Chapter 55 Injured

Han Jiangxue was so angry that she wanted to yell at Shen Yibo again, why couldn't this little fat man make sense, she said she was very tired, why did she keep eating?
Now that she has no money and is tired, where can she get him food?

Really annoying!
Annoying as hell.

Wu Yuerou sighed slightly, and said to Han Jiangxue: "Xiaoxue, the child can't stand hunger, why don't we go out and find some food for the program group, or I'm afraid the child will starve to death."

An Ruilin was born to Wu Yuerou, so her attitude towards children is naturally different from Han Jiangxue's.

Han Jiangxue couldn't appreciate the true love of being a mother, and although Wu Yuerou doted on An Ruilin, at the critical moment, what she thought in her heart was to let An Ruilin eat and clothe first.

Han Jiangxue was a little impatient, "Will the program team give it?"

In fact, she wanted to say that it would be okay if she didn't eat a meal, it's just children who like to make trouble.

In order to lose weight when she was filming in the film crew, she only drank water all day, and nothing happened.

But in the end, she was facing Wu Yuerou, even though there was no camera, she still restrained her words a little.

Wu Yuerou struggled to get up from the bed, "I'm going to find the program crew."


After dinner, Ye Zhen Zhen wants to take Xiao Chen to the night market, she still has enough funds and can buy a lot of things.

"Stop! Don't run!"

This urgent voice came from the other side of the alley, Ye Zhen Zhen turned her head and saw a black figure running out of it.

[Fuck!what's the situation?robbery? 】

【This black light is blind, so dangerous, Ye Zhenzhen protect Xiaochen well】

[Don't worry, there is someone in the program team, maybe it's the script again]

[Script your sister! 】

Ye Zhen Zhen instinctively picked Song Yuchen up from the ground and stepped aside.

Past experience told her that when children encounter danger, they should take the initiative to avoid it, especially this kind of unknown danger, which might lead to death...

"Hey! Friend, help me catch him, he's a thief!" The woman who ran after the shadow spoke again.

"My bag is in his hand, help me!"

Ye Zhenzhen:?

She turned her head and looked around, there was no one else except the two camera brothers following her...

"Mom! Mom!" The woman was followed by a little milk dumpling, and the shadow of the little guy seemed to be about the same size as Xiaochen...

Seeing that black shadow approaching Ye Zhen Zhen, a trace of kind sympathy flashed in Ye Zhen Zhen's mind, since the other party is also a mother with a child, then she should meddle in her own business one more time.

She put Xiaochen aside, and rushed over to grab the bag that the black shadow was holding.

And the other party is a professional thief, how could he easily give up something valuable after getting it.

When Ye Zhen Zhen was about to reach the bag, a silver light flashed in the other party's hand, and a fruit knife stabbed straight at Ye Zhen Zhen's arm...

The big cameraman who was still shooting was so scared that he quickly dropped the machine in his hand, went up and kicked the opponent's arm, and the fruit knife fell to the ground with a sharp and harsh sound.

Another camera brother also put down the machine in his hand and went to help. The thief was small and thin, and was quickly subdued...

But Ye Zhen Zhen was not so lucky, her right wrist was cut open by the other party, and the blood flowed down.

Song Yuchen rushed to Ye Zhenzhen's side, he was so frightened that he was about to cry, "Mom, you, you have lost a lot of blood!"

"Mom is fine, don't be afraid!" Ye Zhenzhen touched Song Yuchen's head with her left hand, and comforted him with a smile.

well!Just say that she can't meddle in her own business, and she is the one who gets hurt in the end.

【what's the situation?Why is the screen black?Just heard Xiao Chen say that Ye Zhen Zhen bled a lot? 】

[Is the camera brother going up to help? 】

[Did you really meet a thief? 】

【Oh my god, what's going on, are Ye Zhenzhen and Xiaochen injured? 】

[No way, was the robber injured when recording the show? 】

After Ye Zhenzhen's live broadcast room went black, the live broadcast was interrupted.

Netizens in the live broadcast room turned to Weibo to start discussing the topic. As they talked, Ye Zhenzhen and Song Yuchen went out after eating and encountered robbers. In the end, both Ye Zhenzhen and Song Yuchen were injured, and Ye Zhenzhen fell unconscious.

This matter was immediately searched on Weibo;

#Ye Zhenzhen Mother and Child Injured#
#叶蜜菲 Unconscious, filming interrupted#
Dao Fei and Xiao Wen, who were watching all this in the background, also rushed to the scene, Dao Fei called the police, Xiao Wen came over and saw Ye Zhen Zhen's injury, and said anxiously: "Zhen Zhen, you need to go to the hospital for your injury, I call 120."

"It's better to call 120 here and go directly to the hospital. I'll take her to the hospital. There is a silk scarf here. Wrap the wound first to stop the bleeding."

This voice was the owner of the stolen bag, and beside her was a little boy who was about the same age as Song Yuchen.

Xiao Wen took the Hermès silk scarf from the woman and paused for a moment. This scarf cost 3 yuan...

"Why are you standing there, I'll do it!" The woman saw Xiao Wen's slowness, she just thought she was frightened by the injury on Ye Zhen Zhen's hand.

Ye Zhen Zhen was also stunned, the perfume on this woman smelled very good, and the action of bandaging the wound was also very neat and simple, she looked like a noble woman and a strong person.

After the woman bandaged Ye Zhen Zhen's wound, she sincerely said to Ye Zhen Zhen: "Thank you just now, this can only stop the blood flow too fast for the time being, I will take you to the hospital."


Inside a high-end restaurant in Ancheng.

Song Jinze took a sip of the red wine, put the glass back on the table, narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the man sitting opposite him, the corners of his lips moved slightly, "Mr. Cheng, letting 5 points is already my greatest sincerity. It’s pointless to talk about it.”

The man called Mr. Cheng immediately laughed, "I think Mr. Song's sincerity is not enough. In fact, Mr. Cheng also thinks it's meaningless. 8 points, I'll just order it. What does Mr. Song think?"

Song Jinze pulled his thin lips lightly, and raised his handsome eyebrows slightly. Before he could speak, Secretary Zhang walked over eagerly, leaned into his ear and whispered, "President, the wife and the young master are injured. They are now in Ancheng. Hospital."

Song Jinze stood up suddenly, and the corners of his lips sank, "Mr. Cheng, I don't think 8 o'clock is very good. Since you are not sincere, it is a waste of each other's time to chat any longer, so farewell!"

The man also stood up, with a threatening tone in his words: "Mr. Song, the 8 points I said while sitting here today are my greatest sincerity. If you want to ask me to talk next time, hehe, the minimum is 12 points." It's starting..."

"no next time!"

After saying that, Song Jinze walked out of the restaurant without looking back, with big and hurried steps.

After getting into the car, Song Jinze frowned and asked Secretary Zhang, "What's the specific situation?"

Secretary Zhang first explained the location to the driver, and then returned to Song Jinze, "Just now I saw the trending news on Weibo that my wife and the young master were injured, so I called the program team and found out that they were in a hospital. .”

 It's 2023, happy holidays everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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