People are in Konoha, this Naruto lies flat

Chapter 203 The Art of Persecution Bringing Earth Reappears, the Root of All Evil

Chapter 203 The Art of Persecution Bringing Earth Reappears, the Root of All Evil

Kyuubi lay on Naruto's shoulder, humming and wanting to drink, but when he turned around, he saw that the human owner was frowning and giggling.

It was inconvenient to speak, so it slapped Naruto's neck with its tail and cast a disdainful look.The meaning is self-evident, taking the wrong medicine?What are you crazy about?

Naruto felt itchy on his neck, and when he turned his head, he saw Kyuubi's sullen eyes.Without any explanation, he pulled it off his neck and held it in his hand.

Jiuwei's eyes were full of anger, and his four short legs were dangling in the air.

bold!This human is really damned!
After rushing for a day and a night, the team finally stopped at the border of the Land of Fire.In front of you is a long strip of plains, and to the west is the Valley of the End.

Looking at the long plain like a sock, the heat visible to the naked eye is dense.The half-person-high yellow grass obscured part of the line of sight, and the air above the plain was scorching hot and almost distorted.

Inuzuka squatted on the top of a tall tree branch in the front, while fanning his neck, stretched his neck and looked at the distant terrain, and he was about to cross the border.

Zhi Nao stood in the shade, huddled in the windbreaker, wearing round black sunglasses.He doesn't seem to like the hot weather, hiding in the shade like an insect.

On the left hand side, there are small black bugs one after another, just like ants, lined up and drilled out of his body.And in the sleeve of the right hand, there are also rows of black bugs going out row by row.

It was probably investigating, or getting familiar with the environment in advance.

Neji replaced Hinata's investigation task, opened his white eyes, and looked across the plain to a place farther away.The rest of the people rested obediently and organized their equipment.

Logically speaking, this kind of task should be performed by a more experienced jounin.But once Jonin led the team, the nature of the mission changed completely.

Konoha chose to activate the Ninja Class for better wrangling, since it was just picking up people at the border of the Land of Fire anyway.No matter how rampant the opponent is, it is impossible to chase into the territory of the Fire Kingdom.

"We'll just wait here." Shikamaru said, "What happened in Hidden Sand Village has nothing to do with us, as long as we get the mission target back to Konoha."

"If the people from Sand Hidden Village catch up, don't bother to fight, delay for a while and run quickly."

Saying that, Shikamaru glanced at Naruto who was playing around with a fat dog, and couldn't help showing a worried expression.Before setting off, he once asked Tsunade, what if I love Luo Tai beast?
Tsunade said irresponsibly, "Let Uzumaki Naruto solve it, he has a solution."

Does he really have a solution?
Shikamaru didn't know, he was just naturally worried.He knew Naruto's temperament in the past, and after graduating from Ninja School, he rarely interacted with each other.

It's not that the relationship has weakened, it's just that there is a thick barrier between the two.Talking and chatting are all normal, but too normal.

It's like a dirty kid who ran around the village wearing goggles grew up overnight, no longer mentioning Sakura, and no longer shouting all day long to surpass Hokage and become the greatest in this village ninja.

He was still ignorant and maverick, but when he turned his head, he saw that Naruto seemed to have touched the tombstone of youth, and his whole figure seemed to have grown into a teenager immediately.

It was as if he had given up on the fresh and bright boy he once was, and buried himself in a mud pit filled with rainwater with his own hands, and then another himself crawled out of the grave.

They call this growth, but Shikamaru doesn't think so, it's like a different person.Except that the body and memory have not changed, the soul seems to have changed.

A mud boy who was clamoring for disobedience all day and came to fight, suddenly said one day, "I have a backer, try it yourself, your house will be on fire tonight!"

Thinking about it, who can be cruel to him, even someone who can strangle him to death with his own hands.

"Shikamaru, someone is coming." Zhi Nai walked over, his whole body still stopped in the yin-yang line drawn by the sun, "Many people, there are waves at the front and back, they should be the mission target."

"There is still a valley about five kilometers away. It's them, and the pursuers are very tight." Ning Ci's voice sounded, "Do you want to help? Or continue to wait here?"

"There are fighting sounds!" Inuzuka Ya jumped down from the tree, his hearing is more than a hundred times that of ordinary people, "It's too late, I've already handed it over."

There are many explanations for the lack of time. The lack of time that Inuzuka Ya said was not too late to support, but that he could no longer hesitate.If you don't support it, it's really too late.

"Do it." Shikamaru said as soon as it was broken.

"Understood." Inuzuka Fang has already galloped out, with a happy expression on his face, behind him is Shino who is controlling the parasite, he needs to make arrangements at the first time so as to better break the rear.

Xiao Li and Ning Ci tacitly rushed from the other direction every day to ensure that there was no ambush ahead.The tenth squad followed up, and the three squads formed a triangle formation, approaching the valley five kilometers away like a falcon through the wind.

Naruto was still at the rear, and Sakura followed quietly.

He glanced at Sakura, but didn't realize that something was wrong, and the latter turned her head to look at him.

"Can you keep up?" He asked casually, a little embarrassed.


Temari panicked, with blood on his face.

It took a year for Gaara to finally gain the trust of most of the top management.But there are still some high-level executives who are unwilling to admit Gaara, let alone accept Gaara's nomination for Kazekage.

What the teacher meant was to take advantage of this opportunity to remove all those high-level officials. Anyway, after Gaara took office, those things will be done sooner or later.

