People are in Konoha, this Naruto lies flat

Chapter 231 You Can't Indulge With Them! 4 elephant seals!

Chapter 231 You Can't Indulge With Them!Four Elephant Seals!
There was a knock on the bathroom door, and the sound of fireworks.

"Sister, are you in there?"

"Ah?" Hinata's heart skipped a beat, silently thinking about something on her mind, as if someone had suddenly seen through her mind, "Yes, what's wrong?"

"It's okay, do you have a mission tomorrow? I want to go shopping with my sister."

"No, I'll come right away." Hinata propped up her body and fell into the water again, "That... Hanabi, you'd better wait for me."

"what happened?"

"It takes time to take a shower."

Although Huahuo outside the bathroom was puzzled, he didn't say anything. He looked down at the upper of the shoe and hummed.

Hinata blushed, sighed softly, and sank silently into the water, bubbling and bubbling.

"Ah! It's comfortable!" Naruto surfaced and spit out a mouthful of water, surrounded by rushing water, "Lust, bathing in the river isn't dangerous, is it?"

Mount Miaomu, the stars are flat and wild.

Zilai also curled his lips in the water, "You have so many demands, and there are no women here, so why take a bath? Why bother with the external image?"

"How good is it to have this little time to squeeze out to practice?"

"Didn't you practice during the day?" Naruto swam ashore wet, hung the pendulum to that station, tilted his head and flicked the water in his ears.

Zilai also rolled his eyes, "Didn't you still eat during the day? Aren't you also hungry at night?"

"Don't mention what I ate at noon, I'm sick to my stomach." Naruto said while putting on his clothes, "It's all bugs! Swallow it hard!"

"That still has to be eaten." Zilai also went ashore, put on his clothes and said seriously, "Who told you to practice fairy arts?"

Starry night sky.

Naruto lay down on the grass on the river slope, looked at the starry sky and complained.

"Then you can't eat bugs. Besides, didn't you fail in the practice during the day? All the natural energy inhaled into the body has been discharged, and there is no other way."

"What nonsense?" Ji Lai also sat next to him, and said unwillingly, "Try again tomorrow and see if we can find the problem."

Naruto turned his eyes slightly, and glanced at Jiraiya.


"Really, you kid should show some energy! Damn it!" Ji Lai also got angry, "Is it me or you who wants to learn fairy arts?"

"That can't be helped." Naruto explained lazily, "I said long ago that I am not compatible with natural energy, do you believe me now?"

"What a mess!" Jiraiya sat up, took out his notebook and began to conceive the novel.

Naruto glanced at it calmly, and asked pretending not to care.

"Hey, lecherous fairy, I see that your manuscript is quite thick, is it almost finished?"

"What? Are you interested too?" Ji Lai also paused his pen, turned around and asked, "Didn't you always say that what I wrote was boring?"

"It's Kakashi-sensei. He likes your book very much. He has helped a lot. If you finish writing it, I'm thinking whether to send him two unreleased copies of Intimate Paradise."

"Oh, it's Kakashi, it's okay." Jiraiya said casually, "It's about the same, it may take a while, if there are two books, I still didn't ask why two books?"

The next day.

Immortal Fusaku stood in front of Hamayou Waterfall holding an iron rod, and the waterfall kept crashing like thunder.Jilai also looked serious, standing aside and watching.

"That's toad oil. Applying it on the body can attract natural energy to penetrate into the body." Fukasaku Immortal dipped a finger in the toad oil, and applied it on the back of Naruto's hand in circular motions.

"Didn't you try it yesterday?" Naruto felt a little helpless, feeling the natural energy entering the back of his hand, and then being ejected with a soft bang.

"What's going on?" Jiraiya stepped forward, holding the back of Naruto's hand and looking over and over again, "It's weird, it stands to reason that the most absorbed natural energy will become a frog's hand."

"How did it pop up? I've never seen anything like this before."

"Try again." Fukasaku Sento said, "Maybe it was just an accident just now, try painting other places."

Hearing this, Naruto rolled his eyes.

At the same time, he thought to himself, this might have something to do with the erasure of Asura Chakra.After all, he no longer has the influence of Asura in his body, and the corresponding degree of fit with natural energy has basically returned to zero.

Failure is not difficult to understand. As for the rebound, he doesn't know it himself, and he doesn't bother to think about it.

Without the influence of Asura Chakra, it made him feel at ease.No matter how much the Immortal of the Six Paths fooled him, he was still a big boy, a stranger like him.

Probably the biggest difference is that Naruto comes from a higher dimensional world.

Immortal art is precious, but there is no way if you can't practice it.This is the price. As the price of soul wear, everything he has now is basically given by the system.

"Failed." Fukasaku shook his head, looked at Jiraiya, "Little Ziraiya, do you see any problems?"

"No." Jiraiya also had a look of frustration.

