People are in Konoha, this Naruto lies flat

Chapter 257 Another year, winter snow year, nothing seems to have changed

Chapter 257 Another year, the year of winter snow, nothing seems to have changed
10 minutes ago.

It belongs to the sand hidden floor, Gaara's room.

Kankuro patted his head and said a little annoyed.

"My Gaara, I think Yunyin's gang did it on purpose, and spent a few days dealing with them in vain. Now that I'm about to leave, I suddenly showed my sincerity again."

Under the light, Gaara was looking at the information on the table.The indifferent face eased a little when he lifted it up, he looked at Kankuro and said.

"This is Yunyin's consistent negotiating style. He behaves like a violent society. If threats fail, then show sincerity."

Hearing this, Kankuro threw the cooperation materials sent by Yunyin on the table with a snap.

"That kind of village is outrageous! Isn't it, Temari?"

Kankuro looked at Temari, but found that Temari was a little absent-minded, so he yelled again.

"It's nothing surprising, Yun Yin has always been domineering." After Temari put down the materials, he stood up, left the room after saying "I'm going out to get some air."

"Temari. It's been weird lately." Kankuro looked back, "Is that so, Gaara."

"Yeah." Gaara replied without raising her head, and continued to read the information.

In the corridor, Temari looked at the entrance of the downstairs floor, his mind was a little messy.She didn't quite hear what he said that day, but she finally understood what he meant.

With one write-off, there will probably be no intersections after that, right?After all, there are two countries separated by each other. Although the Land of Wind and the Land of Fire are allies, they do not meet each other every time they attend an event.

She went to the bathroom and washed her face with water. The infrastructure of the country of iron is well done, and hot water flows through the iron pipes at any time.The warm water hit her face, and the cool breeze woke her up instantly.

In the mirror, her skin was cold and fair, with a standard beauty and bones. A few strands of golden hair stuck to the sides of her face, adding a touch of watery abstinence.

Temari walked out of the bathroom and stood by the window at the end of the corridor for a while, staring at the white snow scene in a daze.She was originally the princess of Shayin, who can digest herself no matter how bad her mood is.

When she was a child, she accidentally overheard that her father was going to send someone to assassinate Gaara, but she was only frightened for a while, and soon found Gaara with normal expression and took him away.

Her childhood was not considered a turmoil, but she was also worried. If she was not strong, Gaara might not be able to make it to the present. Now that her father is dead, Gaara has gradually become a qualified actress.

Things are obviously getting better step by step, why do I still feel empty in my heart.Just like seven or eight years ago, the little girl who stood behind the door and heard that her father was going to kill her younger brother.

She keeps looking forward because she can never look back.The temperatureless family and the nightmarish years made people subconsciously avoid them.

While he was in a daze, suddenly there was the sound of footsteps downstairs, walking down clearly.

"Downstairs?" Temari's heart skipped a beat, there were only two people downstairs, and the footsteps could only be him.

So, come out to breathe too?She didn't know why, but since that time, the figure of that person has taken root in her heart, and she can't forget it no matter what.

I have never been in such a situation before, and I am much better when I leave.After a year, when I hear the news about him, I still get nervous over and over again.

Just like now, she is obviously restrained, but she can't bear the sound of footsteps.She wants to know about Naruto's past and wants to be by his side.

I don't know why, but she didn't bear much love from her parents when she was a child.But she is really good at loving someone and knowing how to soothe someone's pain.

Like an innate talent, she was born to be a big sister.It is precisely because of this that Gaara doesn't listen to anyone, but she will listen to Temari's advice.

So when she treats others well with all her heart, not many people can stop her.

But it happened to Naruto, but it didn't work at all.Temari still remembers his hot flashing eyes as always, with some sense of scrutiny, and no one paid attention to it.

Temari, however, is very particular, he stared at her, and she would listen to anything he had to say.Whether to go east or west, I just can't help but want to make up for him.

Covering his pain with tenderness, her moist heart embraced all the unbearable past, and then went up her neck and devoured him in one bite.

It seems to be saying, don't reject me, let me approach you.See, I'm good at loving someone, stay with me, I know how to love you.Tell him with the most gentle and pious words, believe me, there is light in this world.

