Chapter 163 Reconciliation
Mountain Flower Shop.

There were dull footsteps coming from the wooden stairs on the second floor, and the lady raised her head when she heard the sound, with a gentle smile on her face.

"Ino, don't you have a mission tomorrow?"

"Can't sleep." Ino, who was wearing loose pajamas, rubbed his eyes, his face looked haggard, "I'll come and see the shop, mother, go and rest."

"Are you okay?" Rino Yamanaka asked.

The store is brightly lit, flowers are neatly arranged on the shelves, and moths are flying around the illuminated lamp stands.At night, the street gradually became noisy, and the sound slowly seeped in through the glass shop door.

It was pitch black outside, and the big green tree outside the store could be seen silent in the dim light.

Ino looked away and said with a smile.

"Well, it's okay, mother, I have a mission tomorrow afternoon, and I still have plenty of time."

Rino Yamanaka nodded, got up from the counter and went upstairs.Ino took advantage of the opportunity and sat down in front of the chair, found a book and read it absent-mindedly.

The store was a little quiet, and she stared at a line of words in the book, a little lost in thought.

After the camp day, nothing seemed to have changed.Iruka gave an excellent evaluation on almost everyone's assessment record, except Naruto.

She regretted being impulsive that day, but after thinking about it carefully later, there was no need to say those unnecessary words at all.

The career risk of ninja is too high. The more expectations you give, the worse things will happen.There is still a long time to come, and no one knows what the future will hold.

But the words spoken are like water poured out, which cannot be taken back.

Thinking of what happened that day, Ino couldn't help but sigh.At that time, the direction of the matter was completely out of her control, and some words were said directly without thinking about it.

Jingling, the store door was opened.

"Welcome." Ino raised his head and stopped in the middle of his words.

The nights in late autumn are still cool, and people tend to become lazy.With a creak, the door of the flower shop in the mountains was pushed open, and the noise from the street outside suddenly poured into the shop.

Ino looked at the person with complicated eyes. The person had messy blond hair, was wearing loose white short-sleeves, and casually put on a pair of trousers. He didn't wear a forehead protector, revealing his smooth forehead.

Holding a food box in his hand, he has long arms and legs, and he has really grown very fast recently.Walking but not fully, the blue eyes hidden under the blond hair slowly fixed on Ino's face.

Then his pupils shrank slightly, and he smiled reassuringly.

Under the bright yellow light, Ino couldn't help but wanted to laugh too, but he was still tense.She pushed the book in front of her forward, her mouth slightly deflated, and she said angrily.

"Don't stay here without buying flowers."

"Buy it." Naruto leaned over, put the food box on the counter, lazily found a high chair and sat opposite Ino, "I'll buy whichever one you like."

"I like all of them."

"I bought them all."

"Cut." Ino muttered, "I've seen too many flowers, it doesn't make sense for you to give me anything, so don't waste your time trying to persuade you."

"Then let's get some food." Naruto said.

Ino cast a slanted glance at him, leaned against the counter with his head half propped up, and glanced at Naruto.He looked out of the window again, and finally moved his gaze back, pausing for two seconds on the food box.

"what is that?"

"I just came back from a mission, and I haven't eaten yet. I brought you something to eat, and I'll eat some by the way." Naruto told the truth without blinking his eyes.

"Shouldn't you say that this is specially brought for me?" Ino frowned, looking dissatisfied with his attitude, "Although you say that, I will feel a little disgusted."

"But your truth sounds more infuriating."

"I'm hungry." Naruto said, "If you say that, you will definitely not let me eat on purpose. Maybe you have already eaten, but you will still forcefully finish it."

"Hmph, you think too badly of me." Ino turned his head and said proudly, "Sorry, I have no appetite at all now."

"it is good."

Naruto sat directly opposite Ino, slowly opened the food box, and began to place a plate of vegetables, soup, and fruit on the counter.

"It's too simple to eat." Ino picked up the book again, sat back on his seat, and said casually, "It seems like a meal made in a hurry."

"This is already the limit of cooking." Naruto didn't eat directly, looked at Ino and asked, "But... I suddenly want to know Ino's evaluation of this dish."

"Is this a hint to let me take a bite?"

"Not really, if you can taste it by taking a sip, it doesn't have to be so troublesome."

"Your reason is too far-fetched. If that's the case, I won't eat a single bite." Ino scanned the page many times without reading a single word.

"Actually, I don't care about your opinion, Ino, I just want to give you a bite, so I can find a reason to take advantage of it."

"Pervert!" Ino only showed a pair of eyes from the top of the book, showing contempt, "I'm thinking about something."

"Maid costume."

"Go to hell!" Ino threw the book over with a clatter, his face flushed immediately, "My mother is still upstairs, you'd better not say anything strange."

"Okay." Naruto said hesitantly.

Seeing Naruto's slightly threatening, yet pretending to be sincere, he immediately became angry.He stepped forward a few steps and twisted it on his waist.

Naruto seemed to have lost his sense of pain, picked up a piece of bacon and handed it over, and said with a smile.

"I was planning to go home and go straight to bed, but I suddenly wanted to see you, so I came here directly."


Ino nervously looked back towards the direction of the stairs on the second floor, approached with a frown, hesitated and bit off the bacon.Cheeks puffed slightly, then swallowed.

She lowered her voice and let go of the hand that was twisting the soft flesh around Naruto's waist.

"I don't want to see you at all! Pervert!"

"That's a pity. We almost fell in love with each other." Naruto lowered his head and began to eat by himself, as if he hadn't eaten in hundreds of years.

"Who would want to talk to you? Your words are too disgusting." Ino twisted his hands behind his back, "That day. What happened that day."

"When?" Naruto didn't lift his head.

"That day at the Ninja School's summer camp." Ino stammered, "I... said a lot of strange things about that day."

"Is there?" Naruto stopped his chopsticks, looked up at Ino, with laziness in his eyes, "What did you say? I thought you and Hinata were teaming up to tease me."

"It's not a tease, maybe it's because I didn't feel well in the rain, and I said some nonsense." Ino said in a low voice, and looked at Naruto again, changing the subject.

"lets change a topic."

(End of this chapter)

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