People are in Konoha, this Naruto lies flat

Chapter 279 The Unpredictable Truth, Flowers Under the Street Lamp

Chapter 279 The Unpredictable Truth, Flowers Under the Street Lamp
"Okay, let it go." He stood up, interrupting the negotiation with Nine Tails.

He is really an empty-handed white wolf now, and Kyuubi firmly believes that he still has ten bottles of good wine from the Hyuga clan.Like Pai Daxing teasing the bait, he frantically tested beside the hook.

He looked treacherous like he wanted to eat the bait, but he didn't want to pay the price.

But how could Naruto make it happen, no matter what Kyuubi said, he would not let go.He just waited for it to ask him what kind of trouble he had encountered, and then pulled it on board the thief ship that wiped out Payne.

The negotiation was interrupted, Kyuubi looked disappointed, and went back to the room in despair.

This scene was captured by Naruto from the corner of his eye, and he sneered in his heart.How could such a stupid fan escape from his clutches.

Sakura had already cleared the dining table, and when Naruto was seated, she reached for the chopsticks but touched something warm.The fingertips of the two pressed together, Naruto didn't respond, and grabbed the chopsticks.

"Huh?" Sakura froze for a moment, then pulled her hand back abruptly.

He didn't have any emotions, he glanced at her lightly, and then retracted Shi Shiran.He is completely immune to Sakura's routines, and there is no fluctuation in his heart.

On the contrary, Sakura's reaction was unexpectedly violent, she quickly withdrew her hand and put it under the table.His face was flushed, and Ann was still pretending to be calm.

In the past, he was quite afraid of Sakura, but the fact that Kuro Sakura almost disappeared had a profound impact on Naruto, and it also made him see clearly his own heart.

The so-called unbiased onlookers are just an excuse, when the time really comes, he still prefers the obedient Kuro Sakura.After thinking about it clearly, I didn't bother to hide.

"Are you free this afternoon?" he asked.

"Yes, what's the matter?" Xiao Ying felt a little guilty, she blushed when she failed to tease her, which made her a little uneasy.

"How much have you learned from Tsunade-sama?"

"Why do you ask this?" Sakura was stunned for a moment, then looked at Naruto, "Do you have a hidden disease?"

"Ahem!! You have a hidden disease!" Naruto was almost choked to death by Sakura's unsurprising tone, "Can you speak well?"

"Then why are you asking this? It can't be." Sakura glanced at him, then pulled away the chair, got up and walked to him, leaning over and whispering in her ear.

"It's okay, sister nurse will help you check it out today."

Naruto looked indifferent, and stretched out his hand to push her face away, "Can you be normal, I'm talking to you about something serious."

"Hmm, what's the business?" She waved her hand desperately, but found that she couldn't get close, so she had to give up.

"Akamaru was seriously injured, and she's not out of danger yet." Naruto pinched her face and pushed her away a little, "I asked Tsunade-sama to ask."

"But Tsunade-sama is very busy, and the Inuzuka clan didn't make any noise. This matter is strange. I mentioned that matter to Tsunade-sama, and her opinion is the same as mine. Let you go and see first. "

"But I'm not a veterinarian, can this be related?" Sakura stood aside and frowned.

"So, I'm asking for your opinion." Naruto stopped the chopsticks in his hand, "This is not a task, and the teeth are also hemming and hawing."

"Medical ninjutsu and veterinarians are not necessarily the same. If you don't want to, you don't have to worry so much. I can help you refuse."

"Why do you refuse? After all, I have friendship. Anyway, I'm on vacation, so I have to go and have a look." Sakura sighed and said, "It's just that I may not be able to help."

"Friendship is friendship, but one size counts for one size." Naruto said, "I will accompany you to take a look, and come back after reading it, without any psychological burden."

"I'll give it a try, but what you said makes it seem that things are really weird." Sakura sat back in her seat, "Why is Tsunade-sama involved?"

Naruto felt that this matter might have something to do with Danzo, but he couldn't be sure right now.Inuzuka Ya looked weird, but it didn't feel like he was lying.

After finishing lunch in a hurry, Sakura was about to leave, but was stopped by Naruto.

"You take a rest first, and go there later."


Originally, Sakura wanted to ask a few more questions, such as whether Akamaru has not passed the danger yet.But he exchanged a glance with Naruto's watery eyes, and immediately swallowed the words in his throat.

It doesn't matter, just listen to him.

At about two o'clock in the afternoon, the two went out together.Even at this time of the day when the temperature is the highest, the sun in early summer is not hot, but rather warm.

