People are in Konoha, this Naruto lies flat

Chapter 273 The black silk under the table, the leisure after the task is completed

Chapter 273 The black silk under the table, the leisure after the task is completed
Naruto glanced at the scorpion, but didn't stop there, he didn't care how the scorpion died.In short, no scorpion is very important to him.

His figure disappeared again.The invisible Flying Thunder God changed positions and reached the white coffin in one step.At the same time as the black hoe Lei Ya's funeral was lifted, he kicked his feet violently, and the sound of breaking wind was like the sound of drums.

The foot mixed with blood-red chakra stomped down with thunderous force, without the slightest hesitation at all.Deidara, who had been injured long ago, was disabled, but he didn't seem to lose his mobility.

Deidara dodged for an instant, and threw out various explosive clay mixtures with his injured right hand, and white ugly monsters swarmed up.

"Go to hell! Hundan!" While controlling the attack of the white clay monster, Didara laughed madly and retreated quickly, detonating all the white clay monsters with a bang.

The expected scene of exploding flesh and blood did not happen, and Naruto appeared behind Didara without anyone noticing, relying on the flying thunder gods everywhere.

A kick kicked Didara's back fiercely, and the blood-red chakra was like a blood-colored thunder, cutting through the airflow and making a sharp air cry.The air vibrated violently, as if it had been squeezed and emptied by this leg.

With a bang, a kick exploded on Didara's back, causing his ribs to collapse.The entire back collapsed in an instant, and Didala was stepped heavily into the rocky ground like a ball.

Hongyun's black robe was shattered, and half of Didara's body collapsed, unable to move at all.He struggled, gritted his teeth, and scratched his clothes with the only remaining hand, exposing the sealed mouth on his chest.

Quickly tearing apart the sutures, a blood-red tongue sticks out, and a bag of clay is stuffed into the chest's mouth.Didara laughed wildly, struggled to get up and stared at Naruto.

"Hun Dan. You have pushed me to this point, then I will show you my ultimate art!! Self-detonation with a radius of ten kilometers!"

The extraction of the tailed beast failed, and seeing the death of the scorpion, Deidara also blew himself up.Payne Tiandao went offline directly, the phantom disappeared, and the rest of the members also went offline coldly.

On the contrary, Naruto calmly watched as cracks appeared in Didara's body and became nothingness.At the moment of the explosion, Naruto put his hands in his pockets calmly.

【The Funeral of Black Hoe Thunder Yam】

The white coffin rose from the ground, directly shutting Didala inside who was about to explode.At the last second before the self-explosion, Didara's pupils dilated violently, and roared angrily!
"You are weak!!!"

A muffled sound came from the coffin, and the black hoe Lei Ya appeared again supporting the coffin.

Naruto sneered, "One trick will eat all kinds of delicacy in the world, and it will kill you to death."

"Parker? Why did you stop?" Kakashi asked as he landed on a tree trunk and looked at Parker who suddenly stopped in front of him.

"Kakashi, I don't know how to say it." Parker turned his dog's head and said seriously, "Gara's aura...has completely disappeared."


Kakashi was also stunned for a moment, "Where did it disappear, take us there first to see."

Things went smoothly after that.

Naruto took Gaara back to Sand Yin first, which is indeed a step forward in terms of personal friendship.The Konoha team led by Kakashi has not yet returned, so he can only stay in the hidden sand and wait.

Temari, who got the news, returned from the front line, saw Gaara who had temporarily fallen asleep in front of the ward, and the moment his heart relaxed, his legs softened and he sat on the ground.

The worries of the past few days turned into flying sand, and disappeared without a trace in this place covered by yellow sand.

All dust settled.

After returning to Konoha, Kakashi went to a new mission.There is still a long way to go for the sixth generation in the future, and the qualifications are not enough to fill in the tasks, and they are completely reduced to a ruthless task machine.

Ino was so angry that he didn't talk to him for several days. The disappearance for no reason caused a lot of resentment among the friends.Even if the task is successfully completed in the end, it still makes them very unhappy.

In this regard, Naruto is very rogue and said that he is no longer suitable for group tasks.So that one person disappeared, and the whole team was nervous.All in all, Tsunade has to bear at least half of the blame.

Clear sky.

The third shift ushered in the long-lost vacation, so they decided to have a barbecue outdoors.

Open forest.

