Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 113 Miss Jeanna wants me to protect her

Chapter 113 Miss Jeanna wants me to protect her
Although Tuo Huan wanted him to play, Guo Kang had too many things to do in the next few days.

Moreover, the amount of grape juice drunk at the Khan Court banquet was too terrifying, which made him wonder how the Khans of all dynasties persisted.Therefore, he told Tuo Huan that he was very busy during this time, and he really couldn't take care of it when he was drunk for a day.

On the grounds that Guo Di's direct descendant is not his own, he asked his cousin to replace him for two games, and thus canceled most of the banquets, and he finally had some leisure time.

Princess Jeanna took a Genoese merchant ship and arrived at Dadu Wharf.For this reason, Theodora summoned Guo Kang and others to the platform and greeted them with great fanfare.At first, Guo Kang suspected that the smaller the matter, the better, but it was only when she got to the place that she realized that the banner she played was to welcome the Frankish Crusaders.

This may be a bit too hell for the local Greeks, but Theodora said that this reason is actually very useful.

European aristocrats' participation in the Crusades is something that can be advertised to the outside world.No matter how upset the nobles are, they must praise them on the surface, and most people who have nothing to do with themselves will generally help to promote it.

As for who and when the Crusaders fight, it doesn't really matter.Although the Holy See has issued many calls, the actual actions still depend on the mood of the nobles.She can stay in the city, or even wander around, anyway, it will take time to recruit troops—few people are really willing to take back Jerusalem these days, and some are procrastinating for reasons.

Although the Purple Horde itself has gained a foothold in northern Syria, it has never been interested in expanding southward, and is only satisfied with negotiating business and doing business with the local emirs.As for Jerusalem, it is a worthless target.Guo Kang said that it is a religious town, which may be a relatively decent statement.

More than 100 years ago, after Khorezm was defeated by the Mongols, Prince Zalandin led the defeated army and fled westward.After the defeat of Zarandin, a group of scattered Khorezmian troops entered Syria.

Although from the perspective of these orientals, Huarazmo is just an inconspicuous country that relied on the rise of the Western Liao Dynasty and was destroyed by the Mongols for nothing, but in the west of Central Asia, he is really an overlord, and he was once The kind of serious sultan who successfully went to Los Angeles and captured the caliph to talk earnestly.

In West Asia, the Khwarizm people are known for their brutality and combat skills. The Ayyubid Dynasty, which was in the middle of a civil war at that time, hired this remnant soldier to attack the disobedient Syrian princes.Because the "prestige" of the people of Khorezm was too strong before, the local people immediately united.

The Crusader countries such as the Kingdom of Jerusalem and the Principality of Tripoli sent troops one after another, as well as troops from the Temple, the Hospital, and the Teutonic Knights. They also brought together the Emir of Damascus, the Emir of Homs, and the local Kurdish warlords and Bedouins. Armed by the tribe.Count Walter, a nobleman from France, served as the leader of the coalition against the Egyptian and Khorezm mercenaries.

The Emir of Homs had fought against the Khwarizm people before, and he believed that they should stick to the camp and wait for the enemy to consume it. However, Earl Walter decided to take the initiative to attack because of his strong army.As soon as the two sides fought, he led the main knights to attack the enemy, but he was dragged back and failed to win the battle.

The Frankish knights with the strongest fighting power somehow ran away, and the others were attacked by Khorizmo's superior cavalry and were defeated one after another. The knights were finally surrounded and wiped out by the enemy army who had spared their hands.

This battle resulted in the loss of the main military force of the three major knight orders in the Middle East, and the national strength of the Crusader countries, which had been slowly recovering for many years, was severely hit again.The entire history of the Crusades in the Middle East has also entered the final stage of demise.

On the other hand, the Egyptians didn't actually benefit from it either.Khwarizm's army rushed into the defenseless Jerusalem and carried out almost indiscriminate massacres and looting.When the officials of the Ayyubid dynasty received it afterwards, they found that the entire city had been completely destroyed and basically lost its use value.

This loss may be worse than the massacre of the Crusaders back then.After the war, Jerusalem, once a city of considerable size, had nothing left except for its religious significance, and it failed to recover until more than 100 years later.

More than ten years ago, when Emperor Timur's uncle attacked Syria, Jerusalem was still dilapidated and dilapidated, so Timur didn't even bother to launch a jihad against it. He just robbed Damascus and left here.

Considering that the old emperor launched a jihad against the "jihadist country" more than once, beating up the Delhi Sultan and the Ottoman Ghazi countries, this place should really have no oil at all.

Therefore, few of the nobles in the Purple Horde Khanate and even in Western Europe are interested in this kind of place that Timur would not grab.

On the contrary, the religious significance of Jerusalem is very large, and it is very uncomfortable.

The Egyptians who occupy here should feel the most about this.

At the beginning, Saladin, the founder of the Ayyubid dynasty, was scolded by various church members every day because he led the army to clean up the civil strife but did not fight Jerusalem.After he was beaten down, the church members didn't appreciate him very much, and there was no shortage of civil strife and betrayal.Saladin himself may not be able to tell what the meaning of this city is.

The same is true for the European side: the Holy Land is only valid for a moment before and immediately after the occupation, and then it can only be resigned to fate.

After many fruitless battles, the famous Crusade participant "Lionheart" Richard even had a marriage plan in his mind: let his sister marry Saladin's brother, and then hand over Jerusalem to this "United Kingdom" , from now on, everyone, don't toss about.Saladin actually agreed, and in the end it was the resolute resistance of the nobles on both sides that led to the bankruptcy of the plan.

Therefore, the Purple Horde Khanate has no interest in managing such troublesome places.

At the beginning, some Greek fanatics wrote a letter to the Khan, hoping to recover Jerusalem from the pagans.The answer of the Khan court was that the local pagan forces had accumulated profoundly, and Rome's current power was limited, so it was not easy to act rashly.

Of course, if everyone is devout and determined to fight the powerful heretics, then Khanting can help contact the ship and send the volunteers there by themselves.

In this regard, the Greek believers fell into hesitation.

They argued that although there are no people in Jerusalem now, it is the nominal territory of the Mamluk dynasty there.If the holy city is captured, the Mamluks will definitely be urged by the church members to recover it, and then they will have to fight them.

Although everyone hopes to fight powerful heretics, the Mamluks are too strong.Heavenly Father has always been kind and loving to the world, so he probably wouldn't want such pious believers to die in vain, so forget it.

Khan Ting pushed the boat along, saying that all this is the will of the heavenly father anyway.It is impossible to fight now, which means that Heavenly Father is more cautious and not ready yet.Let's talk when he's ready.

After that, the Greeks didn't say much about it.

Therefore, at this moment, Princess Jeanna can indeed announce that she will join a crusade, and announce that the Purple Horde will help her and draw out a group of followers.But here, there are really not many people interested in it now, so it is estimated that it will not be able to make up in the short term, and there is no way to force it.

Moreover, the Crusaders suffered heavy losses that year. Although there are still many believers in Syria, there are not many powerful military forces left. She needs to contact the bishops to regroup the troops.This period of time can be long or short, just consume it.

(End of this chapter)

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