People are in Konoha, this Naruto lies flat

Chapter 94 Daily life of Class 7

Chapter 94

The next day.

Naruto was urgently summoned by Kakashi early in the morning, and the seventh team regrouped to prepare for the mission.

Sasuke was the first to arrive under the big green tree where the meeting was agreed, with a cold face and strange eyes, as if troubled by something.The moment he saw Naruto, he just cut his head and turned his head and didn't speak again.

Naruto didn't feel anything, and found a place to sit and rest on the grass, with a peaceful expression.

"Sass, I advise you to sit down and wait, Kakashi will definitely find an excuse to be late."

Hearing this, Sasuke glanced at Naruto blankly.


Ten minutes later, Sasuke sat on the grass obediently.

Twenty minutes later, the two were separated by a certain distance, lying neatly like two corpses.

"Sorry!!! I. I'm late."

Haruno Sakura ran over in a panic, her short pink hair fluctuated, and she hurriedly bowed and apologized with her eyes closed.

"A group of patients suddenly came to the hospital and were left behind to help."

Opening his eyes, he suddenly saw two people lying on the ground together.


Ten minutes later, Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura were all lying on the grass.

Naruto tilted his head slightly, meeting Sakura's eyes, and smiled awkwardly at each other.

Xiao Sakura still looked the same, her short hair was tied up casually, making her look much more capable.The exposed arms are slender and white, the chest is slightly puffed up, and the smile is confident and gentle.

Sakura seems to have grown a lot in the medical department, and she has lost her childishness and panic in the past.

"Naruto, you seem to have grown a little taller?"

"It should be." Naruto touched the top of his head with his hand, "Probably because of eating green vegetables, and his appetite has obviously increased."

"However, Sakura, your skin seems to have gotten better."

"Eh? Is there such a thing?"

"Yeah, if you don't believe me, ask Sasuke."


"Well, they came quite early, and it seems that they are not late." Kakashi suddenly appeared on the tree, startling the three people below.

"Mr. Kakashi, do you want to see what time it is?" Sakura said helplessly.

"Obviously you are late!" Naruto complained.

"35 minutes." Sasuke said with disdain.

Kakashi jumped down from the tree, smiled casually, stared at a dead fish eye, touched the back of his head and said.

"A black cat ran past my eyes just now, so I"

"This mission is over here, and I'm going back to the Hokage Building to submit the mission report." Kakashi said lazily, "The performance of the three of them is not bad, and Sakura's progress is very fast."

"In short, let's disband. There should be a new task tomorrow. After the fifth generation took office recently, all the accumulated tasks have to be done. The situation of other classes is similar to ours."

"Yes!" The answer of the three dragged on for a long time, and then they all laughed.

Kakashi scratched his head and smiled, the seventh class was the first ninja class he ever led, and it might be the last one.Before leaving, Kakashi quickly passed Sasuke's body from the corner of his eye.

In this mission, Sasuke's performance was a little abnormal, too impatient.

The four dispersed in their respective directions, Sakura had to go back to the medical department, Sasuke practiced, Kakashi went to work, and Naruto went home to lie down.

Konoha Street.

After wandering aimlessly, he entered the abandoned building with ease.

It's just that he searched around, only to find that the building was already empty.

Tayuya doesn't seem to be hiding here anymore, and has disappeared completely together with all traces here.At dusk, the last ray of light was swallowed up.

In an instant, the abandoned building was pitch black

Naruto stood in that corner and watched for a while, guessing in his heart that Tayuya had probably joined up with the other three of the Otonin four. In the morning, Sasuke's eyes were not right, and he was probably about to defect.

Go downstairs and leave.

I just found a place to fill my stomach. I really don't want to cook by myself.I have to continue to do the task tomorrow, so let's go to bed early and get up early.

The next day, Naruto arrived at yesterday's meeting place on time, but got a short notice from Kakashi.

Mission cancelled.

"Why was it cancelled?" Naruto asked.

"I don't know." Sakura said helplessly, "Ms. Kakashi only said that the mission was cancelled. It seems that there is something urgent. Let me remember to notify you, and then left without saying anything."

"Maybe it's a more dangerous S-level mission."

"Then let's break up." Naruto yawned, waved his hands and said, "Just woke up in the middle of the night last night and didn't sleep well, so go back and catch up on sleep."

"Yeah." Sasuke turned and left.

"Xiao Sakura, goodbye." Naruto made a gesture to leave, but was grabbed by Xiao Sakura.

"Naruto, can you do me a favor?" she said.

Konoha Hospital, corridor.

The white walls reflected a large halo, and the strong smell of disinfectant lingered in the nose.The corridor was wet, and it was obvious that it had just been mopped, and there were reminders such as be careful of slipping at the end of both ends.

"I'm really sorry, the medical department is really overwhelmed." Sakura couldn't hide her guilt, "If I have to catch up with the task tomorrow, I may be late again."

"It's just sorting out the data sheet, it's a trivial matter." Naruto glanced at the stack of papers on the office desk.

He wanted to say that maybe he didn't need to perform the task tomorrow.Although the team led by Jonin without a guide also needs to accept simple C-level tasks, but if the team lacks members, it will not be able to perform the task.

"Thank you, Naruto." Sakura said cautiously.

"Sakura, come quickly!!" A head appeared from the end of the corridor of the department, and the ninja wearing the uniform of the medical department waved anxiously, "Come and help!"

"Yes, senior!" Xiao Ying hurriedly ran over, her white and greasy legs flashed past, and she turned her head and hurriedly shouted at Naruto, "I'll treat you to barbecue when you're done."


He walked into the empty office, pulled out the chair and began to organize the documents one by one.These were all dropped during Konoha's collapse, and there were too many patients to fill in the materials.

It's actually not tiring to sort it out, but the procedure is a bit cumbersome, and these Sakura have already told him in advance.Naruto handled it according to the established procedure, and time passed by.

At noon, Sakura walked into the office stretching her waist and knuckles, and sat on the opposite side of Naruto with a tired face.I took a large stack of materials by hand, and began to organize them together.

"The work in the medical department is really too busy, so I'm really sorry to bother you." Sakura said with a little guilt, "I wanted to call Ino, but she's on a mission today."

Naruto heard that Sakura mentioned Ino, and couldn't help but think of the scene the night before yesterday, and couldn't help showing helplessness.If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't mention Temari, and I didn't explain it clearly until the end.

Ino rushed back to the store angrily, and the matter was over.

(End of this chapter)

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