Qin Lang glanced at Ye Zhenzhen and smiled, thinking of the countless times he had been NGed every time they played together, "Well...it's pretty good, Zhenzhen, she works very hard!"

Fu Shinuan, who was standing next to Qin Lang, smiled contemptuously. She raised her eyebrows slightly and looked at Ye Zhenzhen with disdain in her eyes.

She has also worked with Qin Lang before. Just now, the other party asked her why Ye Zhenzhen played the female lead and shook her head at Ye Zhenzhen's acting skills.

Some people couldn't believe that Director Yang and Xia Zhi would choose Ye Zhenzhen as the female lead.

When it comes to acting skills, Ye Zhenzhen was pretty much unmatched in the industry before. Her only advantage was her beauty.

Fu Shinuan thought that her acting skills were naturally inferior to those of the male lead Xiao Yi, but compared to Ye Zhenzhen, she felt that she was still comparable.

Qin Lang said this now because the main supporter behind Ye Zhenzhen was Song Jinze.

Also, Ye Zhenzhen found a rich and powerful man who could directly replace her as the female lead, and make everyone fabricate the fact that she had no acting skills as she was working hard to improve her acting skills.

But now that she joined the crew, she really relied on her strength. Fu Shinuan didn't think Ye Zhenzhen had this strength.

Ye Zhenzhen's eyes flashed slightly, she didn't care about Qin Lang's answer, whether good or bad, it was from the original owner and had nothing to do with her.

In her memory, Qin Lang had a normal relationship with her. The previous rumors that the two would get married were just some of the previous dramas produced by the original owner and there was no splash. The crew wanted to use their friendship as classmates to spread some gossip and create some gossip. It’s just heat.

However, the way Qin Lang looked at her just now had a strange feeling no matter how he looked at her.

The reporter asked again, "You and Zhen Zhen seemed to have played lovers before. This time, as the second male lead, the role you played was the love rival of Movie Emperor Xiao. Do you have any thoughts about this role?"

Qin Lang smiled slightly, "Zhen Zhen is a beautiful woman both in and out of the movie. It's hard not to like her, and it's my honor to be the love rival of Movie Emperor Xiao.

Unfortunately, this is only in the play. "

A reporter next to him started to cheer, "Oh~ Teacher Qin's words seem to be full of regret~"

Ye Zhen Zhen:? ? ?

In this circle in my previous life, as a single person, I was often asked all kinds of tricky questions by reporters.

But in front of her, if she asked the second male lead next to her and talked about lovers or love rivals, if she were a normal person, she would just mention it in an understatement, or just use the character in the play in a sentence or a half and be done with it.

It was obvious that there was something wrong with the questions and answers between the reporter and Qin Lang.

as predicted.

At lunch time, various topics about Ye Zhenzhen and Qin Lang appeared in hot searches on the Internet, plus Xiao Yi.

It was obviously to help promote the opening ceremony of "Selfless", but in fact, Ye Zhenzhen understood the intention behind it at a glance.

The filming of the movie had just started, and she, a married actress, was involved with the lead and second male leads on and off the set. Under these trending news, there were all kinds of rhythmic trolls;

[Jianjian is really good. His acting skills are not great, but he is quite good at hooking up with actors in the industry. He even hooked up with our teacher Qin.]

[Actor Xiao can hook up with her and find a husband like Mr. Song. There’s nothing she can’t do. 】

[I’m really fed up with these smear-like trolls. If our Zhenzhen didn’t have acting skills, would Director Yang let her join the crew? 】

[Who knows, after all, she has such a powerful husband, what resources does she want?]

Liu Rui walked over to Ye Zhenzhen and asked in a low voice, "Zhenzhen, when you and Qin Lang were hyping up CP, did you contact him in private?"

After all, the two were classmates before, so Liu Rui thought it would be better to ask clearly.Who would have thought that the day before the filming started, the second male lead would be Qin Lang.

Ye Zhenzhen put away her phone and looked at Qin Lang who was chatting with Fu Shinuan on the other side. She recalled in her mind the various interactions between the original owner and this Qin Lang. There was probably no rift between them.

"should not."

According to the original owner's previous character, she should look down on Qin Lang.

He is handsome, but if he compares his temperament with a man like Song Jinze, he looks like a snarky old woman.

This can be seen from the interview in the morning.

Don't say that the original owner doesn't like such a man, no one else will.

Liu Rui nodded, "Okay, then I'll let the public relations department handle it. I always feel that today's reporter's interview and the comments on the current hot search are all intentional."

"You don't feel wrong."

While the two were talking, a dining car with the words Media Asia Hotel entered the scene. Dozens of dining cars opened at the same time. Seeing this, Liu Rui turned to look at Ye Zhenzhen in shock.

"It seems that the one I ordered is not so luxurious!"

For such a big battle, there are so many ingredients, many of which are top-quality seafood. Even if you eat in the hotel, you need to make a reservation for the ingredients. All of them were arranged at noon today.

Ye Zhenzhen smiled faintly, "Yes, Mr. Song arranged it."

Liu Rui clicked her tongue, "The president is domineering!"

When Fu Shinuan saw this, she was so angry that she couldn't even eat. She returned to her lounge and made a phone call.
"Didn't I tell you to stop the hotel's buffet for the crew today? Why is it so luxurious?"

The person on the phone said helplessly, "I also want to stop it, but today the president personally ordered it, and the people from the headquarters came here to keep an eye on it. There is nothing we can do."

Fu Shinuan tightened his grip on the phone. Didn't it mean that President Song and Ye Zhenzhen were just acting on occasion to deal with the outside world? How could a big CEO like President Song care about this?

When Song Jinze returned to the office after a meeting in the morning, Secretary Zhang came up to him and said, "President, my wife has made arrangements."


Song Jinze responded calmly, keeping his gaze on the hot search page on the tablet.

"What's going on with Qin Lang?"

Secretary Zhang moved his lips slightly, but stopped talking.

Song Jinze raised his eyes and said, "If you have anything to say, just say it."

"President, I checked. Before my wife married you, she did have an affair with Qin Lang, but it was not true. It was a hype. It was the one on the fake reporter's camera you saw in the morning.

The man in the morning also confessed that he had been following Mrs. Pat before, and this time he was paid to do things.

However, he has been saying something very strange. He said that the wife is not the wife herself, and that the wife in the past few months is completely different from the previous one..."

Secretary Zhang didn't understand what the fake reporter said, but since he heard it, he felt that he had to report it to the president. Maybe the president would understand...

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