When Tian Tian arrived there with drinks and food, Ning Ci had already set up the oven, and Xiao Li was lighting coals to help start the fire.

"Ms. Kai didn't come?" Xiao Li raised his head and asked.

"Yeah, he said he wanted to catch up with Kakashi-sensei." Tian Tian sighed, put down the things in his hand and said, "Say that kind of thing again, what a lifelong rival."

"They have been good friends since they were young, right?" Ning Ci sorted out the ingredients, and he had already processed the ingredients every day before coming here, so he just started to skewer them.

There was the sound of clashing spices from bottles and jars, and the rustling of leaves.

"Yes, very good friends, just like us." Tian Tian smiled, without looking at him, he took the iron pick from Xiao Li's hand, and skillfully skewered a meat skewer.

"Tiantian is amazing!" Xiao Li couldn't help admiring Tiantian's dazzling way of piercing the lottery.

"I'm not that good. If you want to eat, it has to be that guy." Halfway through the speech, Tian Tian suddenly became angry, "That Naruto guy doesn't know what he is doing lying at home every day, and he didn't respond when he was asked to come with him."

"I don't know." Ning Ci didn't stop working, but he rarely continued the topic and said a few more words from his heart, "When I was in the ninja school, the graduation exam was approaching, and the pressure was unimaginable."

"Every class of graduates, there are very few people who can receive the guidance of the ninja and become a real ninja. When the examination room looks up, it is dark."

"When I graduated with the first grade, I was still a little conceited when I asked myself. I think I am a genius, and I have worked hard to get all of this."

The charcoal fire is bright and dark, burning silently.

Tian Tian and Xiao Li bowed their heads to do their own things, not knowing what happened to Ning Ci, and did not interrupt him.

"Originally, I also thought that the so-called geniuses were people who, like Uchiha Sasuke, were burdened with a heavy past. Only with enough motivation will they want to become stronger."

Ning Ci paused, picked up the sauce bottle and started to make it, then continued with his head down.

"But then I accidentally learned about Naruto's life experience from the patriarch Hizuzu-sama. I actually didn't quite believe it. Why can I still laugh and laugh all day long with such a past on my back?"

"I think destiny cannot be changed. It is doomed from birth. Bearing the name of genius, you need to keep working hard. The main family is the main family, and the separation of the family will always be the separation of the family."

"Ningci." Tiantian was very happy that Ningci could open up his heart in front of her and Xiao Li, which showed that Neci really regarded them as his most trusted partners.

But Ning Ci opened up his heart so much, it was no different from tearing his heart.Just plain words make people feel a little distressed.

"I'm fine." Neji said.

"Later, there was a task report that needed to be submitted after a mission. I saw Naruto in the Hokage office arguing with Tsunade-sama."

"Naruto really doesn't seem to care about Tsunade-sama at all. The relationship between the two is so good that people are enviable. At that time, I realized that there are people who really don't care about the past at all."

"That guy was sitting at the corner of the desk, arguing with Master Tsunade and laughing there all the time. The whole person looked indifferent, as if nothing in this world could be taken seriously by him."

"That kind of atmosphere is really sunny and enviable. Just standing there makes people feel relaxed. It turns out that a person can choose to live a less tired life."

"Ning Ci." Xiao Li gave him a worried look, "You have always been a genius."

"Yes, I'm a genius." He smiled, relieved, "I have always been, so I don't think I can change my destiny, but I have the right to choose, the right not to make myself so tired."

"You don't care about the past you carry, you don't care about the clan, you can choose to die."

"Ning Ci!!" The skewer in Tian Tian's hand fell to the ground.

"Ning Ci!" Xiao Li leaned over directly, his thick eyebrows almost touching his face.

"I'll just talk about it casually." Ning Ci was a little ashamed, "Who would choose to die, I'm a genius, I mean I can live more easily in the future."

No. 404, Konoha Street.

Naruto went downstairs in a baggy short-sleeved shirt, yawning as if he hadn't woken up.He vaguely remembered as if he had forgotten something, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

I'm hungry, so I can only find something to eat.

I wandered on the street for a long time, and struggled for a long time in front of a store, not knowing what to eat.At this moment, someone suddenly tapped on the shoulder.

A faint fragrance came, carrying a trace of disinfectant water.

"What are you doing standing here?"

He turned his head and saw Sakura standing there brightly, her smile still on.Ou Bai's arms hang down and are tied behind her back, her waist is slender, her figure is exquisite and she is dressed in black silk.