On the contrary, the person involved, Naruto, was more optimistic, comforting Fukasaku Senjin and Jiraiya.

"It's okay, maybe it's because I don't have that qualification."

He had already been mentally prepared, and felt relieved when he knew the result.System aside, he turns out to be just a normal ninja, which is fine.

Jiraiya looked at Naruto and was speechless, "Without celestial arts, how can you face the Akatsuki organization? Just one Uchiha Itachi is enough for you."

Hearing this, Naruto thought about it carefully and said, "I know the sealing technique."

"When did you learn the sealing technique?" Jiraiya was stunned, and turned to look at Naruto, "You mean the sealing technique?"

"Yeah." Naruto nodded.

"After the destruction of the Uzumaki Clan, the existing sealing techniques are very rare." Immortal Fukasaku said with emotion, "If it's an ordinary sealing technique, it's better to learn the immortal technique."

"Even if you can't find the problem now, don't worry too much." It said with its hands behind its back, "Little Zilai, you two can live in Miaomu Mountain at ease, and you can practice as long as you want."

"Food is enough!"

"What?" Naruto gasped, immediately recalling the fear of being dominated by a feast of bugs.

Those white and fat worms, with their green juices, suddenly made their stomachs!If you continue to live like this, you will be completely destroyed.

"Thank you Fukasaku-sama." Jiraiya said with a bitter face.

Although he didn't want to eat bugs all at once, he didn't want to give up so easily either.He returned to Konoha just to take Naruto to Mount Miaomu to learn fairy arts.

You don't have to care about any prophecies.Even if one's own destiny has changed, it is doomed to tragedy.It's not bad to have a settled ending for half a life of wandering.

Whether it is the disciple, the master, or the important person, almost no one has kept it. He trusts 100% of the prophecies of the Toad Immortal, but he is not willing to resign himself to this fate.

Besides, when he returned to Konoha, he was about to start the investigation mission of the Land of Rain. If Naruto didn't have senjutsu, he was really worried about taking him there.

"Let's go here first today." Jiraiya said, covering the sun with his hand, "Naruto, take a rest, and continue practicing tomorrow when your condition is better."

Hearing this, Naruto couldn't sit still.If he really wants to continue to consume it here, his taste will definitely be spoiled.

"Wait, I think it can be rescued again."

"Huh?" Jiraiya turned his head to look at Naruto, with a puzzled look on his face, "How to save?"

"Do you want to try again?" Fukasaku Immortal asked, with a smile on his face, Xindao was indeed Xiao Ziraiya's disciple, with a tenacious personality.

"Yes!" Naruto took off his clothes down to his underpants, turned his head and jumped into the Toad Oil Waterfall with a plop.

"You're crazy!" Jiraiya's pupils dilated and he rushed over.

"Pick him up quickly! Ziraiya!" Immortal Fukasaku reacted quickly, and hurriedly picked up the iron rod that can disperse natural energy, "If you smear your whole body with toad oil, you will be exploded by the huge natural energy!"

Although it is already known that Naruto's body repels natural energy, it is a small amount after all.Too much quantity causes qualitative change, and the huge natural energy entering the body is no joke.

Naruto was finally caught by Jiraiya, his whole body was covered in toad oil, and he was still in high spirits.

"I can't absorb it." He said dejectedly, wiped the toad oil on his body and said, "Is this thing really useful?"

"You kid, you want to scare me to death!" Jiraiya patted the back of Naruto's head, "Of course it is useful, I also relied on these toad oils to guide and absorb natural energy back then."

"Everyone's situation is different, so we can't be consistent." Naruto stood up, blushing, and could roughly sense the existence of natural energy, but he couldn't introduce it into his body.

Zilai also sighed, "Come back tomorrow."

Immortal Fukasaku was also very frightened, looked at Jiraiya with complicated eyes and said, "Little Ziraiya, the situation of your disciple is also really rare, it seems to be completely insulated from natural energy."

"Insulate, just insulate." Naruto wiped his face dry, gritted his teeth and said, "I have clearly sensed natural energy, but they are just the surface layer, and they refuse to come in."

"Even if you come in, you will be ejected!"

Hearing this, Fukasaku Immortal was thoughtful, and immediately recalled the tall soul in Naruto's body.Can't help but look at Naruto solemnly, not knowing what to say.

Xiao Zilai had already said that he was his only disciple, so he couldn't just ignore it.The old man also nodded, besides, there was a relationship with Minato.

While Fukasaku Sage was thinking about other solutions, he heard Naruto shouting over there, seemingly extremely angry.

Have you lost your mind?Sensei Fukasaku didn't care too much, which is normal for beginners.

However, in the next second, Naruto's angry voice came through clearly.

"Don't come in all the time! Just follow me to tease me, this kind of thing can't be used to them all the time! Damn it! If they don't come in, I will seal them in."

"Four elephant seals!"

(End of this chapter)

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