In the afternoon, the light rain has basically stopped.

Ye Zhen Zhen took Xiao Chen to take a lunch break in the room, while Song Jinze handled official business at the table beside her.

The other three groups of families are also basically on lunch break.

Director Fei saw that he didn't have much work to do in the afternoon, so he said to Little Wen, "Keep an eye on it, I'm going to take a lunch break too."

The houses I found in this episode of the program all have their own farm work. I didn't expect to be cracked by these people after only two days here.

Director Fei naturally knew that Song Jinze and Gu Liangjun had found foreign aid, but so what, he couldn't go up and stop it, it's just a child, just turn a blind eye and close it.

What's more, this is also his last issue.

Xiao Wen was looking at her phone with her head down, her face was a little ugly, "Fei...Fei Dao..."

"what happened?"

Dao Fei hadn't retracted his stretched waist yet, so he moved closer to Xiao Wen, "What's going on? Why this expression?"

Director Fei also dozed off inwardly, thinking that there was something wrong with Xiao Wen's personal affairs again.

When he saw the content on the screen of the mobile phone, he immediately cheered up, and the feeling of some sleepiness disappeared, "Are these the customers who bought the product today?"

"I don't feel like it, not entirely sure yet."

On the screen of the mobile phone, there are several photos of girls with red and swollen faces. These people posted several texts while posting the photos;

[She said she didn't bring the goods, but she advertised this kind of three-no products on variety shows. She was ashamed of everyone's trust in her. I still like her so much, so I'm off the fan, goodbye! ]
[Recently, I really like her. I bought all the products she endorsed recently. When I saw her advertising at noon, I immediately placed an order. Unexpectedly, I disfigured myself. ]
[@叶蜜珍@妈妈怎么先@AL色化, as an ordinary consumer, I hope you can give a reasonable explanation, thank you! ]
These are the ones with the most likes and retweets, and there are more than a dozen more below, all because of the makeup setting spray that Ye Zhenzhen advertised at noon, and the skin on the face has various degrees of allergies.

Director Fei frowned, "This situation is a bit wrong. AL's makeup setting spray was not released today. Although it is a new product, it was on sale a week ago."

"So these people are all targeted, either for our show, or for sister Zhenzhen?"

Director Fei added, "It may also be AL's opposite company. They just ran this show and Zhenzhen's popularity, and deliberately did this this afternoon."

It's only been three hours since Ye Zhenzhen advertised at noon, so many negative news suddenly popped up, and it directly overwhelmed the hot searches on the variety show at noon.

No matter how you look at it, it seems premeditated.

Xiao Wen was a little anxious, "Director Fei, what should we do now?"

"You contact Taili and ask the relevant person in charge to find someone from AL. If what these customers say is true, in essence, it should be a problem with the quality of AL's products. They are the ones who are in a hurry, not us.

Our show and Zhenzhen were just implicated, and this product was also put away. According to the contract, there is no need to run this advertisement anymore. "

"Director Fei, do you want to tell Sister Zhenzhen about this?"

Director Fei waved his hand, "Don't bother her, this matter has nothing to do with her, even if it's to blame, it's the Lemon Table and this makeup setting spray."

Xiao Wen nodded, "Okay, Director Fei, I'll do it right away."

But unfortunately, this matter is aimed at Ye Zhenzhen, when there is a problem on the Internet with fans using the makeup setting spray that Ye Zhenzhen introduced in variety shows, there are many fans or black fans from other houses to stop;

【I saw that Ye Zhenzhen sprayed this makeup setting spray, and I thought it worked very well, so I placed an order right away. Now that you all look like this, I quickly returned the order. 】

[You people are really easy to deceive. They are all wealthy and wealthy. It's hard to say whether you recognize this brand or not. You can buy it just by watching her spray it on. 】

【Ye Jianjian just knows how to put on airs. I heard people in the industry say that she is playing big names, but she has rejected many product endorsements. 】

【This makeup setting spray is 119 for a bottle, it's such a small bottle, if it wasn't out of trust in Ye Zhenzhen, who would buy it! 】

[Heizi, don't BB, if you really buy it, post a screenshot of the order, those who post photos of allergies, maybe they are stolen pictures! 】

What these people are waiting for is this moment, Ye Zhen Zhen's current popularity in the circle is even higher than the top.

I don't know how many people in the circle are looking forward to Ye Zhenzhen's accident, as long as she has an accident, no matter whether it is directly related to her or not, they will step on it.

It would be great if you can step on your feet and sink into the mud.

Director Fei looked at these increasingly outrageous comments, picked up the phone to find acquaintances in the circle to comment, and pressed the hot search.

Soon, AL's public relations draft appeared on all major social platforms, and the whole page was densely packed with words.

It probably means that there is no problem with their products. If customers feel that there is a problem with the product, they can visit in person and make amends, and compensate ten times the amount.

[I have used this makeup setting spray, and there is no problem. It is still very good. I wonder if some people are deliberately targeting our sister Zhenzhen? 】

【against?Why don't you say that our trust was betrayed by Ye Zhenzhen? 】

【Let's just say, why should you blame Ye Zhenzhen for the product problem, she just put up an advertisement for the program, she is not the spokesperson, the product is not her family, it has something to do with her. 】

【She didn't endorse AL makeup, but Ye Zhenzhen was the one who advertised on the show just now. I trusted her, so I went out to buy this spray at a counter, but my face was disfigured. 】

[Yo, is that right, you still have the mind to post a comment after being disfigured?You bought it at a special counter. If you don’t go to a special counter, what’s the point of looking for our sister Zhenzhen online? 】

[That is to say, you are bullying our sister Zhenzhen who is recording a show and didn't bring a mobile phone? 】


Director Fei is looking for people to press hot searches and comments, and the same is true for AL. Their person in charge was optimistic about Qiu Wanshuang at the beginning, and tried to contact Qiu Wanshuang before the third episode of the variety show started. She was asked to endorse this product, but was rejected by her agent.

At noon today, they were quite happy to see their products being advertised by Ye Zhenzhen. Qiu Wanshuang refused, but Ye Zhenzhen was also very nice.

But I didn't want to, but in just over three hours, it caused such a bloody storm.

In the afternoon, Liu Rui and Jiang Lu were auditioning for a new film crew. She found a free time and started making phone calls.

To Ye Zhen Zhen, this incident was simply fabricated out of thin air, it was inexplicable.

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