Ye Zhenzhen frowned slightly and blurted out, "Are you busy? Why did you answer the phone?"

In fact, what she was thinking was that the man who didn't answer the phone so late must be working overtime for a meeting, but to outsiders, it turned into complaints and dissatisfaction with her husband for not answering the phone.

"Well, are you finished recording your show? I'll pick you up."

On the other end of the phone, Song Jin's voice was low and soft, which made everyone present feel excited.

[Oh my God, just this voice, and then thinking about Mr. Song’s tall and straight figure, and that face, ah ah, I seem to be able to feel a little bit of Sister Zhen Zhen’s happiness! 】

[What a pity, why can’t I get such a man? 】

[Ye Jianjian is really a top expert. While coaxing men like Mr. Song, he also hooked up with Xiao Yi and Qin Lang on the set. As long as they are handsome guys, he really doesn't let them go.]

[Some people are simply possessed by lemon essence. Sister Zhenzhen and Mr. Song are so affectionate. Is she using it to hook up with others?Which man can be better than Mr. Song? 】

[It’s hard to say, some women just like to play like this]

Ye Zhenzhen: "It will be over soon, waiting for you to pick me up."

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Song Jinze stood up and looked at everyone in the conference room, "The meeting will continue on Monday morning."

Everyone in the conference room was stunned and speechless for several seconds. Does the president mean that he won’t have to work overtime on the weekend tomorrow?
It wasn't until Song Jinze left the conference room and the extremely oppressive aura slowly dissipated that everyone seemed to react;
"The president just said that we will continue on Monday. Does that mean we don't have to work overtime tomorrow?"

"That seems to be the case. I'll confirm with Minister Zhang later!"

"I decided to pay attention to this Ye Zhenzhen, this woman is so amazing!"

"What Ye Zhenzhen, that's the CEO's wife!"

"Yes, yes, Madam President!"


After the live broadcast of the TV show ended, Ye Zhenzhen came out of the Lemon Terrace building and happened to see Song Jinze getting out of the driver's seat.

The man was wearing a light gray suit today, with a long dark coat on top. No matter how serious and cold the clothes were, he couldn't hide the gentleness on his handsome face.

People were coming and going, and in the crowd, she could only have room for him in her eyes.

She smiled and asked, "Have you just arrived?"


Song Jinze was holding a woman's thick coat in her hand, and he had already put the coat on her body while answering.

There was a voice talking behind them, and a hint of cunning flashed in Ye Zhenzhen's eyes. She raised her right hand and pulled the tie on the man's chest. She touched his handsome face with her left hand and pressed a gentle kiss on the corner of his lips.

At this moment, there was emotion surging in Song Jinze's knowing eyes, but he had not yet made any reaction.

With a 'click' sound, she let go of him.

Song Jinze didn't say anything, only the corners of his lips curled up into a smile with unknown meaning, he took the woman's slender waist and walked towards the car.

After the two got into the car respectively, Ye Zhenzhen was fastening her seat belt.

Song Jinze looked sideways at her, "Did Mrs. Song take advantage of me just now?"


Ye Zhenzhen blinked, seemingly innocent, but actually she was covering up her guilty conscience.

This man had a glimpse of her true thoughts.

Suddenly, a refreshing cold fragrance rushed over, followed by the man's domineering and hot kiss, taking over without explanation...

Even though he was reluctant to let go, Song Jinze was not too presumptuous and let her go in just a few minutes.

He sat back in the driver's seat and started the car.

Ye Zhenzhen's face flushed, she pursed her lips and explained, "Just now backstage, someone said that you and I were acting together, and I heard the voice of the reporter in their station, so..."

"So, I'm very happy that Mrs. Song can take the initiative." "..."

Ye Zhenzhen turned her head and glanced at the man's handsome side face, her flushed cheeks became even hotter.

When the guests went downstairs to go home, Lemon Channel arranged for someone to take photos. The purpose was to use the fathers to pick up the mothers and continue the popularity of the baby drama. After the program is edited out in a few days, they can continue to earn traffic. .

So she just got excited, pulled the man's tie and kissed him.

If it was really because of others gossiping, she didn't have to worry about it. She was not a newcomer in this industry.

However, the fact is that the few steps he took towards her just now were really seductive, and he stepped into her heart step by step, so she couldn't help but kissed him.

It was indeed her initiative.

"In the end, I was still..."

He forced the kiss back.

When she said this, her voice gradually became too low to be heard, and she no longer looked at him, but pretended to look out the window.

After the car drove on the road for a while, it turned a corner and Ye Zhenzhen suddenly said, "Stop the car in front of you!"

Song Jinze followed her gaze and saw there was a beef noodle restaurant not far ahead, "Are you hungry?"

"Have you had dinner? Do you want to join us?"

Although she invited everyone on the crew to dinner at noon, she didn't eat much herself, let alone at night, almost nothing.

Song Jinze did not respond verbally, and his action of pulling over said everything.

At this time, there was no one in the noodle shop. Ye Zhenzhen found a seat near the inside and sat down, then ordered two bowls of beef noodles.

The noodles were cooked quickly. Ye Zhenzhen looked at the steaming bowl of red oil beef noodles and felt even hungrier. She took the chopsticks and started to eat.

Seeing that she made no move to be jealous, Song Jinze asked, "Not jealous?"

This is their second visit to this store. The last time they came was three months ago, and she brought him here too.

Ye Zhenzhen blew on the steaming noodles and shook her head, "No, you can add it yourself."

Song Jinze held the chopsticks for a moment, "Are you sure you don't want to?"

He remembered that the last time she ate noodles here, she put a lot of vinegar into the bowl, but she frowned and asked how she could eat it with so much vinegar.

The answer she got was that she couldn't eat noodles without vinegar, so she had to add vinegar to the noodles.

"No, I hate putting vinegar in noodles."

It's okay to eat hot and sour noodles, but she will never allow vinegar to be put into this kind of noodles.

After Ye Zhenzhen took two bites of the noodles, she asked with a smile, "Do you like to be jealous? When I cooked the noodles before, I ate them and they were a bit sour."


He doesn't like to be jealous, but he remembers what she said before, and he can't eat noodles without jealousy.

At this moment, Song Jinze's mind echoed what Secretary Zhang said to him during the day, 'That person said that the wife is not the wife herself, she is not the same person as before...'

The corners of his lips were slightly curved, and his deep eyes stared at the woman who was eating noodles.

Ye Zhenzhen was really hungry and didn't care about the man's look. After eating half of the bowl of noodles, she felt almost full.

As a female artist, you can't eat too much at night. Proper control is still necessary.

Only then did she realize that the noodles in the man's bowl were barely moving. "Don't you want some? It tastes very good."

"Well, I ate here last time."

The look on the man's face was always like this. Ye Zhenzhen didn't notice it and teased with a smile, "I can't believe that the CEO would come to such a place to eat noodles."

A smile appeared on Song Jinze's lips, and he held her hand and walked outside, "There will be more days ahead, and you can see more..."

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