I don't know why, Kuro Sakura always gives him the energy to fool him seriously.Her smile is real and fake, she is the kind of person who will seriously fool you even if she is impatient.

So her popularity in Muye Hospital is really high, so high that at that stop, half of the patients in the building will come out to see the outrageous excitement.

Naruto remembered that once he went to Konoha Hospital to visit the injured Choji, the man in the next bed kept pestering Sakura with a small wound and asked if he was okay.

Sakura took the trouble to perfunctory him, but her tone and demeanor were quite serious.Roughly something like:

"Am I okay?"

"If you don't tear the wound and don't soak it in water, you'll be fine. You can go to other departments for consultation. If you don't want to waste time, you can also go to the archives to ask."

"Where is the archives?"

"There are many dangerous cases recorded in it, and it can also be used as a reference for your recovery. In case it gets worse, there is also a preparation in mind."

"Really? Will I be okay then?"


He saw a man who wanted to strike up a conversation with his own eyes, but in the end he really went back for a follow-up consultation with a look of panic on his face. Of course, nothing was found out when he looked back.

Sometimes she likes to talk halfway, which is actually very interesting.But if someone asked again anxiously, she would shake her head innocently.

But this trick will only be used on Naruto, and sometimes Naruto will cooperate with her when he is in a good mood.Listening to the taboo words that popped out of her mouth from time to time, she looked indifferent.

The older Naruto is, the less burden Naruto has on his heart. On the contrary, Kuro Sakura is often ashamed to blush by her nasty words.Most of the time, Naruto always has the upper hand in the confrontation between the two.

But occasionally, Sakura would like to stand up and gain the upper hand.

"Huh? Why are you in a daze? Aren't you going to eat?" Sakura asked with a smile as she waved her hand in front of his eyes.

"You eat too?" he asked.

"Are you dating me?" she asked with a smile.

"Would you like to eat or not." Naruto turned his head and entered a shop, and while looking for a table, he saw Sakura following in.

Most of Konoha's restaurants are concentrated in the central area, including Ichiraku Ramen.Going to the edge, the food is a bit scarce, but the quality is unexpectedly not low.

"What to eat?" he asked.

Sakura stared at him with a fierce look on her face.Naruto didn't care, stretched out his hand to loosen her hair, leaned on the chair and looked at the menu slowly.

In the end, he ordered two dishes at random and put the menu over.

"Naruto." She called out.


"How are you and Ino?" Sakura asked.

"What's the matter?" Naruto said, "I haven't paid attention to me since I came back from the last mission, what else can I do?"

"Aren't you going to coax?"

"Let's talk about it, I won't be able to meet you." Naruto played with the chopsticks in his hands, and said casually, "I may not do group tasks with them for the time being."

"Angry?" she asked.

"No, it's just not suitable." Naruto said, "Master Tsunade also agreed. Under normal circumstances, he should form a team with Jonin, unless his teammates have a strong ability to protect themselves."

"Then what should I do?" Sakura was taken aback.

"You are a medical ninja, so there is an exception." Naruto glanced at her and said half-truthfully, "If there is any danger, I still have to rely on you to continue my life."

"I don't believe it." Sakura smiled, "Unless you fuck me too."

"Ahem!!" Naruto was drinking water and was choked, his voice was half hoarse, he raised his head and asked, "What did you just say?"

"Before the mission, you and Ino did something strange, right? I want to too." Sakura tilted her head.

The food was already served, Naruto handed the chopsticks to Sakura.

"Do you think this is a toy? You want it, what do you want? Did you misunderstand something?"

"Impossible, the red mark on Ino's neck was left by you, right? I don't care, I want it, anyway, no one else knows about it." Xiao Ying picked up the food, and took another sharp bite.

Hurriedly fanning the air with his hand, he took another sip of water and swallowed it whole, water stains remained at the corner of his mouth.

"You can come here however you want, I can do it, as long as it's you." Sakura said, agitated under the table, a few seconds later Naruto suddenly felt something sticking out from under the table.

He looked down, and a jade foot wrapped in black silk appeared in his sight, rubbing against his leg.

"Are you crazy?" He was so startled that he almost stood up in fright.

Nima, this is the public area, as long as someone in the store walks a little bit from the corridor, you can see the provocative leg under the table.

(End of this chapter)

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