Chapter 168 Winter
"What?" He froze, his mind blank.

"Let's do strange things together." Sakura approached step by step.

"Wait a minute, it shouldn't be like this!" Naruto wanted to back up, but bumped into the back of the chair, and was pushed by Sakura to sit on the chair directly.

"Sakura, you."

Xiao Ying had already pressed over and stood in front of him, Ou Bai's arm stretched out to hold Naruto's hand.The hot and humid temperature came from the palm of the hand, and it felt slightly slippery to the touch.

"Since she has completely hidden, I also have the right to use my body." She said this, biting the pale little finger of the other hand.

"Remember me well."

Before Naruto could speak, Sakura and Naruto's fingers were intertwined and locked together.The cyan pupils stared at him, opened his lips, licked the tip of his index finger, and then bit down.

A tingling pain hit from the fingertips, Naruto's pupils dilated suddenly, and he woke up from the sinking.

"I don't think it's a good idea to do so."

He gently pushed Xiao Sakura away, as if he had never breathed before, he took a long breath, and his mind instantly became clear.

"You don't have to worry, I won't compete with Ino for the first position." Sakura dropped her arms, with a relaxed smile on her face, "I don't like this kind of emotion at all, so you don't have to worry."

"I just want to try it out, no one will know, just use it as a practice in advance."

"That won't work!"

Although Naruto's moral bottom line is relatively flexible, it is only for strangers.For his companions, he is more sincere, and this is not something that can be done.

But Sakura is now completely contrary to what she wants.

"Why?" Sakura was a little puzzled, "Do you still care about her more? But she has already hidden for Sasuke, do you still insist?"

"It has nothing to do with that," he said.

Naruto doesn't really care if Kuro Sakura will disappear or when.As long as she is Sakura, it doesn't matter if it's pink or black, it's just her companion Sakura.

People have troubles because they think too much.

Naruto only needs one size fits all, completely shielding all troubles.Sakura wanted to have a fun time, so she took her to see more interesting things.

Instead of watching her understand nothing and letting her go on like this.

In short, if Kuro Sakura can still communicate, the situation is fine.In the next time, it will be fine to run in slowly, and guide it on the path of a normal and reliable companion.

"Why? If you agree, I can help Ino, although I'm too busy with work now to get in touch with her." Sakura said with a smile.

"But I can reach out."

"It's really unnecessary." Naruto took a deep breath and said calmly, "I don't think your proposal is outrageous, because I'm not a good person either."

"But this kind of thing is not a simple attempt. You are right, I just need to agree. I can accompany you to try without psychological pressure, and there will be no loss."

"To be honest, this has nothing to do with Sasuke. Sasuke chose his own path, and I will not go to him and let him go. It may be because of this, Sakura was stimulated and hid, and you were able to control your body. "

"But these are not important. These are two different things. I hope you can live every day well. I don't know if you will disappear or when you will disappear."

"Before that, you were my most trusted companion. I will always remember you. When I die, I will engrave you on the tombstone. You will exist forever."

Mayflies live and die at night, and people have their own way of life in just a hundred years.

Sakura stood there without moving, and leaned against the edge of the table in silence for a long time. After about 5 minutes, she raised her head with a smile on her face.

"it is good."

Naruto left Konoha Hospital, at noon, the autumn sky was hanging in the air.

When he reached the edge of the hospital wall, he stopped and sat down weakly against the old wall.Hei Ying is getting more and more outrageous, almost unstable, who can stand it?

But thinking about it carefully, Kuro Sakura is actually quite pitiful.But he can't say that, everyone has their own destiny.

In short, Sakura's problem is considered to have a good start, and the reorganization of the seventh class will be a matter of course.

After returning home, Naruto collapsed directly on the sofa.

Kyuubi glanced at him, but didn't say anything.It knows that Naruto has a few days off, anyway, that guy usually lies down when he has nothing to do, and it has long been used to it.

During the strange holiday, Naruto lay down neatly for seven days.

Because of the reorganization of the seventh class, Tsunade did not delegate any more tasks to Naruto, and spared time for him to practice, because Jiraiya had already returned to the village.

on the rooftop.

"What is Xianju?" Naruto yawned and asked.

"Huh?" Jiraiya put away the binoculars, turned his head and glanced at him, "Tsunade has already told me, but it is not so easy to practice immortality."

"You have to lay a good foundation first, and then talk about fairy arts."

"It's not that I want to learn fairy art." Naruto poked his nose, and said with some disdain, "Master Tsunade forced me to learn it. If I can't learn it, I will go on a mission."