The Kingdom of Iron was covered by wind and snow, and the outside was as abstract as a white paint painting.She was stunned for a long time in the corridor, but couldn't help but go downstairs.

Thus happened the scene just now, when Naruto turned his head, he saw Temari slowly going downstairs.Standing three or four steps in front of him, she stopped, with misty eyes, and looked up at him slightly.

"Do you still want me?"

He stared at her in astonishment, his impression of Diju had been completely subverted.At first, I thought she was a bit arrogant, but after touching her, I found her unexpectedly soft.

Some unpleasant things happened in the middle, but after so long, my mood has long changed.

"What?" He frowned.

The snow rustled down, landed on the eaves, and landed in the snow.Temari looked embarrassed, but she had no way out, so she just moved forward.

She pressed against Naruto and was pushed away unexpectedly.I bowed my hands and raised my head, feeling a little excited.Looking into Naruto's eyes, my heart tightened suddenly, and I felt like I would risk everything.

"I'll be obedient, I can give you anything you want, don't leave me behind."

It was quiet around the inn, but fortunately the white noise of the wind and snow was loud enough to cover up the sound of Temari.The whistling wind continued, and with a creak, the branches of the green trees beside were broken by the heavy snow.

There was no wave in Naruto's heart, his eyes had always been like that.Those who are familiar with him know that he stares at a tree or at a dog in the same way, and he doesn't pay attention.

Because I was distracted from time to time, I stared at it for a while before oh, it turned out that it was a tree.

He pushed Temari away, and asked lazily, "You really want to?"

"Yeah." Hand bowed his head, the energy in his heart slackened, and his face blushed immediately.Thinking back to what I just said, I wish I could find a crack in the ground and get in.

"I'm running out of time, and I'm probably going to leave here after the Five Kages meeting tomorrow." While talking, he grabbed Temari's hand and shuttled through his fingers.

Temari couldn't take it anymore, squinting his eyes and panting slightly.

"What then?"

He pulled Temari to the back of the corner of the stairs, it was dark and opaque, and the whole space was pitch black.The wind and snow can't get in, and the light can't get in either.

"It's so dark here, let's go out," she said.

She doesn't like being controlled, but if it's Naruto, she doesn't hate it.It's just that Temari is naturally afraid of the dark, so it's fine if he stays for a while, but he will get dizzy after a long time.

"Wait a little longer." He posted it, his voice was very taboo, with a hint of teasing, "Are you afraid of the dark? How can you be a ninja?"

"I'm not afraid, it's just that I'll get dizzy if I stay for a long time." Temari said softly, his face flushed.

She never thought that such a day would come, and she was actually not too scared.In this dark corner of the space, my wish came true, and my heart suddenly became unbearably hot.

I can feel the broad chest and the masculine body rushing towards my face.There was a tickle on the neck, and when she was a little bit at a loss, Naruto let go of her.

"Let's go, see you next time."

Closing and opening his eyes in a trance, Temari felt his body being pulled out and back under the eaves again.The man leaned against the wooden pillar and smiled, staring at her like that again.

Temari knew at the time that he was doomed, and that he would never be able to escape that person's palm in his life.

into the night.

There was a knock on Tsunade's door.

"Come in." She said in a dull voice without raising her head.

The door opened, and Naruto came in with a supper, and gently placed it a little away from the document.

"Take some rest."

Hearing this, Tsunade took a deep breath and fell back into the chair.His eyes were slightly squinted to look at the light above his head, and a tired look appeared on his face.

"Rest? What are you going to do for a rest? Tomorrow is the last chance for a meeting. Yun Yin is still as shameless as ever, playing these scheming routines."

She squeezed the space between her brows, "It takes a lot of energy to find faults, and then take the initiative to take a step back and send a lot of information over like snowflakes."

"There is only one day, so I can't blame them. After all, they gave in and took a step back. If you don't read these things, you won't be able to continue the meeting tomorrow."

"That's really a dog." Naruto sat down on the opposite sofa with long hands and long legs, "Master Tsunade didn't bring Miss Shizune here, it really is too reluctant."

"Shine has to stay in Konoha. On the one hand, the medical class is really too busy, and Sakura can't preside over the overall situation." Tsunade reached out and fumbled on the table for a while, took a sip from the wine glass and found that it was empty.