Teju thought about it and agreed, but he didn't expect the opponent's counterattack to come so quickly.They arrested Gaara's new disciple and designed to force Gaara to turn into a beast.

Gaara lost 34 lives overnight, and all the unfavorable evidence points to Gaara.Some high-level people began to waver and were in a state of sway again.

Gaara wants to prove her innocence, but their teacher, Maki, tells them to leave Sand Hidden Village first. The lives of 34 villagers cannot be explained clearly with just one mouth.

In the past, Gaara also lost control when she was a child, but at that time, it was under the acquiescence of the higher-ups that the big incident was reduced to a small one. After all, Jinzhuli was young and could not suppress the tailed beast very well.

But now the direction of things is out of her control, and Gaara and Kankuro were also injured in the battle.

How to do?
"Temari, they're catching up." Kankuro, who was on his way, asked, "How far is this from the meeting place we agreed with Konoha?"

"It's very close! Hold on." Temari supported the weak Gaara, gritted his teeth and said, "Konoha's ninja should have arrived, we are almost safe."

"Konoha's ninja." Kankuro raised his head, "It's all because of that damn Uchiha Sasuke who broke my puppet. I haven't found a suitable puppet for a year."

"I'll see him later, I have to fight him again."

"Uchiha Sasuke has defected and is no longer Konoha's ninja." Temari said, looking back, she is panicking now and needs to keep talking to calm her heart.

"Really?" Kankuro's voice was also trembling, and the sound of a shuriken breaking through behind him, he tilted his head to avoid the sharp shuriken, "See you next time, I still have to kill that Kundan."

A few figures fell rustlingly in front of the three siblings, blocking their way. On both sides of the tall valley stood about [-] ninjas from Shayin Village.

Above the valley, the sun hung high.

Chunin in khaki vest uniform stopped them, and three jonin came out from the front and back lines, blocking the front and back paths of Temari and Kankuro respectively.

They wore sand-covered forehead protectors on their heads, and white anti-sand cloth strips hung on both sides of their ears. Facing the tailed beast that might wake up and run away at any time, their faces could not help but be dignified.

"Inchuriki doesn't look like he's awake yet?" One of the sand-colored ninjas asked pretendingly, with dark skin and sunken cheeks, like a brown shoehorn.

"Maybe I was injured, probably because I lost control and hurt the main body." The other jonin was not tall, with a contemptuous smile on his face.

"You don't want to go any further." Another female jōnin looked down at the three siblings who were surrounded by pincers in the valley, "The frontier is the border of the Kingdom of Wind, don't you want to defect with Renzhuli?"

"Less at least one bite, he is my younger brother." With a sullen face, Temari pulled out the three-star fan from behind, clenched his hand slightly, and all the three stars on the fan surface were exposed.

"Planting and framing, you guys are better at it!" Kankuro took off the puppet from his back. It seemed that he was not very satisfied, but he still took off the bandage on the puppet.

"Four more children went missing last night, which happened to coincide with Gaara's disappearance." Female Kami Shinobu didn't look very good-looking, "Maybe they were swallowed by him."

"How can such a monster be worthy of Kazekage?"

"You guys are talking nonsense!" Temari shouted, biting his teeth, "It is impossible for Gaara to do such a thing. You don't even need to find evidence to frame it! Are you just talking nonsense with just one mouth!"

"Evidence?" The brown-faced middle-aged ninja sneered, "The matter is already obvious, what more evidence is needed, the person who should present the evidence should be that monster."

"Who knows how many children he swallowed. Although it is understandable that he was out of control, he should at least be supervised by the village."

"Shut up!" Teju became angry, and a fan raged over.

With a bang, the side of the valley exploded suddenly, and rocks crashed down.At that moment, Temari's pupils dilated slightly, and he sensed something was wrong.

With the three Jonin leading the team, there is no reason why they can't keep up with themselves.The only possibility is that they deliberately drove themselves and Kankuro into this valley.

"You are not trying to arrest us at all!" Temari raised his head and glared at the Jonin on both sides, "Damn it, you are here to silence us!"

"Oh? Finally found out?"

"His Royal Highness seems to be a little dull, but it doesn't matter, you will soon be no longer the princess." The little man smiled like a grandson.

"There are ninjas from Konoha in front of you to support you, right?" Nv Shangren said with a cold face, "You don't even know the news leaked, you are really naive."


"Why are you talking nonsense with them? Let's do it quickly, their death can be left on Konoha." Tall sand-faced Shinobi with a shoehorn and a brown face threw out a shuriken.

Temari understood that it was meaningless to continue talking, so he directly wiped the blood on the fan with his hands, psychic sickle Itachi.

A fan passed by, and suddenly there was a strong wind, facing the valleys on both sides.Kamaitachi cut the air and made a piercing friction sound, layers of air exploded, and all the shurikens in the sky were blown away.

"Earth escape! The rock house collapsed!"

A group of Sha Yin Zhongren, together with the top ninja, resorted to the rock house collapse.This is a B-level long-, middle-, and near-three-range attack ninjutsu, and its effect is used to cause landslides.

This is the ninjutsu that Iwagakure ninjas love, and it is also the ninjutsu that Obito suffers from.Most of the time, the rock hidden ninja will lead people into the cave and take the opportunity to launch the rock house to collapse and bury the opponent alive.

The sand hidden ninja learned this technique during the war, but due to the lack of caves, it gradually became a tasteless ninjutsu, but the valley in front of him is an excellent burial place.

 It's still there today, like in the early morning

(End of this chapter)

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