People are in Konoha, this Naruto lies flat

Chapter 153 This is called strategy

Chapter 153 This is called strategy
"What crazy words!" Naruto picked up Konoha Maru, threw it backwards and casually threw it to Moehuang and Udon, "This is a mountain climbing exercise, and there is no need to fight."

"Oh." Konoha Maru was stunned, and put away the shuriken dejectedly.

"Oh, you're big!" Naruto glanced at him, raised his hand, and Konoha Maru skillfully hid behind Menghuang.

Udon stood aside, blindfolded, turned to look at Konoha Maru and asked.

"Konohamaru, why don't you hide behind me? You've been hiding in Moehuang's place all this time?"

"You are stupid!" Konoha Maru poked half of his head out from behind Meng Huang, with a look of resentment, "If I hide with you, the two of you will be beaten together!"

"It seems to be the same." Udon touched his head and said.

Seeing Konoha Maru shrink back, the other six children from the ninja school also breathed a sigh of relief, as long as they don't fight.In fact, they have not officially experienced combat.

Leaving aside Konoha Maru, a kid who doesn't know how to read the atmosphere, the scene became much more harmonious.

Hinata secretly breathed a sigh of relief, she didn't want to see anyone get hurt, a warm smile appeared on her face.Looking up at the sky, he mustered up the courage to make a proposal.

"It's going to rain soon, let's find a place to set up a tent in advance to shelter from the rain."

After saying this, Hinata only felt that her cheeks were hot, but luckily, she shouldn't be blushing.She raised her head cautiously and found Naruto was looking at her.

"It's really going to rain." Naruto stepped forward, stopped between the two women, and looked up at the dark clouds above his head, "This place is full of mountains and forests, find a place with higher terrain."

"Isn't it the same as if you said nothing?" Ino glanced at Naruto, his eyes moved slightly, "There is no way for the three teams to squeeze into one tent, right?"

"Strictly speaking, only one team or two teams can barely hide in a tent to hide from the rain. If there is a third team here, it is destined to be rained."

The roar of thunder can already be heard overhead, but it is not particularly clear, but it also means that a heavy rain is coming.The surrounding mountains and forests are not considered lush, and if it rains, there is no suitable place to hide from the rain except tents.

Hinata obviously came prepared, and brought a small tent in the storage scroll.But as Ino said, there are three teams here and a choice has to be made.

It is impossible for three teams to huddle together in one tent, or two teams stay and barely squeeze, and the other team leaves.Either the two teams leave, leaving one temporarily pitching a tent to shelter from the rain.

Ino was silent, the light in the forest was blurred, and the moment his eyes swept over the two of them, he felt a slight pain in his heart, and his eyes retracted as if they had been electrocuted.

The scene of the night of the fireworks festival flashed in my mind, and Naruto subconsciously blocked it for Hinata.If it was him, would he block it?

Thoughts are like autumn leaves, swaying in the wind that is about to rain.

At that moment, she realized that she didn't seem so generous and understanding, and there were some things she didn't want to let.

"The tent is too small?" Naruto turned to look at the crowd, "I also have a tent. It was originally prepared to be used for missions, but now it seems that it can be used."

"Let's start together first, lean towards the top of the mountain, and set up a tent if it's about to rain."

"Let's start together?" Ino's eyes were a bit complicated, "Each team has a separate route, right?"

"We got lost." Konohamaru stood up from behind Moe Huang, and interjected, "Brother Naruto said that we can reach the top of the mountain by finding a team and following along."

"You bastard." Ino heard the words with a contemptuous expression, stepped forward and pinched Naruto's waist heavily, "You didn't understand the rules read by Mr. Iruka at all!"

"Ah!! Ino, are you going to kill me?"

"That's how it should be with scum."

"It's just that I didn't understand the rules of the exercise clearly. What's the matter?" Naruto gasped, "Besides, I was on vacation."

"Where is your reluctance?" Ino snorted coldly.

"I didn't want to come to this shitty place. I should be lying on the bed now, instead of standing in this wild place in my slippers."

"If you don't want to come, no one will force you to come, so go back now! I'll take Konohamaru and the three of them."

"Can you carry six by yourself?" Naruto was slightly stunned. "Besides, I'm lost too. You're willing to take three oil bottles with you, so take me out by the way."

"No, you can find your own way!" Ino snorted and gave him a cold look.

"Then it's okay for me to follow behind?" Naruto felt a little funny, and spread his hands in a very rascal way, "Anyway, you can't find it."


Hinata looked left at Naruto and then at Ino, suddenly panicked, the two seemed to be arguing.But the girl's innate intuition told her that the relationship between the two was very good.

better than her.

"Then I'll follow Hinata." Naruto said suddenly.

"Hey." Hinata's pupils dilated slightly.


Ino suddenly walked over, grabbed Hinata's hand and pulled him across the camp, Hinata looked dazed, but still let Ino grab his hand.

"I can't watch Hinata being cheated by you!"

Seeing this, Naruto's smile froze, and he thought, at least leave one for me.

On the opposite side, Ino looked at Naruto's disheveled expression, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help raising a curve, as if he had won, he cleared his throat and said.

"In short, you can figure out your own way, we can't control you."

"Right, Hinata?"

Hinata blinked her eyes, and faced Ino's gaze, showing hesitation and struggle.She lowered her head, opened her mouth, and whispered.


Ino and Hinata each led their own teams towards the top of the mountain, and Naruto followed behind with Konoha Maru, Moe Huang, and Udon.

Thunder roared overhead, and the air was unusually humid.

"Brother Naruto, why can't we just follow up?" Konoha Maru complained, "I want to follow that sister, she looks more reliable."

"Shut up, I'm the most reliable." Naruto curled his lips and said, "What do you know, it's called strategy, and they still have to ask me for help when it rains."

"How can there be eight people in such a small tent?"


"Of course it's true." Naruto vowed.

With a bang, the sky suddenly darkened, as if the lights were turned off above the clouds.Silver-white lightning pierced the sky, all heralding the approaching rainstorm.

The Hinata and Ino teams had already chosen a place to set up their tent, and the six ninja school kids didn't take up any space at all, and it wasn't too crowded to hide together.

On the contrary, something went wrong on Naruto's side.

"Brother Naruto! Where's the promised tent!"

 It's the end of the month, humble and ask for a ticket
(End of this chapter)

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