Chapter 145
"Really, you're still playing with pets when you're an adult."

With a helpless expression on his face, Ino put the key on the top of the shoe cabinet in the entrance, and took off his shoes while holding the shoe cabinet.The black silk pantyhose completely covered the ankle, and there was no trace of fat on the straight calf.

The moment the girl bent down, her thighs under the pleated skirt stood straight. She was wearing a long-sleeved knitted sweater, but her snow-white arms, which were as white as peeled sleeves, were not exposed.

"What are you looking at?"

"Huh? What?"

Naruto came back to his senses suddenly, and looked up to find Ino standing in the entrance with his chest folded and his eyes squinted, staring at him with an indescribable expression.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but he felt the temperature around him drop a few degrees in an instant.

"Ino, that"


She showed disdain, and her jade feet wrapped in black silk stepped firmly on the floor, passing by Naruto's side, bringing a burst of hormone-inducing fragrance.

"I wanted to give you medicine at first, but now it seems unnecessary. You can do it yourself."

In fact, there is no need to apply medicine. Kyuubi is just a ball of chakra. After all, it is not a real dog.Eating and drinking every day, all the energy of the food is turned into chakra, and the excess residue is directly evaporated.

So even if you get scratched by Nine Tails, as long as the wound is not too deep, you don't have to worry about infection or deterioration.

But this point, he will never tell Ino Akira.

"Why are you here?"

"Taking the mission of my mother to visit a certain foot fetish." Ino sighed, walked into the kitchen with a food box, and frowned the moment he opened the refrigerator.

She walked up to Naruto, crossed her waist and asked.

"What are you doing with so much wine?"

Naruto, who was still standing in the living room, was stunned for a moment, and then kicked Kyuubi.Kyuubi wanted to pounce on him, but after taking a look at Ino, he left in despair, and ran to the corner of the balcony to bask in the sun.

"This." He couldn't find any good reason at all.

It can't be said that Jiuwei drank it. I have a fox dog who loves to drink, and no one will believe it if I tell it.

Naruto stood at a loss in the living room, with blood-red scratches on his body, and the wound looked a little weedy.Ino moved slightly and complained.

"How can you drink so much wine?"

"I didn't drink."

"Then who drank it? You and that spitz are the only ones in the house. Could it be that it drank it?"

"It was." Naruto muttered.

Ino gave him a blank look, and didn't waste any more time on this topic, she pointed in the direction of the sofa to signal Naruto to go.

"what happened?"

"Apply medicine." Ino said angrily.

She seems to have fully adapted to Naruto's harsh character, so she intends to use a tough attitude to counter Shibiren, and is fully prepared to deal with the strange scenes that may appear next.

"Can I touch your black silk?"

"No, if you do that, I will kill you." Ino gritted his teeth.

"What if I just look at it?" Naruto seemed to have made a compromise, but in fact he wanted to see nothing.

"Yeah." Ino sneaked up a glance at Naruto's face, showing a cute struggling expression, as if he was really thinking, "Are these the only things in your mind?"

"Actually, I also want to see other things, but I'm afraid you will be shy to say it."

Ino made a disgusting mouth shape, and his eyes looked like garbage, "Please hide the dirt in your heart well! Don't show it easily!"

".All right."

"What's your tone?"

"I just think that Ino's dress is so cute, it would be a pity if I can't appreciate it." Naruto lay on the sofa with a disappointed face.

"Don't say such strange words." Ino turned his head hastily, and began to look for the medicine box in the low cabinet in front of the sofa in the living room.

Naruto, who had nothing to do, looked at Ino with his back turned to him, kneeling in front of the cabinet and searching, his black silk slightly tensed, and his body leaned forward.The back looks small but very beautiful, it is the standard beauty's back.

Facing Ino, who was obviously well-groomed, he felt that it would be too wasteful not to praise him.

"This outfit suits you very well."

"Huh?" Ino kept the kneeling posture in the cabinet in front of the sofa, but straightened up and turned to stare at Naruto, with a slight blush on his face.

"Didn't I tell you not to say inexplicable things?"

"I just think that Ino is well-dressed, if he doesn't praise him, it would be too heartless."

"It's not for you, I just want to practice my dressing skills in advance." Ino brushed his hair back, turned his head slightly and gave Naruto a glance.

"It's too cute to describe."

"Well" Ino turned his head and ignored Naruto.

After a long time, she came over with the medicine box, and first asked where the dog had gone.

"Huh? You care more about that dog than me?"

"It's obviously more popular than you!" Ino said condescendingly to the bruised Naruto lying on the sofa, and then laughed at himself.

Looking at Ino's smile, Naruto couldn't help but feel a little moved. If he kissed his soft lips, probably...
Resisting the impulse in his heart, he pointed in the direction of the balcony and said.

"He's basking in the sun, but I reckon his wounds have healed."

Ino did not go to the balcony, but squatted down in front of the sofa, looked at Naruto with a slightly displeased face, and said angrily.

"Turn your face."

"I'm sorry to trouble you," Naruto said.

"Why are you so polite all of a sudden?"

"Aren't you used to it?"

"No, I hope you will keep it like this." Ino said sullenly, taking out the disinfectant.

"It's impossible to be serious in front of Ino, it's too cute, just like seeing it on the side of the road"

"Don't say any more." Ino pressed Naruto's head, and pressed him on the sofa in embarrassment, "If you say anything strange, I will kill you."

"Then I won't say it."

"But you still think about it, don't you?"

"I can't hide it from you."

"Hmph, what dirty things are in your mind, of course I know very well." Ino took out the cotton swab and said proudly.

"Has Ino ever thought about it?"

"I never thought of that kind of thing!" Ino was a little angry, squatted down and poured out a little potion, and sprinkled all on the wound on Naruto's neck.

He was lying on the sofa, and due to the Nine-Tails Chakra, the wound was slowly healing, but it was hard to detect with the naked eye.

"Hiss! It's so cold." Naruto gasped.

"Let you be dishonest." The corners of Ino's mouth curled up slightly, the long sleeves of a lavender sweater flashed in front of his eyes, and then the feeling of a cold cotton swab wiping the wound came from his face.

The vague fragrance on Ino's body stimulated Naruto's pupils to dilate slightly.

 I failed every day yesterday and deeply reflected on it.There are guests at home, and my mother is not in good health, so she has been helping in the afternoon, and fell asleep because she was too tired at night.Continue to hit the sun today.

(End of this chapter)

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