People are in Konoha, this Naruto lies flat

Chapter 193 The supporting villain is always ignored

Chapter 193 The supporting villain is always ignored
Naruto looked at the huge pile of banknotes held in front of his chest, and he was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses.

A few banknotes fell on the bathroom floor, and two bills stuck to one left and one right on Tayuya's wet face.The money he was holding was higher than her, the floor was wet and slippery, and he looked a little shaky.

That sentence, flowers for you, is still echoing in his mind.Naruto subconsciously wants to say that he is rich, he is indeed rich, Kado's money.

But at this moment, money is no longer money.

Naruto has money, but in fact money is of great use to him, but it can't carry much.Just because he has so much money doesn't mean he's rich.

Just like Tayuya can hold all of her in front of him to share with him, Naruto can also take out all of Kado's money, maybe the whole house can't fit.

But that's different because he doesn't care about the money.Compared with Tayuya, Naruto is barren at the moment, because he finds that he doesn't seem to have anything to cherish.

He was just secretly sharing the girls' summer and getting their precious things.

"Okay." Naruto nodded.

With a bang, he took all the money and scattered some of it in the air.Tayuya's pupils were slightly bright, reflecting the ceiling light in the bathroom and his face.

"I have money too, I can spend it for you," she said.

"Got it, got it." Naruto smiled, "Go take a shower first, I'll help you collect the money."

"Oh." Tayuya stomped a few more steps, and returned to the bathtub with a clatter.

Naruto packed up the money and took it out, and went downstairs to a toilet.On the way up the stairs, he suddenly realized a problem. In fact, Tayuya had nowhere to go.

Don't dare to meet Orochimaru, all teammates are dead.

She is now a child abandoned by the world, and what Orochimaru gave her is to use the curse seal to fight.Excessive use of the power of the curse seal will eventually be swallowed by the curse seal.

It's like monsters will go berserk in the end, and then be killed helplessly.

The next day.

Naruto originally planned to do the task, but after thinking about it, he didn't rush this day, and just handed the letter to the temple of fire.Master Lu Lu is still alive and well, there is no need to be so anxious.

"Where are you going?" Tayuya was wearing loose pajamas and looked at him suspiciously.

"Not going anywhere."

In the morning, the two went out together and wandered around the market town of Pamphlet Street.

Naruto found that Tayuya did not have a high pursuit of external things. She was clean every day and lived like an ordinary person.You can learn something by reading it once, and spending money is normal.

But she doesn't seem to be affected by external things.It was as if she was living through a screen, and the real her was shrunk in her little heart.

Seeing people crying and laughing on the street, her expression was indifferent.It was only when she saw a couple walking by holding hands that she quickly glanced at Naruto.

She seems to have difficulty understanding other people's emotions, so most of the time she chooses to ignore them.There is no problem if you don't see it, and there is no problem if you ignore the problem itself.

Where the crowds gather, there are small open-air performances.

"What's that?" Tayuya asked.

"Well, let's perform, it's about a lover's story, probably." Naruto was also not sure, squinting his eyes and looking at the stage.

Crowded market town, lively stage performances.Amidst the din of voices, the actors with exaggerated makeup worked hard to perform, as if they wanted to portray the characters thoroughly.

But the script is obviously a little bad, even though the villain has worked very hard, his expression is almost grim.But the development of the script never follows the actors, Patta, the bad guy dies, and the good guy has a perfect ending.

"Well, the play should be that the princess of the small country was hijacked by bad guys, so decent guys took action." Naruto explained, afraid that Tayu would feel bored, so he added another sentence.

"Let's go, it's not pretty anyway."

"That person is a bit pitiful." Duoyuya suddenly stretched out his finger and pointed to the supporting actor who left silently on the stage, "No one looked at him, so he died like this."

Naruto was slightly stunned, and looked at the supporting character who had only been on the scene for 2 minutes.I thought to myself, did this person really appear just now?
Probably no one will pay attention to a villain's little guy, there won't even be lines, there won't be a background story.Anyway, standing in the villain's camp is full of evil, and no one wants to know the story of a supporting villain.

If you stand in the protagonist group, the supporting roles still have the meaning of dedicating their lives to exaggerate the atmosphere.But the villain's supporting role is something as low as dust, and it's just a make-up in the world.

"Let's play a supporting role." Naruto said carefully, "He was killed immediately, so no one paid attention, so he had to end in a hurry."

"In your eyes, am I the same?" She pointed to the supporting characters who had changed their costumes offstage.

"No." Naruto said seriously.

