Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 106 The Roman Paradise Is a Country of Brothers

Chapter 106 The Roman Paradise Is a Country of Brothers

(Leader "Black Advanced Fat Catfish" added more) (I don't know why I can't write the title...)
"This name is so strange." Jeanna thought for a long time, and always felt that something was wrong.

"It's not surprising. Although there are various gods in Seris, those gods are closer to our side. Various patron saints and so on are very regional and functional." Guo Kang said.

"Moreover, when it comes to the setting of positions and levels in heaven, they are more perfect. Emperor Seris's jurisdiction over the gods at all levels is also very orderly-after all, they moved there according to the secular court. There is no civilization at present. A more complete bureaucracy than the Celeste court."

"You can think of their religion as a kind of polytheism in the process of developing towards monotheism. It's only half developed, and the high-level political and religious integration has been completed. There is no need to strictly restrict folk gods, and that's it. "

"Then you mean that Rome should do the same and try the legal propaganda of 'Son of the Father'?" Theodora and Jeanne looked at each other, hesitated for a moment, and then asked Guo Kang.

"That's right." Guo Kang nodded: "This is a long-standing tradition of the Seris civilization. The surrounding small countries don't call them by their names directly, but 'Heavenly Dynasty'. Think about it, what does that mean."

"In other words, this country itself is divine." It didn't take long for Theodora to see the meaning.

"Yeah, that's why I said that his situation is similar to that of Rome, and he can learn from it directly." Guo Kang nodded.

"On this religious question, I specifically asked someone who is knowledgeable. It is said that in the early years, St. Augustine proposed that there are two cities in the world: one is the secular city where mortals live. Because it is in the world, it is also called the "city on the ground." '; one is the city of God run by the Father himself, located on the holy mountain of the Father, so it is also called the 'City on the Hill'."

"This secular city should be Rome, which had just been captured by the barbarians at that time; and the city of God is heaven, which is the ideal place in the theory of worshiping God."

"At that time, Rome, known as the 'Eternal City', finally fell, which shocked everyone. People couldn't understand why this happened. Augustine comforted everyone, saying that although Rome on earth fell because of its fall, heaven The perfect version of Rome will indeed exist forever. Therefore, the two are related."

"The influence of Rome is so great." Meltem said with emotion.

"Actually, it's normal." Guo Kang said, "The next time the Great Lama Wang—our chief patriarch, performs spells to exorcise evil spirits, I can take you to see them. Imperial documents."

"The Taoists who were dissatisfied with the corruption of the Han Dynasty finally constructed a mythical perfect Han Dynasty and stayed in religion; the God worshipers who were dissatisfied with the corruption of Rome finally constructed a mythical perfect Rome , stay in religion." He said with emotion: "Look, civilizations are so similar."

"Then shall we copy this as well?" Theodora asked knowingly.

"Of course, these are the lessons learned by the predecessors at a huge price. Why not refer to them? Isn't that sorry for the ancestors." Guo Kang said without hesitation.

"Since we are Romans who believe in God worship, we should believe that heaven is the extraordinary Rome. On the other hand, a perfect Rome is also the kingdom of heaven on earth—you see, we can also call it the 'Heavenly Dynasty'. "

"This argument is so interesting." Meltem urged, "Any more?"

"Also, this is the Son of Heaven—this is the highest title that the people of Seris have used for thousands of years. I have just said what he means." Guo Kang said: "Besides, I also asked my grandfather, Mr. Huang, and he said In the first year of "Spring and Autumn", it clearly referred to Zhou Tianzi as the "king of heaven".

"Look, we now have the Heavenly King." He wrote on the paper: "And the Heavenly King is the Son of Heaven, so we also have the Heavenly King's father—that is, the Heavenly Father." Then, he drew on the "Heavenly King" made a circle.

"But God Worship also says that Yishu is also the son of Heavenly Father." He drew a second circle under "Heavenly Father": "Then the relationship between these three is obvious."

"So that's how the 'Brother Tian' mentioned in the God Worship religion comes from." Meltem seemed to have understood.

"Yes. And that's why I dare to say that our worship of God is the most mature and theoretically perfect one among the many sects of the Orthodox Church." Guo Kang put away his pen and said: "We used the "Son of Heaven" in Seris. 'The model can directly borrow the most advanced and perfect teachings to integrate theocracy."

"So, our worship of God is the best basis for religious reform." He asserted.

"Ah..." Jeanna looked stupid.

"I haven't finished yet." Guo Kang put down the paper in his hand and continued: "You see, according to the 'Twin Cities' model, we have a corresponding relationship between Rome and Heaven; according to the 'Tianzi' model, our leader and He is the younger brother of Brother Tian; according to the doctrine of the 'Trinity', Brother Tian, ​​like the Father, has the leadership over heaven. What if we analyze these together?"

"Don't mix it up anymore." Theodora quickly reminded him: "You have blown Rome too high, I think Miss Jeanne can't stand it."

"How can this be called blowing? Listen to me." Guo Kang said unconvinced: "The combination of these means that Heaven and Rome are brothers, and we Rome are brothers."

"The country of brothers, do you think it is a good word?" He questioned: "Besides, according to the Trinity, Heaven is also the country of the Father. Then this is even worse, we have become a country of fathers and sons, and the Roman emperor has become a son emperor. !"

"This is already very high." Meltem pointed out: "You just said that the Peach Blossom Stone Emperor is called 'Son of Heaven'. Aren't they all son emperors?"

"You can't say that." Guo Kang hurriedly stopped her: "You child, why do you like talking nonsense so much?"

"Woo——" Meltem seemed very dissatisfied with his double standard, but Guo Kang grabbed another piece of fruit and stuffed it into her mouth, temporarily muting her.

"Anyway, there is still something wrong with this place." Guo Kang drew twice in his notebook, and continued: "Now the conditions are limited, and our civilization construction is still relatively backward. Take care of the opinion of the Greeks, lest they go mad again."

"But how can we in Rome always treat people as younger brothers? So this situation will change sooner or later. It stands to reason that the decent son of heaven should belong to the elder brother."

"In my opinion, we should propagandize in this direction." He decided: "I will tell Lama Wang later to see if Zhou Gongdan can also be consecrated. Of course, in this way, King Wen and King Wu will also be consecrated." gone."

"There are many people involved in the process you just mentioned." Theodora reminded: "Could they all be added?"

"It's not impossible." Guo Kang scratched his head: "Di Xin's Secondary School title may have been lost, so let's add it back to him. Find some Greek theologians, start a domineering one, and seal it. Let me think about it Who else……"

"Forget it, I'm not a professional after all, don't turn around and make people laugh." Lifting his pen, Guo Kang began to mutter again: "Let's ask more professional people. Let's make a canonization list and ask everyone's opinions , let’s make a decision.”

(End of this chapter)

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