It took only about a quarter of an hour for Song Jinze to come out of the room.

But the barrage in the live broadcast room has never stopped. One must know that in the live broadcast room of the four groups of families, only Xu Wanjia's and Ye Zhenzhen's are the most popular.

【Ahhh!Why did Mr. Song come out so soon? 】

【Mr. Song, can you do it?Didn't you say sleep?It came out so soon, what kind of plane are you doing? 】

【Sister Zhenzhen too, such a top-notch man, even let him out after entering the room, hey! 】

【By the way, what are you regretting? What our president originally said was to let Ye Zhenzhen go in and rest.】

Secretary Zhang was taken aback when he saw the president coming out of the room, so he misunderstood the president?

In the evening, the villages in the countryside are filled with smoke and smoke, everywhere is full of fireworks.

Xu Wanjia and Director Yang are busy taking over the homeowner's tofu-making work, and have just sent away the last tofu-making villager.

There are many villages around, but Xu Wanjia's tofu shop is the only one that makes tofu. In addition, Xu Wanjia's previous TV series are well-known, so most of the people who come to make tofu in the afternoon are fans of her drama.

After Director Yang returned home in the afternoon, he saw Xu Wanjia helping the villagers make tofu, so he started to clean up the kitchen. The owner of this house is almost sixty years old, and he is usually busy with business, so he probably doesn't have time to clean up.

The clay stove in the kitchen seemed to be covered with cytoplasm, and Director Yang washed out a large bucket of black water.

The slop bucket he was carrying had been used for too long, and it was aging. Before the black and dirty water was poured out, the bucket broke, and Director Yang's shoes and hands were all over the place.

Yang Yike, who was playing with Song Yuchen in the yard, saw it and exclaimed, "Oh, Dad, your hands and feet are black, and you have turned into a big monster! Hahaha!"

While talking, the little guy came up to his father, took a closer look, then pinched his nose and said, "Hey~ it stinks, Dad, you are a big stinky monster!"

Xu Wanjia came out of the house and couldn't help laughing when she saw Director Yang's slightly embarrassed look, "How did this happen?"

"This bucket is not durable, it's broken!" Director Yang expressed helplessness.

Xu Wanjia smiled, "Then wash it quickly, it's greasy and smelly."

Turning her head, Xu Wanjia asked Song Yuchen again, "Xiaochen, Auntie is going to make dinner now, can you have dinner with your sister at Auntie's house tonight?"

Director Yang said while washing by the water basin by the well, "Xiaochen, I'll eat at uncle's house. Uncle stews pork ribs and lotus root soup at night, and drinks soup here with my sister."

But Song Yuchen still remembered to go back and taste the instant noodles his mother bought for him, so he immediately shook his head, "Thank you uncle and aunt, I'd better go home and eat."

At this time, Dad should also start cooking dinner.

After Yang Yike heard Xiaochen's refusal, he started to smile at Director Yang, "Father, do you want my brother to eat stinky lotus root soup at our house at night?"

The little guy's voice is milky, and the silver bell-like laughter is very contagious.

【Hahaha, Xiao Yiyi's little milk voice is so cute and cute】

[Director Yang: Another day of being ruthlessly ridiculed by my precious daughter! 】

Xu Wanjia frowned, and asked with a smile, "Yiyi, why is it stinky lotus root soup? The lotus root soup made by Dad is delicious!"

Director Yang may not be very good at other things, but he is still very good at making soup.

"Look, Dad's hands are covered with black and stinky water, which can't be washed off even if he washes them. Wouldn't he become stinky after cooking soup?"

The smile on Director Yang's face became very helpless!
Song Yuchen's bright black eyes swept across Director Yang's unwashed hands and his dark feet. At this moment, he smelled the sour smell carried by the wind...

The little guy didn't say anything, and smiled politely at Xu Wanjia and Director Yang, "Uncle and aunt, see you tomorrow."

Before leaving, he asked Yang Yike, "Sister Yiyi, I'm going home to eat noodles, do you want to come with me?"

【Ahhh!Xiaochen, Xiaochen, are you afraid that your sister Yiyi will drink the stinky lotus root soup, so you invite her to your house for instant noodles?Hahaha! 】

[These two kids are really dying of laughter, Song Yuchen, you are really a good brother! 】

【Doesn't anyone think these two little guys are a good match? 】

[There is a little bit, there is a little CP inside! 】

Yang Yike thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "Thank you brother, I still won't go, I want to help my mother cook dinner later!"

Dad's hands are full of smelly and black things, absolutely don't let Dad do it!
Song Yuchen nodded, "Okay then, I'll go back and help my dad too."

"Well, brother, be careful on the road."

Xu Wanjia was a little worried, "Xiaochen, wait, Auntie will take you back."

"No need, Auntie, I know the way, so go ahead, I'm leaving!"

The house Yang Yike lives in is not far from their house, just walk straight out of the yard and turn right for a while, and Song Yuchen is very clear about the route.


Song Yuchen didn't realize until he got home that he wanted to ride a bull today, but he forgot about it just now when he was playing with sister Yiyi.

The little guy walked into the kitchen and saw his father unpacking instant noodles.

"Dad, have you gone to lead the cow to drink water?"

Song Jinze didn't turn his head back, but returned in a gentle voice, "Not yet, go after dinner."

The moment he saw Song Jinze's knuckle-boned hands take out the dough from the bucket of instant noodles, the little guy's ecstatic heart suddenly stopped.

Because he thought of her father's black and greasy hands when he was at sister Yiyi's house just now, and sister Yiyi said that the cooked food might be smelly.

And his father seemed to have shoveled stinky cow dung in the afternoon...

He hurried to his father's side and looked up at him, "Dad, can I help you then?"

He just wanted to help his father, he had no other intentions, absolutely nothing.

"No, stand by your side, don't make trouble."


"doing what?"

Song Jinze frowned slightly, he was thinking about how to cook this noodle.

He remembered that when buying noodles in the afternoon, Zhen Zhen said that they didn't need to cook all the instant noodles at night, so they bought some dried noodles at the supermarket. What is the ratio of instant noodles to dried noodles?
"Where's mom?"

"During the lunch break, I made you mess up. Didn't you take a nap this afternoon?"

Song Yuchen smiled, and nodded embarrassingly, "Well, because I miss my father!"


The little guy stretched his little neck and leaned closer to the back of Song Jinze's hand and sniffed it carefully. It didn't seem to have any stinky smell!
Not at all!

The cow cake in the cowshed smelled very bad, but my father's hand still smelled a little fragrant.

Song Jinze raised his hand and pushed his son away, "Song Yuchen, are you hungry?"

Song Yuchen shook his head, "No!"

"No? Then you smell my hand?"

He hadn't looked at this little guy just now, and after being called daddy so frequently, he still made such a move, which made him wonder if this guy was so hungry that he wanted to eat his hand!

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