"I don't know what happened before. Konoha will definitely not accept you, but I don't plan to stay in Konoha forever. You don't need to think so much, anyway, I won't abandon you."

This passage was straightforward enough, Tayu stared at him for a while, then nodded and hummed.

The relationship between the two will last forever, so he held the girl's hand and led her through the lively streets.Through the cold alleys, we arrived at the other end of the market town.

There is no sea here, night falls, and the open plains are covered with night.

"I'm very happy today. It's the first time I'm so happy." She said suddenly, with a cautious smile on her face, "But I'm a little nervous, and I don't understand many things."

"You know more than me, and I also know that you treat me well, so spend the money for me." Duoyou also looked at him, with a look of loneliness in his eyes.

"But I have nothing but money. I can't read dramas and I know what to do on a date. I saw them playing and I want to be with you. But I'm afraid I can't. In fact, I'm still very smart and can learn everything quickly. But today I'm very stupid. I can't turn my head around, and I don't know what to say."

"You're not perfunctory to me, patiently explaining various things to me, but it's hard for me to understand. I haven't played it or seen it. Those things are more difficult than the tasks I've done."

"I put on my best clothes and I screwed up everything. I feel like I'm out of touch with everything, I can't fit in that life, you've been walking with me all day for sure"

Tears welled up in Tayuya's eyes. She tried to ignore all problems, but she failed.She couldn't help but care about what Naruto thought of her, and if she didn't think about it, she would become more anxious.

"I feel very happy. I wasn't such an interesting person at first." Naruto put a hand on Tayuya's face, "You are already very good-looking, and doing anything with you will be interesting."

Tayuya looked at him, but didn't cry after all.With a skeptical smile on his face, he asked.


"Of course it's true. As long as I'm with you, I won't be bored even if I walk for a day," he said.

"It's not that boring, is it?" she asked muttering.


After another two days, Naruto was ready to leave for the Temple of Fire to deliver the letter.

Tayuya made breakfast almost early in the morning, and Naruto was a little surprised to see a rich breakfast after washing up.

"Isn't there a sale on the street?"

"It's kind of expensive," she replied.

Naruto blinked, and there seemed to be auditory hallucinations in his ears again, and Tayuya said, "My money!"

In the past two days, the two of them have walked all the places nearby, all because Naruto said that walking with you for a day will not be boring.So, the two walked for two days.

He wasn't bored, but was a little tired.

This kind of dating is too hard-core. If it weren't for the deadline for the task, it is estimated that this situation will last for a few more days.

"I'm leaving." Naruto had already reached the door, and suddenly found Tayuya hiding behind the sofa and looking at him, with only one head showing, "What's wrong?"

Duoyou made an awkward ah, then stood up directly, moved to the door in small steps, turned his head to one side and whispered.

"Be careful out there, Master."

"What?" Naruto Yama was stunned.

Before he had time to recollect, Tayuya pushed him out of the door, and the door closed with a bang.Naruto was stunned outside the door for a moment, and subconsciously touched the key in his pocket.

But after thinking about it, he left.

In the living room, Tayuya was rolling on the sofa in shame!no!It's too shameful not to give him money!Give a little less.

Temple of Fire.

Naruto met Master Ji Lu and delivered the letter smoothly.

Di Lu has peaceful eyebrows and handsome appearance, and his whole person exudes a sense of restraint of a well-educated monk.The monks all around called Di Lu Master Di Lu, with respectful expressions.

"The Temple of Fire is so big." Naruto said with emotion, raised his head and quickly glanced at the huge Buddha statue in the hall.It was a ferocious-looking Buddha, and dozens of disciples sat cross-legged there to meditate and practice.

Di Lu stood there in a thin monk robe, with a peaceful smile on his face.

"After all, it is the Ninja Temple of the Land of Fire. It has some poor names, and the incense is more prosperous."

"Master Dilu is famous outside, right?" Naruto said with a smile, "It is also very hard for Master Dilu to run this temple like this. After all, fame is a double-edged sword."

Di Lu's lips closed slightly, and he nodded with a smile in his eyes.

"Practice, there is no such thing as hard work, and running a temple is just a duty."

"The master sees it clearly." Naruto could feel the kindness of Zhongzheng peace coming from the other party's words, so he couldn't help reminding him.

"Master Lu should be careful."

Before he finished speaking, Di Lu suddenly interrupted him.

"Since Tsunade-sama's letter has been delivered, why don't you invite Naruto-sama to have tea in the apse. The tea in the Temple of Fire is more famous than me."

Naruto opened his mouth, knowing that Ji Lu had something to say.

"it is good."

(End of this chapter)

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