"In short, Konoha has indeed been going downhill these years. This is an undoubted fact. It can't be said that it is out of reach, but it is not much better than the three major ninja villages of Yanyin, Sanding, and Tukage."

She struggled to get up, but Naruto stood up and pushed her back, and then poured her a glass of wine slowly.

"Isn't Ninja Village strong until the end is a war?"

"That's what I said, but I can't let Yunyin grow bigger." Tsunade said, "If Yunyin Village has not already had a tendency to surpass Konoha, this Five Kages meeting would not be so easy to be called. "

"At present, there is no way. Peace in the ninja world is the trend of the times, and Yun Yin can't grab the talk and start a war."

"Yunyin has lost Erwei, don't worry too much." Naruto said in relief, "Who knows what will happen in the future, peace is naturally the best."

"Yeah." Tsunade took a sip of his wine, looked at Naruto and said, "Since you haven't slept, help me sort out that pile of documents."


The next day.

The meeting was successfully completed, but the four shadows except Lei Ying seemed to be in a bad state of mind.Probably because of staying up late to read the materials, Onogi looked like he was going to die at any time.

It has been a month since I returned to Konoha.

Escaping from the winter in the Iron Country, I haven't felt the autumn of Konoha very much, and it's winter in the blink of an eye.

Naruto was completely stunned, and said that he would return to the village after waiting for Zilai, but he didn't see the old boy come back after waiting for a whole winter.I don't know if I went to Tian Zhiguo to find the snake-skin monster Happy and fell in love and killed each other. I forgot my apprentice when I had an old friend.

"Ah Qiu!" He looked at the heavy snow outside the window, shivering under the blanket.

Fortunately, Hinata and Ino came to visit him occasionally, the main reason was because he was too homely and never went out for nothing.Especially in winter, the whole thing is almost like hibernation.

What's worth mentioning is that Kyuubi was also afraid of the cold, so he stopped swaying on the sofa when he had nothing to do, and huddled under the quilt just like Naruto.It wasn't until Naruto found someone to replace the heating equipment that it slowly strode out of the room.

"Don't continue to nest?" He sneered.

"Can't sleep, just come out for a walk." Kyuubi jumped directly into the sofa with a hurdle jump, the movement was smooth and natural, Naruto saw it and wanted to throw it to participate in the Olympics.

After a while, Kyuubi turned over and saw Naruto was still tinkering with the new heating equipment.

"Are you going out to eat today?"

"Eat and eat every day, what else do you know besides eating?" Naruto glanced back at Kyuubi, "As fat as a pig, do you remember what breed you are?"

Nine Tails turned a deaf ear to it, it could lose weight anytime it wanted, but it was just a mass of energy in its body.But in winter, keeping fat can keep you warm.

The end of the year is approaching.

Naruto, who has nothing to do all day long, took part in the Konoha Winter Chunin Exam. Compared with the previous joint exams between the two countries, the Chunin Exam held by Konoha alone is much simpler.

It took half a month before and after, and finally won the title of Chunin.He was also taking the exam with Choji, who had to retake the exam only once due to his absence in the fall.

There are two fellow sufferers, one fat and the other thin, especially eye-catching in the snow.

A week before the New Year's Festival, Chunin uniforms came down.

Naruto and Choji made an appointment to go to the Hokage Building together, but they didn't expect Ino to follow.He smiled generously at the two of them, and said gloatingly.

"To celebrate the two of you finally getting rid of your status as Genin, I invite you to eat barbecue."

"The two of us?" Naruto froze for a moment.

Ding Ci pointed at Naruto with a serious face, tightened the cotton coat on his body, and pointed at himself.

"Shikamaru, Ino, Neji, Li. Even that guy Kiba is already a chunin, and we are the only ones left."

After receiving the Chunin uniform, he went through the formalities again and again.Ino did it once, and the familiar people took the two of them running up and down the stairs. It was already noon when the few people sat in the barbecue restaurant and looked through the menu.

The alley was covered with winter snow, and Choji always felt weird in the warm barbecue shop.He raised his head and glanced at the misty glass, then turned his head to look at the two sitting together, and muttered.

"Should I go home now?"

 and also

(End of this chapter)

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