People are in Konoha, this Naruto lies flat

Chapter 221 What are you guys?

Chapter 221 What are you guys?

"You're not..." As soon as the consultant Mito Menyan said that, he immediately realized something was wrong.

"This kind of occasion is not a place for you to talk nonsense." Mitomon Yan didn't speak aggressively, but Tsunade almost tore his face with them for a high-level seat.

So much so that even an old consultant like Mitomonyan, when he saw a young man sitting in a high-level position, he couldn't help but get angry.

Is this where you play around?What nonsense!

Tsunade was also taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at Naruto, not knowing why he was going crazy.She just wanted to pull Naruto to show up at the meeting, and by the way, stabilize his position.

After Naruto said that, he sat there unhurriedly, but also patiently.

It wasn't until Mitomonyan couldn't bear it and wanted to reprimand again that he opened his mouth.As if on purpose, he interrupted the old consultant again.

"I'm not kidding, Nine Tails ran away."

"What ran away?" A high-level person asked.

"Nine Tails." Naruto reiterated again, "The Tailed Beast Nine Tails is gone now. Don't ask me where I went, anyway, it's not in my body."

The meeting room was quiet for a moment, and then it became noisy again in an instant.

"Didn't Ninja School teach you what is honesty? Everyone here is high-level, so stop joking around here." A high-level person who had never met before said.

The seat at the back should be the person in charge of a certain department.

The level of this meeting is not high, and some of the people here are not really high-level, but they also have real power in their hands.They either stand in teams and hide together, or learn to be neutral as advisors.

Naruto suddenly understood that it didn't matter to them whether he was a high-ranking person or not, because he was Jinjuriki.Injuriki wears the skin of a high-level person, and is always still Injuriki.

He looked at Tsunade, and Tsunade was also looking at him, his brows were tightly frowned, but he didn't ask any questions.

"To shut up!"

Naruto was a little annoyed, and he didn't care how many high-ranking consultants were sitting here. He knocked on the table and said, "One mouthful, one manjuriki, what nonsense are you talking about."

"Is that enough! Do I have to make up a lie?"

"As I said, Nine-Tails has untied the seal and ran away! Can you understand human language? Run away."

Seeing that Naruto got angry, the eyes of all the bosses present did not fluctuate.They looked at each other, and then fixed their eyes on the four high-level officials.

Danzo, Zhuanju Koharu, Mitomon Yan, and Fifth Hokage.Konoha's high-level square formation is superior to everyone in Konoha.

"Uzumaki Naruto." Tsunade finally spoke, as the Fifth Hokage, she had to stand up.


Naruto seemed to have calmed down a bit, but in fact he didn't even have any anger in his eyes when he was angry, it was just a show.

He had long looked down upon the identity of Renzhuli, and he had already had an answer to the question of why so many people chose him.

Responsibility and fate are all nonsense.

He is unlucky, the fourth generation is dead, and there is no resource to support him.Once Tsunade and Jiraiya came, the treatment was completely different. He is now a high-level Uzumaki Naruto.

There is nothing to restrain, Jiraiya and Tsunade are still there, can Danzo attack him?The answer is obvious.

Tsunade stared at Naruto, with the words "unhappy" written brightly on his face.She realized that Naruto had been hiding from her all this time, and her first thought was Jiraiya, does that old soul know?

"Is Nine Tails really not in your body?" She asked.

"Not here." Naruto pulled out the soft chair and stood up, pulling off the clothes on his belly, "The four-element seal is gone, it can't be faked."

"My teacher has also confirmed that Kyuubi has left."

Tsunade didn't respond, and leaned back in his seat.Even though she still had doubts in her heart, she was not in such a hurry after hearing that Zilai had confirmed it.

But right now the Konoha executives in the conference room are not as calm as she is. The disappearance of the tailed beast directly caused them to explode.

"How is it possible? How could the tailed beast disappear inexplicably? You must have done something!"

"Yeah, it's impossible for Jinjuriki to survive without the Tailed Beast alone. It's not that simple! I think Anbu should investigate this matter in detail and figure out the ins and outs of the matter." One person echoed.

"It makes sense. The current situation is weird, and we can't draw any conclusions for the time being. After all, the tailed orc Zhuli relies on the power of the tailed beast, and they are interdependent and co-existing. It is impossible to survive independently."

"Why is this kind of thing happening right now? So what if we find out, who can catch Nine Tails back. If there is a big fight, other villages will also notice. I suggest that the news be blocked before a thorough investigation."

"Where is it so easy to block the news? Is it useful to wait? The tailed beast can't come back. The most important thing is to strengthen the defense. The tailed beastman Zhuli of Sand Hidden Village has gone back."

Everyone was discussing in one go, but Zhuanzhu Xiaochun and Mito Menyan frowned and remained silent.Danzo sat in his seat with a gloomy expression but did not move.

Finally, Danzo couldn't help but speak, staring at him and asking.

