147 - Green Tree
Ino's hands trembled slightly, and he almost couldn't hold back the desire to turn around and argue.

The flower shop in the mountains was not open in the afternoon, so when it opened, it went upstairs in a daze.

With a bang, Ino lay down on the bed, staring at the ceiling in a daze.It wasn't until now that she realized that she had neglected many things all along.

In other words, that guy didn't show those things at all.

Although that guy usually looks like nothing matters, and he just lays down at home all day, and he looks like he has no goals in life.

He can't stop talking five sentences, and his mind is full of color waste.No matter how you look at it, you don't look like an honest person-well, it's barely a crowd pleaser.

But in any case, he did nothing wrong at all.

But suddenly, Ino realized that if Naruto had never mentioned those things in front of her, it might be because there was no one he could trust to talk to.

After all, he is a boy, so it's normal not to take the initiative to talk about these things in front of him.

But if you think about it carefully, that guy doesn't seem to have many friends at all.Even in the ninja school, he is almost only better than Shikamaru and Choji.

But at that time, Naruto was a mischievous guy in that ninja school, always doing some nasty pranks, and her mind was also on Sasuke, and she didn't pay much attention to Naruto.

It's just that I don't know what happened later, Naruto seemed to grow up overnight.It was only after that that I started to contact him, only to find that this person seemed to be better than expected.

Although I have never been in love at all, I am happy to be treated gently by that guy.But she would never admit that she was tempted, it was just a unique impulse at this age.

Her mind was in a mess, and she couldn't sort out her thoughts at all.It was too far in the future, and she didn't know how to face it. In a daze, Ino closed his eyes and fell asleep.

into the night.

Ino was bored and sat in the shop looking at the shop. The door of the flower shop in the mountain was open, and there was a sign saying it was open on the door.

The lights are bright and warm, and the flower shop is silent.

With a ding dong, the bell rang at the door, and Ino got up slowly, and was about to say hello.

"Welcome, may I ask if you need some."

Forced to squeeze out a smile that was official and stiff, stopped in the middle of the sentence, the smile disappeared immediately, and the face turned away in an instant, slightly puffed up.

Like all girls who are having trouble, Occasionally, he would quickly glance in Naruto's direction from the corner of his eye.

"I buy flowers."

"I won't sell it to you."

"Then I have to go to another flower shop to buy. The next time I meet my aunt, I will tell her that you speak badly to customers." Naruto said, spreading his hands.

"Mother won't believe you!" Ino cast a contemptuous glance at Naruto.

Naruto touched his chin, and after thinking for a while, he said quietly: "Why do I seem to remember that Auntie seems to believe me more than trusting you?"

This sentence hit the nail on the head, and Ino became numb for a moment, and suddenly recalled the past when the maid pretended to be a maid.It was this guy who admitted his mistake first, but in the end he was the one who was accused.


Her biological mother believed in an outsider more than her biological daughter, and what was even more frightening was that this was a fact!
"Why are you buying flowers?" Ino got up from the ground and asked expressionlessly.

"Give it away, can't it be just for fun?"

"Send to whom?"

"How can I tell you this? Anyway, I'm in a hurry and I'm leaving soon. Whether I can make it tonight depends entirely on this bouquet of flowers."

"Hmph!" Ino showed disdain, "Which ignorant girl are you going to lie to?"

"Don't worry about this."

"I don't care, it has nothing to do with me." Ino said seriously, "What flowers do you want? Let me see if there are any that I didn't want yesterday, and I will go to the trash can and look for you."

"The most expensive."

"Huh? The most expensive one is only made by this girl, 1000 taels, thank you."

Ino intentionally lied to him and stretched out his little white hand.The knuckles are like onion roots, the palms are plump and white, and the smooth and fine lines are like those carved on jade.

The flower shop in the mountain was brightly lit, and the bright yellow light fell on the two of them, separated by a counter.Ino was wearing a blue apron with the words "Yanzhong" printed on it. He leaned forward slightly, raised the corner of his mouth, and stretched out a hand in anger.

The blond boy with a smooth forehead was a bit taller than her, wearing baggy black short-sleeved gray trousers, looking tired and lazy.

With one hand in his pocket, he had a joking expression on his face, and the face of the angry girl was completely reflected in his pupils.The other hand was fumbling for something in his pocket, as if he wanted to pay.

The street was full of people, and the old street lamps cast yellow light on the old street.The big green trees are shaking their leaves with the wind, and the orange light seems to be wandering in the whole picture.

"Pay." Ino pursed his lips and said, his hands still resting on the counter.

Time began to flow at this moment, across a counter, Naruto had already withdrawn 1000 taels.But after a while, he stuffed the money in again and spread his hands.

"Forgot to bring money."

"Sorry, no credit." Ino folded his hands on his chest and said fiercely, "It's useless for you to complain!"

"OK then."

"Huh?" Ino glanced at him, feeling full of doubts in his heart, "It's really rare for a thick-skinned person like you to give up so quickly."

"No, I didn't bring any money." Naruto waved his hand goodbye, "I'm leaving first, I'm in a hurry."

"Go to hell, Hun Dan!" Ino added.

So, she watched Naruto walk out of the flower shop like this, and her brows became more frown every time the man walked one meter away.Until Naruto left the flower shop without looking back, Ino suddenly wanted to throw a shuriken at him.

She lowered her head and thought for a few seconds, thinking about the chances of a person being beaten violently in Konoha for no reason and not being able to find the murderer, and the kind of thinking game in which the criminal could not be found through a trace of reasoning.

After about 3 minutes, Ino's ambition changed, he grabbed a handful of flowers and chased him out.

She thought to herself, even if she doesn't earn the money today, she still has to beat that guy up!It's so annoying, he must be angry with himself on purpose, no matter what, he's dead today!

no money?If you don't have money, you will be beaten!
Under the bright lights, Ino hurried out of the store door, but didn't even have time to lock it.He ran to the corner of Daqingshu in one breath, wanting to see where the man went.

Suddenly a hand stretched out from behind the big green tree, and pulled the unsuspecting Ino over.

With a bang, Ino's waist and head hit a pair of soft hands, Naruto protected them, and pressed her against the opaque back of the big green tree as if hugging her.

Through the dim light, Ino saw those sly eyes, which seemed to be saying something.

"I got you."

 and also

(End of this chapter)

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