Chapter 69 Rumors?

Hongshan villa area in the north of the city.

Returning to this 'home' again, Ye Zhen Zhen can fully see what kind of mansion she lives in.

From the moment the car drove into the big iron gate outside the yard, she kept clicking her tongue;

This house looks like a castle. She is worried that she will get lost in the house after going in this time, and she ends up getting lost...

There are also fountains and open-air swimming pools in the garden outside. The flowers and plants and the artificially planted lawn are probably as big as several football fields!

OMG, the car in the garage, this...

How many?
Ye Zhen Zhen's instinctive brain was too excited, she wanted to reach out and count carefully, how many luxury cars there are...

Forget it, too many to count!
Wait, looking out the garage window into the back yard, that white one is the helicopter?

Ye Zhen Zhen: ...

In the previous life, I never dared to do this in my dreams, but I didn't expect that I would have everything after wearing a book after death.

That is to say, as long as she doesn't divorce Song Jinze, the boss, she can enjoy everything that is visible to the naked eye as the wife of the boss...

Then why is she still working hard to save money? This directly enters the early retirement life!
No, no, just think about these things, and you still have to rely on yourself in life.

She is still young now, so she can't have such inert thoughts. If she doesn't work hard, she will soon lose her personality charm, and one day she will be hated by everyone...

If this man proposes to divorce her one day, the consequences will be disastrous...

Therefore, it is the most reliable way to make money and spend it by yourself. Even if the man gives it, then she saves her own money, which is a perfect guarantee for the future, isn't it?

In fact, Ye Zhenzhen didn't blame Ye Zhenzhen for making such a fuss this time, it was because she was in a hurry and hurried in the morning when she crossed over, and she went directly to the commercial vehicle arranged by the program group after leaving the house, so she naturally wouldn't look around Went to see 'my own home'.

When we reached the entrance of the hall, Madam Li greeted me, "Sir, madam, you are back, young master."

Then get them slippers and change their shoes.

Behind Mama Li was a white Samoyed, huge in size, smiling at Xiaochen with its tongue out and its tail, "Woof~woof~"

I haven't seen him for a few days, he really misses his little master so much.

Little Naituanzi didn't change her shoes, so she ran over and hugged Samoyed's head, "Watermelon~ Do you miss me very much?"

"Woo~um~" Watermelon responded coquettishly to its little master, expressing his miss.

Song Jinze didn't change his shoes, but asked Mama Li, "Is Dr. Liu here?"

Li Ma shook her head: "Not yet, I just called home and said that if my wife comes back, please wait for him, he will go to the hospital to get medicine."

"Yeah." Song Jinze responded lightly, looking at Ye Zhenzhen, "Doctor Liu will come over and give you anti-inflammatory injections, and I'll take you home for dinner when I come back."

When the man said he was going home, he meant going back to the home where his parents and grandfather lived, in the suburbs of Jiangcheng.

The original owner of that place only visited once on the day when Song Jinze got the certificate.

Ye Zhen Zhen replied: "Okay."

"Woof~" Xigua barked at Ye Zhenzhen as if she suddenly noticed Ye Zhenzhen, the dog's face was no longer as happy as it was when it saw Xiao Chen just now.

Xiaochen patted Xigua on the head, "Xigua, don't be angry with Ye Zhenzhen, I like her very much now."

Ye Zhen Zhen: ...

Does this mean that this little guy sued a dog about her before?

Song Jinze, who was about to leave, also paused, looked back at the big and small, and added a dog.

He didn't stay at home very much before, and he rarely saw such a scene, so he found it interesting for a while.

Ye Zhen Zhen smiled slightly, "Watermelon?"

Just now she heard Xiaochen calling it watermelon.

Watermelon heard Ye Zhen Zhen calling it, wagging its tail, walked to Ye Zhen Zhen's side, licked her left hand, and even patted her leg with its head, "Woof~"

This cry is very gentle.

Xiaochen clapped her hands happily, "Watermelon, you also like Ye Zhenzhen, right?"

Watermelon shook her head vigorously, and the dog had a gentle smile on her face.

The corners of Song Jinze's lips curled slightly, and he looked at Xiao Chen softly, "Xiao Chen, you have fun at home, Dad will be back in a while."

"Okay! Goodbye, Dad, be careful on the road."

"it is good."

Song Jinze left with Secretary Zhang.

"Watermelon, let's go play!" Xiaochen changed his shoes and took the dog to the sun room to play.

Ye Zhen Zhen entered the living room, sat on the sofa and took off her outer coat, exposing her arm, Li Ma then saw that her wife's right arm was injured.

Hastily came over and asked about it with concern, Ye Zhen Zhen only said it was nothing.

Afterwards, Mama Li brought her tea, snacks, and fruit.

After a while, Dr. Liu came over, asked about the condition of the injury, gave her anti-inflammatory injections, and left. Mama Li was responsible for such trivial matters as changing the dressing and pulling out the needles midway.

Ye Zhen Zhen's injury is not very serious, and there is no need for the doctor to stay here.

I don't know if it's because I didn't have a good rest in the hospital last night, or because I was too tired from climbing the mountain in the past two days, Ye Zhen Zhen feels sleepy all day today.

Especially the sofa in the living room is also very comfortable. After lying down for a while, she fell asleep...

Media Asia Group
Song Jinze returned to the company and started a meeting. During the meeting, the expressions on the faces of the company's top executives were more or less abnormal.

At noon, all the senior executives of the company received a box of oranges, and everyone was surprised, what kind of oranges should they distribute?

The president's secretary said that it was specially given by the president, and it was an anniversary benefit for everyone.

The assistant of the administrative department likes to gossip, so she checked Weibo in the tea room at noon and found that the outer packaging of this orange was exactly the same as the packaging of oranges that Ye Zhenzhen sold in variety shows.

In just a few short hours, everyone is guessing that the president went on a business trip because he was hooked up by a little celebrity like Ye Zhenzhen?

That's why you don't hesitate to condescend to others, buy these oranges and give them back?

Soon someone said: Ye Zhenzhen is just a little transparent in the entertainment industry, the CEO will like her?

Employee No. 1: Ye Zhenzhen is very beautiful, isn't she? I saw it, she looks really good!
Melon-eating employee No. 2: It's not good to be good-looking, our president is a man with a family, and Ye Zhenzhen is said to be married, isn't that bad?
Employee No. 3: It was reported in the company half a year ago that the president got married. I still don’t know who the wife of the president is. Also, it is said that the president has a son after getting married. Have you seen it?

Everyone shook their heads: I haven't seen it.

Until Song Jinze appeared in the afternoon, everyone saw that he had such a cute Band-Aid on his forehead, and he was holding a meeting in the conference room calmly. Suddenly, those high-level executives who had heard the rumors and guessed together felt guilty;
Could it be that the CEO, who has always been a workaholic, took his wife and children on a business trip this time?

It's not about being hooked up by a starlet...

PS: Thanks to Snail, Yuyang, and book friends 247***415 for their monthly votes

There are also recommendation votes from other treasures who support Xiaoli, thank you!
 small theater:

  Secretary Zhang: President, the company is spreading rumors about you and your wife!

  Song Jinze: Tell me.

  Secretary Zhang: You should listen to it yourself, I can't say it...

  (That's outrageous!)
  Song Jinze: Secretary Zhang, I will contact a headhunting company tomorrow. The President's Office needs to recruit a new secretary.

  Chapter Secretary: ...

(End of this chapter)

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