Chapter 103 Jie Jie, Let Na Too Much
"Speaking of which, what's the reason why you came to see me today?" Guo Kang suddenly remembered her uninvited visit, and asked, "I've been talking about other topics, and I almost forgot."

"Can't you come if you have nothing to do?" Jeanna looked at Theodora with a smile: "Or, I can only come when I am married to him?"

"And you, Jeanne!" Theodora didn't expect her to say this, and started to say Roman quotes in surprise.

"She's not your daughter." Guo Kang said with a smile: "You two are not the relationship between Caesar and Brutus."

Before Theodora could react, she heard Jeanne laughing and said, "Didn't you know before? I'm a member of the Order of the Ancient Tomb, a kind of... nun? In short, we vowed not to marry .”

"Is that so..." Theodora glanced at her apologetically, "I'm sorry, I was so pissed off by this heathen just now, I didn't realize it all at once."

"It's okay." Jeanna said generously, "Marriage is only a small part of life, I hope you don't get too entangled in it. Look, I'm a woman who swears not to get married, how can I live well?"

"Hmm..." Theodora nodded.

She picked up the teapot, poured herself a cup of tea, and seemed to think about it.

"Oh, many disputes could have been avoided. Life is so beautiful, why bother?" She stretched, stood up, walked to Guo Kang, grabbed his neck, and hugged him to her chest : "How about it, boy, are you willing to be my lover?"

Theodora spit out a mouthful of water.

Jeanna laughed so hard that Guo Kang was almost knocked down by her, so he waved his hands and tried to break free, only then was she let go.

"Is that funny?" he complained.

"Look at this girl. Are the princesses of Rome so innocent now?" Jeanne still smiled and said, "It's very different from the Romans I heard back then."

"You're talking about the previous dynasty." Theodora became serious: "Indulgence in pleasure, dissolute behavior, and loss of discipline, courage, and sense of honor are the root causes of Rome's decline."

"The foundation of Rome comes from each family. If the men in the family do not have a decent character and a strong heart, Rome will lose the muscles and minions to defeat the enemy; and if the women lose their decent character and a strong heart, Rome lost the backbone to sustain itself."

"At the beginning, when my mother named me, she hoped that I would be like the ancient Queen Theodora. She is a person with firm determination and great courage. When facing a sudden crisis, she is even more powerful than Justin. Emperor Ni still has to be indomitable."

"But I think Empress Theodora is still not decent enough-it is also the indecency in private life and public affairs that makes Rome lose the chance of revival."

"So you are right. Of course I am different from them. It is because of these differences that I dare to say that I am a qualified Roman."

Jeanna was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Guo Kang.

"This is such a good girl, hurry up and marry her," she commented.

"You..." Theodora, who seemed to be giving a speech just now, was speechless again.

"I just thought it was fun to tease you, and I was joking with you." Jeanna waved her hands again and again: "If I really wanted to find a lover, I would have looked for it sooner. There are so many people in the metropolis, why do you suddenly want to pull him now? You're right."

Theodora sighed, and had no choice but to let her go.

Seeing this, Guo Kang quickly helped to change the subject.He reminded Jeanne: "You still haven't said why you came."

"Haha...the main thing is that it's really not an important matter." Jeanna laughed a few times in embarrassment, and said honestly: "I just sent news to little Jeanna and his brother, and chatted with them for a while. They hope You can help, so stop by and ask."

"But it doesn't matter if it's early or late. I'll come here just to let you know in advance." Probably because she was afraid that Guo Kang would blame her for making mistakes, she quickly explained: "Zhu Wenkui is very serious. I’m writing you a formal appeal letter. If I don’t tell you, he should send a letter tomorrow.”

"What's the matter? I told him that old friends don't need to be so serious when they help." Guo Kang asked strangely.

"I'm busy this time." Jeanna said, "Princess Jeanna wants to come here."

"I said just now that she was uneasy and kind, but what did you say about egg dancing?" Theodora immediately became vigilant like a conditioned reflex, and took advantage of the situation to criticize Guo Kang.

"Huh?" Jeanna looked at her suspiciously, saw her talking to Guo Kang again, thought for a moment, and then understood.

"It's my fault, I said it fluently." She said, using Chinese words to distinguish: "It's Rangna'princess', not Rangna's princess——it's little Rangna's mother, she is coming."

"Oh, that's it." Guo Kang breathed a sigh of relief, "What did I think it was?"

He walked to the desk next to him and picked up his notebook: "You should go to the Ministry of Rites for this matter. He should know the process. What are you writing to me for?"

Even though he said that, he still pulled away the chair and picked up the pen: "Forget it, tell me her full name and title. I'll record it, and help me write an official document later and hand it over."

"You can write Jeanne de Valois, or Jeanne de France. It should be fine." Jeanne said.

"Another Rangna." Guo Kang shook his head and wrote it down: "How do you tell the difference when you call people on weekdays. There are too many Rangnas..."

"Isn't this normal? What's wrong with being called Rangna?" The female heroine Rangna was a little dissatisfied: "Aren't there a lot of Constantines here?"

Guo Kang and Theodora looked at each other, unable to refute.

"Is that so?" Meltem didn't quite understand.

"That's right." Theodora thought for a while and said, "In our generation, there are indeed too many Constantines. Not only Tu Huan called this, Guo Kang called this, even Zhu Wenkui called this."

"The Peach Blossom Stone Prince? Why did he have such a name?" Meltem asked curiously.

"It was his father, Zhu Yunqi, who heard that the bishop of Rome was very rich and was going to ask for it. He started at that time." Guo Kang told her.

"Zhu Yunqi thinks that he can announce that his family is also a believer—since he is a believer, the church has to show it and give some benefits, otherwise, will anyone believe in the religion of God in the future? Besides, his family is also the vassal of Ming Dynasty , should give more."

"So, he copied Tuo Huan's name and called his son Constantine; he also copied the name of Queen Mother Helena and made the princess Helena, and then wrote a letter to the church in the name of himself and them, saying that he would borrow soldiers Go and cut down the feudal clan."

(End of this chapter)

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