Naruto was tall and big, and walked ahead at the head of the horse.Facing the sunlight in the corridor, he raised his eyelids loosely, as if he hadn't woken up.

Sakura felt that there seemed to be a special magical power in this person, no matter where he stood, the sunlight would follow closely.Looking up, the whole body is warm.

She followed behind Naruto, about two or three steps behind, stepping on his shadow step by step.Stepping with hands behind their backs, the corners of their mouths jumped for joy, and they quickly walked to the end of the corridor.

After turning around a few times, the two went downstairs and wandered around the street for a while to find their way.

Konoha Street.

"When you get there, don't talk or move around. Stand behind me, and I'll let you move." He said casually, "Come back after reading it, don't force it."

"Yeah." Sakura didn't ask anything.

Along the way, she looked at Naruto beside her from the corner of her eye.Sunlight penetrates the leaves, casting a mottled tree shadow.The boy's clean side face was reflected in her heart brightly and secretly.

Enter the clan of the Inuzuka clan, and find a tall building similar to a pet hospital in the patchwork of houses.The red glazed roof is five floors high.

The ninja dog has a high status in the Inuzuka clan and is a partner of the Inuzuka clan.Every household raises ninja dogs and trains ninja dogs, and ninja dogs and clan members almost grew up together.

It is precisely because of this that the scale of Ninja Dog's hospital is almost half that of Konoha Hospital.After entering the door, he notified the intention of coming, and met Akamaru and Inuzuka Fang who were standing by the side without any problems.

"Akamaru looks pained, lying on a small pet hospital bed with drips hanging beside the bed.

With red eyes, Inuzuka got up to greet the two of them, and said in a muffled voice.

"Naruto, Sakura, are you here?"

"Well, Tsunade-sama is busy, let Sakura come over and take a look first." Naruto said, stretched out his hand and grabbed Sakura's wrist to signal her not to speak.

Hearing this, Inuzuka Fang's eyes dimmed for a moment, and then recovered.

"thank you all."

"It's okay." Naruto nodded, and looked around the ward from the corner of his eye, but found nothing wrong, "You should step aside and ask Sakura to check for Akamaru."

"Oh. Okay, sorry." Inuzuka took a step back.

"Stand back a little bit, the light is blocked, and you can't see Akamaru's situation clearly," he said.

"Okay, I'm sorry." Inuzuka Teba backed away.

Naruto didn't let go of Sakura's wrist, even though he said he wanted Sakura to examine Akamaru, he still held onto it tightly and wouldn't let go.

Sakura's wrist is thin and smooth, enough to grasp it with one hand.

The moment he abdicated, he lowered his head, and his movements seemed a little intimate to outsiders.But Naruto didn't seem to know it, and whispered something in Sakura's ear like a couple biting their ears.

"Don't release Chakra."

"You two have such a good relationship," Inuzuka said.

"Well, we are partners after all." Naruto didn't refute, and let go of Sakura's wrist by making way.

Sakura frowned, although she didn't quite understand Naruto's intentions, after all, she didn't need Chakra to check her injuries.But in the end she still chose to believe it, and simply opened it and quit.

"Akamaru's injury is a bit serious, I have to go back and check the information." She said.

"Sakura, can't he be treated directly with medical ninjutsu?" Inuzuka asked anxiously.

"Feel sorry."

It has been two hours since I left the Inuzuka Clan's clan, and I walked all the way to the vicinity of the Hokage Building, Sakura couldn't help asking.

"What the hell happened?"

"It's okay, don't go near the residence of the Inuzuka clan for the time being, let's go see Master Tsunade first." Naruto said, "The Inuzuka clan is weird, and so is Kiba."

"Weird? I look at him quite normal, but Akamaru seems to be seriously injured." Sakura muttered to herself.

"That guy is so proud, when did you see him being so polite?" He glanced at Sakura and said, "Besides, Akamaru was injured so badly, he should have died long ago."


"I don't know, it has nothing to do with us, Master Tsunade will take care of it." Naruto pulled her and almost made her stagger, but fortunately Naruto stabilized her.

"Go and tell Tsunade-sama, she will understand."

"What about you?" Sakura asked, with an orange sunset glow on her face, as if she had applied makeup.

Behind you are dense green trees, villages, and Konoha Street, which grows so long that you can't see the end.The boundless sunset glow hangs over Huoying Rock in the distance, and the whole village seems to be soaked in the sunset glow.

Standing in this vast sunset, the girl's eyes showed confusion, and the outline of the whole person looked rare and gentle.The lines of the face are clean and clear, and the short pink hair is reflected in orange, like an obedient sister next door.

