Chapter 71 Make it happen?

When Ye Zhen Zhen changed her clothes and went downstairs, Song Jinze, Song Yuchen and Xigua were sitting on the sofa playing.

Looking at it from a distance, Xiao Chen smiled happily, and Man Jun also had a slight smile on his face.

This kind of warm scene is the first time in Ye Zhen Zhen's memory, this man is rarely at home, it is even more impossible to stay in the living room with the little guy to pet the dog.

Watching Ye Zhen Zhen go downstairs, Xiao Chen and Xigua bouncing up to greet her, raised her head and said: "Mom, you are so beautiful!"

Ye Zhen Zhen smiled and patted the little guy's milky face, "My son is also very handsome."

Thinking about going back to meet her elders, she just went upstairs and found a GFX autumn and winter dress in the cloakroom. She put on an off-white mid-length cashmere coat of the same brand, and chose a pair of high heels of the same color as the dress.

Thick black long curly hair is scattered around the waist, and a little light makeup is on the face. This kind of dress is simple and decent, and there is a high probability that you can't go wrong when you meet the elders.

Ye Zhen Zhen saw that the cloakroom was full of new products of the season, and the tags were not removed.

And when she went into the cloakroom to look for clothes just now, the servant at home told her that the clothes in the cloakroom were only hung in the past two days.

It was Song Jinze who arranged it when the original owner moved in. Every season's clothes were delivered directly to the door, and the servants at home were responsible for hanging them according to the color and style.

Later when changing clothes, Ye Zhen Zhen was thinking, it seems a little bit inappropriate to say that this plastic husband is cold and heartless.

Although this man seldom goes home, he will give his wife an unlimited black card and arrange her life clearly...

Song Yuchen grinned proudly, "Of course, I'm as handsome as my father!"

The little guy cast his eyes on the man who got up from the sofa, "Father, don't you think Ye Zhen Zhen is pretty?"

Ye Zhen Zhen: ...

Kid, can you stop being so sudden every time?
To be honest, when the little guy asked this question, she made herself very embarrassed. She swallowed her throat in embarrassment, and said first: "I'm fine, let's go."

The father and son were waiting for her just now.

Song Jinze glanced lightly at Ye Zhenzhen's bright and delicate face, and replied lightly, "It's okay."


If her appearance is fair, it can only be said that this man's eyes are raised on top of his head.

Ye Zhen Zhen went straight to the door, the servant had already placed the shoes she had just chosen in the entrance, she took off the slippers on her feet and put them on.

The little guy tilted his head and asked, "Dad, does it mean that you are beautiful?"

The man's thin lips did not move, "Yes."

Ye Zhen Zhen: Heh!Perfunctory.

She didn't have to ask this man to praise her for being beautiful, and it didn't matter to her what the man said.

But she just couldn't understand the man's appearance when he spoke, so...


On the road, it is the driver at home who drives.

Ye Zhen Zhen and the father and son were sitting in the stretched luxury car, she was sitting with Xiao Chen on the side, and Song Jinze was sitting opposite her.

It takes more than 40 minutes to drive from the Hongshan villa area to the Yunxili villa area where the parents of the Song family lived. It will be around 19 o'clock in the evening, which is the peak time of driving, and there is a bit of traffic jam on the road.

If you want to say that the space of this car is large, it is indeed much larger than the interior space of ordinary cars, but if you want to say that the space is small, it is really small. It landed on the man across from her.

This man has been working with a tablet since he got in the car, which is really a favor.

After Ye Zhen Zhen looked at the motionless traffic outside the window for the nth time, and turned her head to look at the man again, the other party said, "Just say anything."

Ye Zhen Zhen: ...

What can she say?

Song Jinze lowered his head, and said calmly, "Don't look out of the window, then look at me, just say what you want to ask."

His tone was flat, not as impatient as Ye Zhen Zhen was when she first came here.

It can also be heard from the pronunciation of the words, and the attitude of speaking is much better.

Ye Zhen Zhen snorted sullenly, and then said, "Mr. Song, since you are so busy, why did you accompany us back to dinner? Isn't this a waste of your precious time?"

Wouldn't this man say: it was because she was injured, and she made his business by accident, that's why he mercifully took her home...

Ye Zhenzhen's heart: Man, if you dare to answer like that, I, Ye Zhenzhen, look down on you from the bottom of my heart!
The man raised his eyebrows slightly, took the phone from one side, tapped the screen a few times with his slender fingertips, and when he raised his hand again, the phone screen was on her side.

The WeChat page is displayed on the screen;
The time display is one month ago.

【Ye Zhenzhen】: Grandpa called me again today, asking me to go home for dinner, I don't want to go alone, let's go together when you come back.

[Song Jinze]: Yes.

Ye Zhen Zhen: This...

Song Jinze put away the phone, his expression still calm, "But don't think too much, it's not all because of you, the past six months have been busy, I haven't seen grandpa for a long time, I just go back to see his old man."


Ye Zhen Zhen felt that the slightest bit of embarrassment that had just surfaced in her heart was instantly washed away by the man's words.

When this kind of conversation is at a disadvantage, just shut up and say nothing, that is the best way to resolve the embarrassment.

Xiaochen blinked and glanced between the two adults, and then happily said: "I haven't seen my great-grandpa for several days, and there are grandpa and grandma, I miss them very much!"

Ye Zhen Zhen smiled: "Well, Xiao Chen will see them soon!"


Yunxili villa area.

After the family of three entered the house, Mrs. Song greeted them. Seeing that Song Jinze was also coming, Mrs. Song said jokingly, "Oh, our busy family is here today, what a rare visitor!"

The corners of Song Jinze's lips moved slightly, "Mom, I've been really busy recently."

"Well, I'm really busy. I'm afraid I'm so busy that I thought I jumped out of a crack in the rock? I've forgotten that I still have my parents and family!"

Xiao Yuchen looked up at the small noise bag and shouted, "Grandma, isn't it Monkey King who jumped out of the crack in the rock? How could it be Dad?"

Mrs. Song smiled and hugged her grandson, "Then I have to ask your father!"

Ye Zhen Zhen pursed her lips, trying her best to suppress her smile.

After changing the shoes, he shouted at Mrs. Song, "Mom!"

"Zhenzhen, come and sit down, it's cold outside, come here for a cup of scented tea, freshly brewed."

Song Jinze frowned slightly, followed behind the two women, and said calmly, "I'll come back when I have time."

Hearing her son's words, Mrs. Song smiled, "I will trust you one last time."

Ye Zhen Zhen followed Mrs. Song to sit on the sofa, and Xiao Chen sat on her grandma's lap. A servant came over and poured a cup of tea for her and Song Jinze.

Mr. Song came out of the room in a wheelchair, "Zhenzhen, Xiaochen, you are here..."

Before the old man could finish his sentence, his smiling face changed when he saw Song Jinze sitting on the side of the sofa, "Stinky boy, you know you're coming back!"

PS: Thanks to Xue Ning/ty and Kindergarten Beater No.1 for their monthly votes

There are also Baoer who feed Xiaoli with recommendation tickets every day, thank you!
 small theater:

  Author: Mrs. Song, do you remember what your son looks like?
  Mrs. Song thought for a while, and replied: It's not two noses, one eye and one mouth...

  Oh, no, I was wrong, it’s not two eyes, one nose and one mouth, what else could it be?

  Mrs. Song's heart: It's been a long time since I saw you, I don't remember what the brat looks like.

(End of this chapter)

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