"Do you know what you're talking about? Naruto Uzumaki."

Following Danzang's speech, suddenly, the entire conference room fell silent.Konoha is respectful and orderly, and the higher-ups at the bottom can only be respectful to Danzo.

"I know, Kyuubi has escaped." Naruto said.

He supplemented his nutrition for more than a year, and immediately grew a lot taller, and his height directly approached 1.7 meters, which is considered to be relatively fast among his peers.

Standing there, his expression was not as nervous as that of ordinary teenagers.

"Nonsense! Don't think that your indifferent appearance is great." Danzo looked at him with cloudy eyes, "This is a major matter related to the interests of the village, and you are also responsible."

"If you are still a ninja of Konoha, put away your arrogance and explain the whole story clearly. You probably don't know what you are doing now. The tailed beast is very important to the safety of the village. effect."

"What does it have to do with me?" Naruto pulled away the chair, sat down with a sullen face, and looked at Danzo from a distance, "Responsible? You ask me to be responsible?"


"Because you are Churiki the tailed orc, and Konoha's ninja!" Zhuanzhu Xiaochun couldn't bear it, and reprimanded slightly angrily.

Tsunade couldn't stand it anymore, and knocked on the table.

"He's still a kid."

"Child?" Mitomon Yan also came off, and the thought of giving up Konoha's seat made him feel like a fool who was fooled.

Obviously, he was forced to compromise and sell a seat in exchange for correcting Da Guangming's request that Renzhuli contribute to the development of the village tail beast.If you disagree with normality at the beginning, you will gradually compromise.

But now?Compromise what!Kyuubi is gone, development?What else is there to develop, Konoha not only has to guard against the Nine-Tails attack at any time, but also does everything possible to block the news.

But even so, paper cannot contain fire, and things will leak sooner or later.At that time, Konoha will only be passive under the attack of the other four major ninja villages.

If one fails, Sand Yin, who has just signed a friendly agreement with Konoha, will also make a fuss.

The more he thought about it, the worse Mitomon's mood became.And Tsunade's words that he was still a child completely ignited his anger, you call a tailed orc Churiki a child?
"Findaimu, where do you put the interests of the village? There are more children in the village. If Konoha is caught in a war, the fate of those children will be even more miserable."

Mito Menyan said with a serious expression, "Yunyin Village has always been restless, and Yanyin Village is also targeting Konoha. The war is not just talk, it may become a reality at any time."

The atmosphere in the conference room suddenly became tense, and Danzo's face was sullen.Several people seem to be holding Naruto accountable, but they are actually putting pressure on Tsunade.


Naruto's abrupt laughter broke the low-pressure atmosphere, immediately displeased Mitomon Yan.

"why are you laughing?"

"What am I laughing at?" Naruto asked back with a look of astonishment, "What do you think I am laughing at? I am laughing at the lack of wisdom and incompetence of everyone here."

"What did you say?" Mitomon Yan's patience was also limited.

"Isn't what I said clear enough?" Naruto said after glancing around, "Is Konoha decayed to this point? Mere Kyuubi disappeared, as if Konoha was about to collapse."

"The purpose of capturing Kyuubi in the first generation was to suppress the seal, but what about now? Kyuubi is out of control and you can't suppress it. In the end, you have to blame Jinjuriki."

"Since Konoha can't hold Nine Tails, wouldn't it be better to leave? What's the benefit of keeping it? It's hard to say why it's for the villagers of Konoha."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Zhuanzhu Xiaochun asked with a serious face.

"I'm not talking nonsense." Naruto's attitude became tougher, and he glanced at Tsunade by the way, but Tsunade didn't look at him, so he continued.

"I've wanted to say this for a long time, whoever this Jinchuriki loves will be whoever he loves. If you have the ability, you can capture Kyuubi and find another Jinchuriki. Or give it a try, can you let me bow my head?"

"Kill me if you have the courage, don't fool me like a child. Aren't you very good at killing heroes? Try again and tell everyone in Konoha that this is what happens to Konoha heroes, and this is what happens to Konoha heroes' descendants .”

Naruto stared straight at Danzo and the two advisors, "I don't understand, why should I be kind and make sacrifices?"

"You are just doing what you think is right, and it has nothing to do with the life and death of Renjuriki. One mouthful of Renjuriki, who is Renjuriki?"

The more he talked, the more he got angry, the thick fiery red chakra appeared behind Naruto, and the phantom of a fiery red fox emerged.Immediately, everyone in the conference room stood up suddenly.

Damn it, it's Nine Tails!

Only Naruto and the four senior executives were still sitting with serious faces.

"Don't be surprised, Kyuubi ran away, but it doesn't mean I can't use my power." He said in a deep voice, "You are afraid of Kyuubi, I am not afraid, I can do what you can't do."

"One mouthful and one person's strength, what are you guys?"

(End of this chapter)

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