People are in Konoha, this Naruto lies flat

Chapter 140 Are You Aren't A Villain?

Chapter 140 Are You Aren't A Villain?

Seeing the hysterical villager Liusuke crying bitterly and accusing the four of them, it seemed that it was the third squad and Naruto who were oppressing them and burying them alive, not Black Hoe Leiya.

"Go as soon as you receive the mission! What are you waiting for, aren't you ninjas!" Liusuke seemed to be crazy, and the bearded man couldn't hold back no matter what.

"Two hours, what are you kidding! Are you teasing us on purpose? You bastard!"

Seeing the scene out of control, the client was in a state of anger.

Perhaps he had never seen such a difficult client, but that person was still worried about his companions, so he couldn't criticize too much.Xiao Li froze and quickly admitted his mistake, bowing and apologizing non-stop.


"That... calm down first." Tiantian smiled awkwardly, put his hands on his chest, and comforted him, "The specific departure time is the normal stipulated time, and you should have listened to the instructions when you made the commission."

"What's the use of talking so much, how can you ninjas understand my pain, Kanpachi is still buried in the ground. He must be in pain, I want to go back and save him!"

Seeing the thin-lipped villager Liuzhu crying so sadly, Tiantian didn't know what to do, Neci looked at what was happening, and frowned slightly, also looking embarrassed.

Suddenly, the villager Liuzhu stopped crying, wiped away his tears, and said firmly.

"If you don't want to leave now, I will"

"Change the commission, right?" Naruto put his hands in his pockets and looked at it for a long time, then interrupted the casting and asked.

The villager Liuzhu was obviously stunned for a moment, but he seemed to quickly remember that he was the client, and immediately shouted with red faces.

"Yes, so what?"

"With all due respect, you don't care about the life and death of your companion Kanhachi at all." Naruto stared at Liusuke and said, then paused and stopped talking, as if he was waiting for Liusuke to refute.

"What are you talking about! Kanpachi is my brother, I don't care, do you cold-blooded ninjas care?"

"Kanpachi died a long time ago. He died the moment you left." Naruto played steadily, "He was nailed to death in a coffin. After being buried for so long, the body began to rot."

"You're talking nonsense! Kanba is clearly still alive!" Liusuke suddenly became agitated, and two villagers beside him hurriedly stopped him.

"Naruto." Tiantian wanted to make Naruto say a few words less, and it seemed impolite to provoke the client so much.

"It should be alive, it lives in your heart." Naruto stopped pretending, pointing to Liusuke with a serious face and said, "Kanpachi was already dead when you escaped to ask for help, if you want to blame it, you can blame yourself. "

"It's not me! If we don't escape to ask for help, the whole village will die!" Liuzhu said desperately.

Hearing this, Naruto was speechless, and said: "You clearly know this truth, and now you are venting your anger on us, you are such a living animal!"

"Ahem!" Tiantian coughed, reminding Naruto to pay attention to the quality of ninjas.

Seeing Xiao Li with a pure personality being scolded inexplicably, he was a little angry every day, so he stepped forward to speak for Xiao Li.They did follow normal procedures and did not deliberately delay.

If Xiao Li responded by apologizing and tried to reason every day, Ningci's attitude was to ignore the villagers.

That Naruto is simply murderous, even an outsider every day, listening to Naruto's words with a knife is a bit scary.

It's cool, but it seems that the person opposite is about to collapse.Some people reached the limit of politeness with a little shot.

"You... aren't you ninjas?" Liusuke said tremblingly.

"You also know that we are ninjas. If we want to make a wish and go to the shrine, we can't do such things as resurrecting the dead." Naruto restrained himself and said politely.

"We have our own reasons for our preparation, please understand."

"But it's hard for me to understand that you are making such a fuss here and want to change the entrustment. Are you afraid that your brother Kanba's death will not be thorough enough?"

"The third class is currently the best ninja class in Konoha. You need at least three hours to coordinate for a different commission. What are you planning?"

Naruto has a good habit of soaking in the post bar for many years, and Naruto habitually praises first, the dog's head protects the body.

"You making a lot of noise here will only delay our preparation time."

"I don't know about this." Liusuke said forcefully, "I'm just eager to save people, and no one told us this."

"It doesn't matter if you don't know, I'm explaining it to you in a friendly voice." Naruto said, "If you still don't understand, I can explain it more clearly."

"I don't need to make preparations, and you have plenty of time. Only your good brother Kanba is buried in the ground."

"We all have bright futures, except for Kanpachi."

Liusuke stood there trembling all over, his mouth trembling for a long time, unable to speak at all.

Everyone is stupid every day, she doesn't understand what is yin and yang, but she feels like she has already won numbness on her side.

Xiao Li couldn't understand, and the CPU turned for a long time and didn't know who was more reasonable.Naruto didn't seem to say anything out of his mind, but it sounded like it was too much.

Ning Ci turned his head to the other side, not paying attention to the farce again.

Tsunade stood by the window on the fifth floor, folded his hands and watched, his red lips were slightly pursed, as if he remembered something interesting.That guy is talking venomously again, and it looks like someone is about to get hurt again.

The summer that people are nostalgic for is almost over, and it is autumn in the blink of an eye.

The autumn wind blows into the window, blowing the beauty silk.

In the lounge on the other side.

Xiao Li was catching up on sleep, Neji was checking the ninja gear, and Naruto drank water with his neck up.

"Naruto, did you speak too loudly just now?" Tiantian asked with a worried face.

"No, that's where it is." Naruto glanced at Neji, and said in a low voice, "It would be great if that person is really reasonable, even if he is out of mission, he will be a trouble."

"Probably not." Thinking about Liu Zhu's appearance just now, Tiantian felt a little uncertain.

"How do you say that, you are not afraid of opponents like tigers, but teammates like pigs."

"If that person likes to die, even if the gods come, it will be hard to save him."

The voice fell, and the lounge was suddenly silent.

The client this time is really not a fuel-efficient lamp. If they really make some troubles halfway and do some things to lower their intelligence, they may really face a dilemma.

"Then what should we do?" Tiantian asked.

Naruto didn't answer immediately, but looked up at Neji, who shook his head and said something.

"Just take one step at a time."

After Neji finished his unconstructive opinion, Naruto made a bold suggestion.

"How about tying up these three and throwing them in a safe place when we get to that village?"

Neji: "???"

day by day:"???"

A thought flashed in my heart silently, this person is a villain, right?
 and also

(End of this chapter)

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