"You brat, you are picky about your skills. Do you know how many people want to worship Immortal Toad as their teacher? You still despise him."

"I don't care so much, in short, choose whichever is easier." Naruto said indifferently.

"However, lecherous fairy." Naruto raised his head, "You probably don't have much time to stay in the village, no matter how much you teach me."

"No, I just came back to supervise you to practice the Helix Pill." Zilai also waved his hand and said.

"Almost forgot, there are spiral pills." Naruto groaned, sitting cross-legged on the rooftop, "I haven't practiced since I came back from Baanchu Street."

"You little brat, don't you even have the slightest bit of shame?" Jiraiya tapped Naruto's head with a telescope, "How can you be an excellent ninja if you're so lazy?"

"Excellent? Ninja?" Naruto turned his head, squinted his eyes and glanced at Jiraiya, "Lustful ninja, right?"

"It's not big or small!" Zilai also muttered and put away the binoculars, then glanced at the women's bathhouse reluctantly, and said with a sigh.

"I won't be here for long. Uchiha Itachi's whereabouts are unknown. This time I only found an organization named Akatsuki. As for the others, I found nothing."

"After this winter, we still have to go out to collect information in the next spring."

"That's it." Naruto yawned, with a slightly bored expression on his face, "Then go find information, but if it's not necessary, don't take too many risks."

I didn't take it to heart, I laughed.

"I'm an immortal from Mount Miaomu, how could something happen? I've traveled around the world for decades and nothing happened, only relying on three things!"

"Drinking girls, shameless?" Naruto asked leisurely?
"What nonsense are you talking about? Naturally, be cautious, cautious!" Jilai also said, "Walking outside to collect information, if you are not careful, you will lose your life."

"Understood." Naruto looked lazy.

The sun is warming in late autumn, and the heat is no longer there. Time turns, and time flows like running water from the wooden stakes of daily practice.It rose from the steaming heat of the ramen shop and drifted into the distance.


In the blink of an eye, it is deep winter.

The sky was gray and it looked like it was going to snow again.

Naruto stood under the vermilion wall and green tiles, and under his feet was a layer of white snow that covered his feet.He grew taller and taller, and his face gradually took on the heroic spirit of a teenager.

His slightly thin body was standing in the cold wind, wearing black training clothes, as if waiting for someone.

Jiraiya's figure stepped out from the entrance of the alley, walked up to him, and said, "It's getting late, train early and come back early, I'm leaving the village tomorrow."

The cold wind is howling, and the temperature at night is more like freezing a person into a coffin.

"Why are you in such a hurry to go out?" Naruto was a little puzzled, "Seeing that the New Year Festival is coming soon, why don't you wait a few days before leaving?"

"What is there to wait for?" Zilai also looked up at the sky, then reached out and patted the little snowflake on the shoulder, with a hint of reprimand in his tone.

"The New Year's Festival is also a lonely family, and there is nothing to do. It just so happens that the Fengzhi Country Style Store has a New Year's Festival."

"Lustful Immortal, I suspect that you went out to have fun." Naruto complained mercilessly, "Can't wait for a New Year festival? It really is an old pervert."

"The village has new information, and the state of the Wind Country is in turmoil. It seems that the tailed orc Churiki kid is about to lose his position as Kazekage's heir, and now there seems to be a relatively large change."

Jiraiya's expression became serious, and he said in a low voice.

"The senior management of the village wanted to help the kid who had a crush on Konoha to succeed Kazekage, so they sent me to collect information and deal with the matter by the way. I have to go and have a look."

"This does not mean meddling in the internal affairs of other countries." Naruto raised his eyebrows slightly.

"What are you talking about? I was just collecting information in the past, and I am completely innocent." Jiraiya argued, "My Gaara's succession to the Kazekage is good for the people of the Land of Wind and the Land of Fire."

"At least in exchange for a period of peace between the two countries for decades or even hundreds of years, this is something worth doing."

"It's really boring, but since the lustful sage wants to do it, then go for it." Naruto said while holding his head, "I don't understand the meaning of ninja at all."

"You really are..." Zilai also collected himself, pointed at Naruto and said with a big laugh, "Where am I going, do I have to explain to you, a brat?"

"The world of adults is very boring, and you have to bear responsibilities wherever you go, so I won't take you there this time."

If you want to leave the Kingdom of the Wind with Renzhuli alone, you can still do it.After all, with Jiraiya's qualifications, even as an intelligence ninja, he is still a patriarch.

"It's up to you." Naruto shook his hand, "Then let's do the last training today, and let the lecherous fairy see what the perfect spiral pill is!"

 and also

(End of this chapter)

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