Chapter 161

The last time I tried something like a card bug was in early summer, when the system card was almost lost.

I was young then, but now is different.

Not just cards, but bold cards!Dare to try, play dead system.

After arriving in the country of birds, Neji led the team to investigate the most suspected counselor, Hong Ming, after all, Hong Ming is the biggest competitor of the current daimyo.

Naruto knew the truth, but followed the investigation patiently.

There was nothing wrong with Hong Ming, if he didn't catch wind and shadows, he wouldn't be able to find anything.Obviously, Ningci and Tiantian also realized this.

In this situation, either Hongming is hiding something, or there is something wrong with Meng Zong.But people who really have problems can't help but investigate, and Meng Zong quickly attracted Ning Ci's attention.

Things are finally moving on the right track, and the rest is simple.

While investigating Meng Zong, several people felt that there was something wrong with this person.Not only is he not an eminent monk, but he also has close contacts with a group of mysterious organizations.

The three of them will occasionally listen to the memories of Qiandao who resembles Xinbaji, recalling the time when he was a childhood sweetheart with Daimyo Lu.

"The personality has changed? Is that still the old heron?" Naruto glanced at Qiandao, "Aren't you a childhood sweetheart known as a daimyo? Why has his personality changed, and you can't tell why."

"Perhaps it was because of the death of his father and sister that he let Lu him," Qiandao said reluctantly.

"Maybe they just don't want to see you." Naruto played steadily, and he didn't say a word. Toki, who is disguised as a man, is afraid of being discovered by familiar people.

"Stop talking, people have already arrived." Tian Tian warned.

At night, when the ghost warrior fell from the sky, Naruto threw a few shurikens at him.

The ghost warrior who was hung by the kite fell to the ground with a bang instantly. Seeing this, the three of them looked at each other immediately, and already had the answer in their hearts.

The so-called ghost warriors are just kite warriors.

It's just a person who uses an oversized black kite to create signs of disappearing in the air at night.

"The Ghost Warrior is indeed a fake, hurry up and chase after him."

"Stop chasing, someone is coming around." Ning Ci said, "We can't fight with the soldiers of Bird Country, we have to leave here first."

"It's so troublesome." Naruto complained.

"Ninjas are like this, don't complain, let's go." Tiantian pulled Naruto, and the three left from the woods.

That night, Meng Zong's men surrounded the residences of Ning Ci, Tian Tian, ​​and Naruto, and found the ghost warrior's armor in the home of counselor Hong Ming.

Sensing that something was wrong, Meng Zong had already started to close the net, as long as he killed the counselor Hongming.For Meng Zong, a young boy with a big name alone can't support it, and he will have the final say in the country of birds in the future.

Neji didn't want to conflict with the Bird Country army, so he gave the order to break out again.


The night wind was bleak, and the three who broke through separately reunited according to the original agreement.

The moonlight entered the forest, and the dead leaves rustled under my feet.

Ning Ci frowned, and said: "The matter is already very clear, Hong Ming is not the mastermind behind the ghost warrior, and this matter probably has something to do with Meng Zong."

"Besides, Meng Zong and counselor Hong Ming should have guessed the identity of the ghost warrior, so Meng Zong took the lead."

"Then what do we do now?" Naruto asked.

"The soldiers are divided into two groups." Ning Ci replied, "Tiantian and I mixed into the execution ground to rescue Hongming, and Naruto tried to find a way to enter the Daming Mansion and tell the truth to the Daming."

"In this way, our mission is completed."

What he said was right, Konoha received the task to unravel the true face of the ghost warrior and drive away the ghost warrior.If Hong Ming died, the ghost warrior's clue would be broken again.

The premise for Ningci and Tiantian to be able to take Hongming away must be clear and honest. It is convenient to do it only if Meng Zong's plot is told to the bird country daimyo and the daimyo deprives Meng Zong of his status as a teacher.

"Okay." Naruto didn't care.

Get rid of Meng Zong's group of people, and you will get the reward of reincarnation.As for Toki's brain is not broken, he should know how to do it.

The night was getting dark, and Naruto entered the Daming Mansion quietly.

Dodging the waiters and patrolling sergeants, guessing the timing, he quietly went up to the roof of the Daming Mansion.Jumping lightly all the way, it landed directly above the daimyo's room.

With a soft bang, Naruto landed on the ground lightly like a falling leaf.

At this time, Toki's hair was not tied up, but scattered on both sides.The ghost warrior armor on his body has just been untied, revealing the inner clothes, and the whole person is still maintaining the movement of taking off the armor.

The palace is huge, almost like a prince's bedroom, big enough to accommodate ten people in a big bed.The palace lanterns burned slowly, illuminating the entire palace.


Toki is so good that he didn't notice Naruto's arrival at all.When he looked up suddenly, he saw a yellow hair falling from the roof.

She was stunned, and suddenly remembered that she hadn't completely taken off her armor, and her secret had been broken, and she suddenly felt murderous.

Before he uttered your word, Naruto's pupils dilated slightly, and he reacted extremely quickly without any hesitation.

A monkey turned over the mountain, its body spun around in the air, slapped the ibis mouth, sat on her, and pushed it down heavily.

He didn't have the slightest pity, and his teammates only had one life.

If something goes wrong on his side as a saint, Neji and Tiantian will have to fall into the dangerous situation of fighting against the army of the country of birds.

"Do not talk."

He raised his hand, and the melt immediately covered his palm, melting through the floor in front of her eyes.

"If you don't want your face to become like this, it's best not to make a sound now, I don't have the patience to talk to you."

Seeing the look of fear in Toki's eyes, Naruto continued.

"I am Konoha's ninja."

Self-declaration makes customers feel more at ease. Although they are temporary workers, they also have professional ethics.

Sure enough, Princess Toki, who was pinned on the floor and couldn't move and trembled, looked less frightened after hearing the sound of Konoha's ninja.

After Naruto let go of her mouth, she took a deep breath and said dissatisfied.

"The relationship between Bird Country and Konoha is mediocre, even if you are Konoha's ninja, you can't."

Naruto ignored her at all and interrupted her.

"We have already found out that the national teacher Meng Zong is the leader of the wandering ninjas, and he killed your father and elder brother."

"What?" Toki was stunned, "How do you know?"

"Counselor Hongming has been framed and taken away by Meng Zong. As the great name of Bird Country, you'd better lead someone to stop Meng Zong now."

"Why should I trust you?"

"I knew you would ask that." Naruto smiled, and suddenly slapped her, "Be sober, I am a Konoha ninja, what are you trying to do?"



"I am going to kill you!"


Toki's face suddenly swelled up, and he didn't dare to shout anymore.

"I hate troublesome employers like you the most. With such a small fee, do you still want us to die?" Naruto said, "You are so good, and you can't figure it out after checking."

"Now I've told you the answer, why are you so arrogant here?"

Toki was slapped a few times, his eyes widened, and he stared at the yellow hair with an incredible look.But Naruto frowned slightly, obviously not intending to stop.

Seeing the man's slap raised again, Toki wanted to resist but was afraid of Naruto's high-temperature melting hand.

"Okay! I'll go!"

"What do you mean you go? This is what you should do. Aren't you the revenge princess?" Naruto stared at Toki condescendingly, "Go now."

(End of this chapter)

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