"I have an appointment, so I don't have time." He said cleanly, with a casual tone, which even made people feel a little taken for granted.

Sakura's face flushed red, probably because she couldn't find a word to criticize him.

That's right, they just let you spend money, and then grabbed you as a free labor force.But it's not a date. What's wrong with him dating another girl.

Even telling her so honestly made her feel even more heartbroken.Can't you hide it from yourself?In this case, you can find a reason to make a fuss.

However, he was so bright that he couldn't even find a word of complaint.

"He Ino?" she asked sourly.


"Huh?" Sakura was shocked, "Hinata?"

"Yeah." He nodded, patted her on the head, turned around and said, "Remember to inform Master Tsunade later, I'm leaving first."

Sakura: "."

After a long time, Sakura finally let out a sigh when she watched the figure disappear.While walking in the direction of the Hokage Building, he lowered his head and muttered.

"Tell a lie anyway, Hun Dan."

After Sakura left, Naruto, who had gone far away, took advantage of Flying Thunder God to return to his original place, making sure that nothing around Sakura would follow him, and then left again.

He doesn't need to worry about the affairs of the Inuzuka clan, and again, he is not Hokage.Tsunade will notify him if necessary.

Hyuga station.

It was getting dark, Naruto arrived at the agreed place, under the dark wall.There is a dim street lamp in the distance, barely illuminating the wall and the street.

Hinata was also on vacation, and she seemed to be wearing a long skirt from a distance, with her arms wrapped in white ice gauze sleeves.The whole person looks graceful and generous, and the blushing appearance with bowed head adds a touch of cuteness.

After getting closer, Naruto noticed that Hinata seemed to be carrying a cute bag in her hand.It was the kind of sky blue bag that little girls would like, and there was a bow tied with silk thread on the outside.

Under the streetlight, Hinata's face looked to the other side, as if she was losing her temper.But Naruto knew she was shy and didn't dare to look at him.

"Naruto-kun, I'm sorry, I'm late." She apologized softly, "Have you been here for a long time?"

"It's okay, I just arrived." Naruto turned around, and naturally gave her a hand, and the two walked towards Konoha Street, "Don't worry about that kind of thing."

"Well, that. That"

With a clatter, Hinata seemed to have made up her mind, and suddenly handed the paper bag forward.Handed it to his face, blushing and said.

"Send it to you, please... please accept it."

"Okay, then I'll take it." Naruto didn't hesitate, took the blue paper bag over, and saw the card mixed with the outside of the paper bag.

There is a sentence written on the card, with round handwriting, "Thank you Naruto-kun for your long-term care."

"What's in there?"

"Huh?" Hinata panicked.

He has opened the paper bag, about handmade chocolates.This is more like the gift style that Hinata would give, the chocolate looks relatively simple.

I picked up a piece and took a bite. Inside was a sandwich, probably fruit sauce.He didn't like eating sweets very much, but he finished them one by one.

The street lights were dim, walking on Konoha Street, Hinata felt a little uneasy at first.She was afraid that Naruto would not like her gift, after all, he hadn't mentioned it before.

Giving a gift suddenly may make him feel offended, or the gift is not to his liking, if it is a taboo gift for the other party.
But later, Hinata saw from the corner of his eye that Naruto didn't speak, but just put all the chocolate in the bag into his mouth mouthful, and his face turned red immediately.

To her, it was more pleasing than any compliment.

"Delicious." He ate all the chocolate neatly. It was so sweet that it was cloying, but he didn't want to take it back and eat it again, because he would probably forget it again.

"Hmm." Hinata's white eyes were clear, and she had to turn her head away with a blushing face.

"It just so happens that I have a gift for you too," he said.

"Huh?" Hinata froze for a moment, then turned to look at Naruto.

"It's just a small gift, don't take it to heart." Naruto said, "It should have been given to you long ago, but you are probably busy during the New Year festival."

As he spoke, Naruto took out the gift he had kept for several months from the sealed space.It should have been sent out a long time ago, but it didn't happen at that time, so I simply didn't send it away.

With the intention of directly postponing it until a suitable time as a gift in return, I cleverly remembered it this time, and took it out conveniently.

It was a small box with an exquisite appearance, Hinata was stunned for a long time and didn't pick it up, but Naruto helped her open it himself.It is a plain hair flower, which looks exquisite.

Seeing that it was not an expensive gift, Hinata breathed a sigh of relief.


 and also

(End of this chapter)

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