The group of people arrived at the sugar cane field not long after walking. From a distance, it looked like a huge field with no end in sight.

Yang Yike exclaimed, "Wow~ this sugarcane grows so tall!"

Next to them, Song Yuchen and Gu Xiaoran also jumped into the field and raised their heads and gestured, "It's really high!"

"I'll take a look too!"

Ji Yunyun hurriedly broke away from Qiu Wanshuang's hand and jumped into the field.

The next second, there was only a "plop" sound. The little guy's foot slipped and he fell down, hitting his head on the sugar cane in front of him.

The other children were all wearing sneakers. Only Ji Yunyun was wearing a pair of light khaki leather shoes. Due to the rain yesterday, her short legs couldn't stand firm when she jumped, so she fell.

Pain spread rapidly from her head, followed by cries.

Gu Xiaoran frowned and said helplessly to Song Yuchen, "She's crying again. Why is she so crying!"

Song Yuchen shrugged, "I don't know."

The little guy didn't even look at Ji Yunyun, and walked to the other side.

[If Song Yuchen were my son, I would wake up laughing in my dreams. This kid is so cool! 】

[Children like Ji Yunyun are very annoying. They are eager for quick success in everything they want to do, and they are very purposeful. They really don't make people like them, no matter how cute they are. 】

[The key point is that Song Yuchen is just a little older, but he has his own opinions and ideas. If he doesn't like Ji Yunyun, he just doesn't like it. No matter how you act like a monster, don't talk, and ignore you. I really love such a cool little guy! 】

[And people are very gentle when they treat the people they like, like Xiao Yiyi, hahaha! 】

Yang Yike saw Ji Yunyun crying. She stood there blankly, blinked, and then looked at Xu Wanjia. Xu Wanjia knew that her daughter was kind-hearted and wanted to comfort Ji Yunyun.

But thinking about the child Ji Yunyun who deliberately knocked Yiyi to the ground last night, she felt bad, so she walked over, picked up the child, and walked to the other side.

"Today's task is quite heavy. We have to chop 1500 catties. It's getting late. Let's hurry up."

Director Yang followed the mother and daughter, "Yeah, where do we start? I've done this job before."

Song Yuchen went over and held Ye Zhenzhen's hand, "Mom, let's go there too."

"it is good."

Ye Zhen Zhen knew that Xiao Chen didn't like Ji Yunyun, so she didn't interfere.

Children have their own ideas. Who they like to play with and who they don’t like to play with are their own business, as long as they are happy.

Song Jinze is even more so. Xiaochen's personality is very similar to his. It's obvious whether he likes it or not. He likes little girls, but he doesn't like little girls like Ji Yunyun.

"I'll be here in a minute. You take Xiaochen and sit aside to rest."

As he spoke, the man glanced at the sharp sickle in his hand and joked, "I didn't expect that the first time I would work in the fields in my life would be cutting sugar cane."

It was quite unexpected and quite challenging.

Ye Zhenzhen glanced at him sideways, "Mr. Song, you are looking down on me again, aren't you."

"This is very hard." He didn't want to tire her.

Although I haven't done it, I can see it.

The corners of Ye Zhenzhen's lips curved into a smile, "This is a family task, not yours alone. The three of us will get together in a while. Finish the work early and go home to rest. It's just you. I think..."

The twinkling eyes started from the handsome face of the man, and looked from top to bottom, "I think, you won't be able to finish it in the middle of the night." For those who have experienced it, it is indeed very torturous.

Song Jinze: ...

[It’s incredible that the president’s ability has been questioned, hahahaha! 】

[No, Sister Zhenzhen is right. Cutting sugar cane is really hard work. A pampered CEO like Mr. Song can easily get blisters on his hands. 】

[Friends from the south, avoid this. Let me educate friends from the north. This is the lotus root from the south! 】

[Pfft~ Hug it, we also have this kind of lotus root in the north! 】

Song Yuchen watched from the side as his father was speechless by his mother. He secretly smiled and said, "Dad, mom is very powerful. Last time on the mission of digging bamboo shoots, mom dug all the bamboo shoots on the mountain by herself."

Ye Zhen Zhen: ...

Song Yuchen, let’s not talk like this today!

Song Jinze said "Oh" lightly, but to Ye Zhenzhen's ears, it meant something different.

She glanced sideways at the man, "You're still laughing!"

It's fine that the little guy doesn't understand anything, but this dog man is still laughing, and even laughing like this in front of the camera!

The man's dark pupils moved slightly, his eyebrows were full of endearing light, and his thin lips curled slightly, "I'm not smiling, he is smiling."

He pointed at the little guy beside him.

Song Yuchen didn't expect that his mother would start to be mean to his father because of his words. He quickly covered his mouth, shook his head and said, "Mom, I'm not laughing now. It's obviously my father who is laughing."

Ye Zhenzhen snorted lightly and didn't want to pay attention to that bitch man.

She had been lazy the past few days, but today she had a task. Naturally, she couldn't just sit around and watch, she had to do something.

After participating in two episodes of the variety show, I finally cleared up a little bit of the negative personality on the Internet, and I can't let it be ruined in this third episode.

Doing your career seriously is more important than anything else!
[That’s it, that’s it. Mr. Song and Sister Zhenzhen really did a good job~]

[They seem to have such a good relationship, I don’t understand it. Those marketing accounts say that Sister Zhenzhen is a XX, I don’t understand it. They are really deliberately trying to get some traffic, it’s disgusting. 】

[Stop talking about the previous ones, these are all in the past, they were dealt with last night, and there are none of these things today, so don’t mention them again! 】

【No, I heard that Xiao Chen is not Mr. Song's son. Some people at Media Asia said that this child is not their child, maybe he was adopted...】

[As mentioned above, if you say that, I think it makes sense. Does that mean that Mr. Song and Zhen Zhen are both first-time married people? 】

[I don’t understand this. Anyway, don’t talk anymore. Song Yuchen is Mr. Song’s son now. You should just talk about CP. Don’t ask about things you shouldn’t ask about. 】

Qiu Wanshuang held the crying Ji Yunyun and coaxed her for a long time. She felt that her patience was almost exhausted.

Looking at the group of people who had walked away in front of her, she felt helpless and a little resentful. Her daughter was obviously very cute, so why didn't they like her?
The children kowtowed and cried so much that no adults or children came up to comfort or greet them.

She felt that this hurt her self-esteem. She, Qiu Wanshuang, was obviously a popular actress in the industry, but when she came to this show, she was left out like this.

She looked at the small red bump on her daughter's forehead and sighed silently, feeling distressed and regretful.

Well, why did she bring her husband and daughter to this show!

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