if there is any scandal again, I think you should stop playing in the entertainment industry, I will directly block you .”

Ye Zhen Zhen woke up suddenly, and sat up on the big soft bed, the cold and magnetic male voice seemed to be poured into her ears just now.


In an instant, a memory that did not belong to her quickly flashed through her mind...

Ye Zhenzhen raised her eyes and looked at the tall man wearing a tie with his back facing her not far away, relying on the memory in her mind, she couldn't help but tentatively said, "Song Jinze?"

I saw the man's back froze, and then he turned around slowly. His handsome face was as cold as a sculpture, full of impatience, "Say."

Ye Zhen Zhen's eyes froze, combined with the images in her mind, she was sure that she was wearing a book.

The man in front of her who responded to her was Song Jinze, the wealthy husband of the original owner Ye Zhenzhen.

And she also has a stepson named Song Yuchen.

The man raised his hand and glanced at the time on his watch, and said indifferently, "I'll give you 5 minutes, and it's still too late for you to regret it now. I'll ask Secretary Zhang to take care of the aftermath for you. From today on, you'll quit the entertainment industry."

Quit the showbiz?

Ye Zhenzhen frowned, she was the top in the industry before she passed the book, and she was awarded the Three Golden Actresses at the age of 23, so she quit the industry?
How is it possible, you will never quit the circle even if you die!
Her life creed is: Life is a person in the entertainment industry, and death is a person in the entertainment industry.

In memory, the original owner was hacked by the whole network, and all the fans were expecting the original owner to get out of the entertainment industry.

Today is the first day that the original owner brought his stepson to the "How to accompany my mother" baby show. The original owner doesn't seem to have much to say to this man. Instead of talking too much, the original owner only pretends to be gentle and virtuous in front of this man.

And now she is a big living person wearing a book, just happened to run into this scene, she doesn't want to pretend to be gentle and virtuous.

What's more, the original owner made a bet on the Internet with black fans two days ago. If she can't bring her stepson to participate in the variety show, she will eat durian shells live.

So, before retiring from the circle, she still has to fulfill the bet made by the original owner and the black fans, live broadcast and eat durian shells?
Joke, is this possible?
Song Jinze raised his eyebrows slightly, glanced at the woman sitting on the bed in a daze, and his impatient tone became more and more obvious, "Say what you want to say quickly."

When Ye Zhen Zhen heard this, her black and white apricot eyes were full of uncontrollable anger.

She tore off the quilt and got off the bed, stood her legs straight, met the man's sharp and cold gaze with anger, raised her jaw and said:

"What to say, I'll let you finish all the words alone, what else do you want me to say?"

Song Jinze picked up the suit and gave a pause.

He narrowed his dark eyes, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his lips. Just as he was about to speak, he heard the woman's voice rise again;

"Why do you block me in the entertainment industry? We are married anyway. How can you, a big man with a body temperature of 37 degrees, say such cold and heartless words to your wife?"

Song Jinze frowned slightly, "You..."

"What are you? Why, you think I'm wrong?"

I can't suppress my anger, and I don't want to suppress it.

Song Jinze: "I..."

Ye Zhenzhen continued to interrupt him, "What about me? Why don't I quit the circle, block me? What right do you have to block me? As my husband, you don't support me, but block me? Do you think you are Domineering President!"

It's over, it's over!

In my memory, this guy seems to be the domineering president...

Who cares, talk fast for a while, always talk fast and always feel good.

Song Jinze's handsome face was blackened by Ye Zhenzhen's repeated words, no one had ever dared to yell at him in such an arrogant tone, and stared at her with cold and stern black eyes.

Did this woman take the wrong medicine?

In the bedroom, the two looked at each other, and the tense atmosphere spread rapidly...

"Knock knock!"

Following the knock on the door, the voice of the servant Li Ma also came in, "Madam, are you up yet?"

Song Jinzejun's face was dark and he didn't say a word.

There was no need for him to continue, arguing with a woman early in the morning seemed somewhat boring.

The bedroom door opened.

The servant Li Ma was still standing outside the door, waiting for his wife to reply, but she didn't want to bump into her husband, "Good morning, sir!"

Li's mother murmured in her heart, shouldn't the husband have already left by plane at this time?

Song Jinze had a serious and handsome face, paused in his steps, wanted to give Mama Li something, hesitated for a second, and finally walked away.

Li Ma walked into the bedroom and asked Ye Zhenzhen, "Ma'am, the program team has arrived, they are at the gate, what should we do next?"

How to arrange?

"Let them in."

Once it comes, she will be at ease, she is familiar with the routines of the entertainment industry, and she is afraid of wool.

"Okay." Li Ma nodded slightly and exited the room.

According to the book to participate in the baby drama, it is now coming to an end.

The original owner, as the female supporting role, is the deadly rival with the heroine Han Jiangxue. The whole plot is how the original owner secretly finds fault with the heroine, and finally gets slapped in the face.

This time, the host of the variety show competed secretly with the hostess everywhere, impetuous and eager to show off. During the recording, he kept forcing his stepson and even yelled at him. In the end, his stepson accidentally fell into the lake and became seriously ill.

The original owner's original family was not good, and he was able to marry Song Jinze all because of the relationship between the original owner's grandfather and the old man of the Song family.

So, her husband is a plastic husband, he has no feelings for her, and her stepson has an accident, so she is not doing well at home, and she is ridiculed by the whole network, and finally went out of her mind and was hit by a car to death...

After the heroine eradicated the vicious female supporting role of the original owner, she rose steadily in the circle and lived a happy life with her family...

It's the end.

Ye Zhen Zhen couldn't help complaining: What the hell is this?

Is the original owner really that clueless?

Thinking that she died suddenly on the set due to filming in reality, but she didn't want to die again after transmigrating into a book?
The great injustice would not bring her such misery.

However, the plot in the book was set by the author for the paper figurine. Now that she is a living person, if she follows the plot in the book, then she will really have a headache.

Out of the corner of her eye, she suddenly caught a glimpse of the black card on the bedside table. In her memory, this card was given by the original owner's plastic husband.

He has been married to the original owner for half a year and has not touched her, and the number of times he goes home is also rare, either on business trips or working overtime at the company until late at night.

This time it seems to be on a business trip again, and I didn't tell the original owner when to return...

Ye Zhen Zhen, who felt that she was wronged a second ago, felt that she was not wronged in an instant.

She died in reality, but she can live in the world in the book. Her husband gave her an unlimited black card, and she doesn't go home all year round. She can have a lovely son without being pregnant in October...

So, what she has to do now is to take good care of her stepson, change the plot in the book, and hold the initiative in her own hands, that's what she earns.

It's just that the relationship between the stepson and her in this memory doesn't seem to be very good...

PS: Open a new book!Ask for collection, ask for tickets, various requests

Sweet and refreshing article, welcome to Baoer to enter the pit!

(End of this chapter)

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