Chapter 14 Grab the Dumplings!
Shen Yibo was immersed in the smell of meat, and when he realized it, his bowl full of dumplings was pulled aside by An Ruilin, "This is my dumpling!"

It was so easy to eat meat, Shen Yibo naturally refused to let An Ruilin take it away.

"I want to eat too, give it to me!" The two children refused to let go of their bowls.

A trace of irritability flashed in Han Jiangxue's eyes, and she looked at Wu Yuerou who was eating noodles. The other party had no intention of stopping her, she sighed inwardly, and said to Shen Yibo, "Yibo, brother wants to eat, let him eat, okay, you Eat mom's pimple soup?"

"No! I want to eat meat." Following Shen Yibo's firm expression, the strength in his hands also increased.

An Ruilin's stature is no smaller than Shen Yibo's. He has been spoiled since he was a child, and he has to grab what he likes, so he won't let go now, "I want to eat dumplings too!"

Wu Yuerou still didn't speak, as long as her son wouldn't suffer, she wouldn't bother.

【What's the situation? Is this little guy An Ruilin a bit too domineering?】

[Why didn't Wu Yuerou say anything, did she just bully our Yibo baby like this? 】

[Xiaoxue is really generous, but Wu Yuerou is so used to children]

Han Jiangxue frowned, "Yibo, please be obedient, don't grab it, let's eat pimple soup."

Hearing Han Jiangxue's persuasion again, the expression on Shen Yibo's face was almost crying, he didn't want to eat pimple soup, he just wanted to eat meat.

An Ruilin saw that Shen Yibo didn't intend to let go at all, so he pulled hard with his little hand;
With a "bang", a bowl of dumplings fell to the ground with the bowl and dumplings.

Shen Yibo looked at the fat and white dumplings covered with dust on the ground, his expression was a little dazed, the grievances and regrets in his heart surged up like mountains and seas, he burst into tears "Wow~".

The annoyance in my heart went straight to my small forehead, without even thinking about it, I stretched out my hand and pushed An Ruilin to the ground, "An Ruilin, you pay me for the dumplings!"

An Ruilin was stunned by Shen Yibo's sudden suddenness. He sat on the ground in a daze for a few seconds, and then burst into tears.

Everyone: This breakfast is destined to be crazy.

[Xiao Yibo: Whoever dares to touch my flesh, who will I fight with all my life]

【Kid An Ruilin got the punishment he deserved】

Wu Yuerou was in a hurry at this moment, she accused Shen Yibo, "Yibo, why did you push brother?"

As she spoke, she hugged An Ruilin who was on the ground, and comforted, "Ruirui, don't cry, don't cry."

Han Jiangxue frowned, and said to Shen Yibo, "Yibo, apologize to Rarity, you shouldn't have done it first."

In Han Jiangxue's heart, what she did was to uphold justice, and it was his fault whoever did it first, even if it was her son.

What's more, Wu Yuerou has a very good relationship with her. The other husband is still the head of the station, and the couple love An Ruilin very much. There is no need for her to offend Wu Yuerou and his wife because of this incident between her stepson and someone else's son.

"I don't want to apologize, he was the one who snatched my dumplings first, I...I was right!" Shen Yibo cried louder, he was so wronged!
In terms of crying, An Ruilin naturally wouldn't lose to any children, and he also cried louder.

Han Jiangxue knelt down and continued to persuade, "Yibo, you do it first, it's your fault, you should apologize."

[This... I don't understand Han Jiangxue's operation, why should Xiao Yibo apologize]

[Hey... Seeing this, I think Han Jiangxue is not as good as an ordinary parent. He doesn't protect his son, and he has to apologize to the person who robbed him? 】

[When I was young, my cousin took my bicycle, but I didn’t give it to me. Later, my mother cleaned it up and apologized to my cousin. In the end, the bicycle was also taken away, so sad! 】

[I also experienced this kind of thing when I was a child. The adults are very face-saving, and they don't want to feel the children's feelings at all. I really feel wronged for Xiao Yibo]

Shen Yibo stopped talking and just kept crying.

Ask him to apologize to the person who robbed him, he absolutely won't.

Wu Yuerou carefully inspected An Ruilin's head and body, and said to Han Jiangxue, "It's really nothing for a boy to make a fuss. It's a good thing that he didn't make a fuss. After all, it's the dumplings that caused the trouble."

Her son was fine, and Han Jiangxue's attitude had changed. Naturally, Wu Yuerou couldn't make things difficult, but she had a feeling in her heart, and she always had to find someone to vent her anger on.

After all, it's still Ye Zhen Zhen.

If she didn't cook dumplings, how could these things happen?
[Fuck, what the hell is this, what kind of three views does Wu Yuerou have? 】

[Looking at her son, you can tell that there must be something wrong with this mother's mentality]

[Although I don't like Ye Jianjian, this matter has nothing to do with Ye Jianjian. 】

Hearing what Wu Yuerou said on the phone, the corners of Ye Zhenzhen's lips sank, and she looked at Wu Yuerou coldly, this woman is so cheap, she is not used to the child, so blame her for making dumplings?

Before she could speak, Xiaochen came down from the bench and walked up to Shen Yibo, "Shen Yibo, don't cry, I'll give you all the dumplings."

Little Yiyi followed suit, "Brother Yibo, I still have eggs here, let me eat them too!"

Fang Xiaoyu: "Stop crying at Yibo, let's play together after dinner!"

Hearing everyone's comfort, especially the meat, Shen Yibo stopped crying immediately, and most of the grievance on his face dissipated, "Thank you!"

【Ahhh!Xiaochen is so cute, so warm, so cool]

[Yibo is not wronged, everyone likes you very much]

An Ruilin stopped crying and shouted, "Song Yuchen, I want to eat dumplings too."

"No!" Song Yuchen refused without thinking.

There were still 6 dumplings on the plate, so he directly handed them to Shen Yibo, "Eat it."

An Ruilin got off Wu Yuerou, rushed over and pushed Song Yuchen aside, just when Song Yuchen was staggering and was about to fall to the ground, Ye Zhenzhen quickly supported him.

Shen Yibo was snatched by An Ruilin once, this time he directly protected the plate in his arms, and ran to Han Jiangxue, "Mom, protect me!"

His son was like this, so Han Jiangxue naturally hugged him.

An Ruilin was so angry that he rolled on the ground, "Ah~ woo~ I want to eat dumplings, I want to eat meat!"

Seeing An Ruilin acting like a rascal, Ye Zhenzhen felt so speechless.

At the same time, she is very fortunate that her stepson is Song Yuchen, a well-behaved little milk dumpling, and not a spoiled bully like An Ruilin.

But Wu Yuerou didn't say a word of instruction, instead she looked at the plate in front of Ye Zhenzhen and said, "Ye Zhenzhen, you still have dumplings, give them to my son."

Ye Zhen Zhen sneered in her heart, does this woman want face?

Just now, he secretly said that the dumplings she made caused trouble, so he used this tone to instruct her to give the dumplings to her son?
A sneer flashed in Ye Zhen Zhen's eyes, "I can give all the dumplings to your son, but you and your son must apologize to me and my son."

 Ask for collection, ask for recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, all kinds of requests!

(End of this chapter)

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