Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 123 Eastern captives and Western barbarians make friends, and the Great Qin is endless

Chapter 123 Eastern captives and Western barbarians make friends, and the Great Qin is endless

Guo Kang himself had thought about these unique customs of the Purple Horde Khanate.

Their place is not a safe place.In the history that Guo Kang knew, this place of the Four Wars finally exhausted its energy and broke into one place. Since then, it has been immersed in endless and meaningless internal friction, and has become a game field for other big countries.

However, Land of the Four Wars may not have only such an ending.

More than 3000 years ago, when Dayu stood by the Yellow River and faced Dongyi, Sanmiao, Xirong, and Beidi, he probably felt that he was in a place of four wars.

2000 years ago, when Gong Yanggao taught his disciples the achievements of Duke Huan of Qi, and concluded that "Southern Yi and Beidi have diplomatic relations, China is inextricably linked", he also felt that this was a place where the Four World Wars were fought.

And right in front of you, when Zhu Yuanzhang started his career, he always found the right opportunity to kill out of the environment where Zhang Shicheng was in the east, Chen Youliang was in the west, Wang Baobao was in the north, and Fang Guozhen was in the south.

In his past world, people believed that his homeland, Seris, was a lucky civilization that happened to be born at one end of the Eurasian continent, protected by the sea, plateau and desert, and would not be easily invaded by foreign enemies.

But after seeing the civilizations of the two worlds, Guo Kang himself understood very well that Seris didn't just come out so big.

The so-called absence of enemies means that there are no enemies at all.

If Rome hadn't disintegrated back then, and had been ruling the Mediterranean region until later generations, later generations might also count Gaul, Iberia, etc. as a branch of Roman civilization, and then sigh with emotion, saying that the Eurasian continent Rome in the west is also a lonely civilization, lacking communication with other people.

Therefore, geography is a very important aspect, but to put it bluntly, it is people who determine geography.And the various manifestations of the Purple Horde Khanate, in his opinion, are a choice of desperately trying to survive under such a harsh geographical situation.

The soldiers of the Purple Horde Khanate have fairly good combat effectiveness and a large number.But as much ability as they have, they have as much temper.The other nobles obviously didn't understand why the Purple Horde tolerated or even condoned these arrogant soldiers, and they weren't quite used to how to get along with them.

When the aristocrats refused to reduce the soldiers' labor and did not give money subsidies, the purple tent consultants began to hesitate.And when consultants were also underpaid, they resorted to traditional protests.

In the local area, the lords used to only make troubles in villages, at most a single territory opposed the lord.Most of the time, the nobles will directly suppress - their network of contacts is much wider than that of the villagers, and all kinds of messy relatives gather together, and they can quickly organize a capable armed force.

If there is a big disturbance and the suppression is not worth the loss, sometimes they will choose to reprimand the local small lords and ask them to spit out some of their wealth to settle the incident.

But this time, because of the concentrated training for a period of time, the people from all over the country knew each other, so they used this organizational method to deal with the lord.

Roman veterans who were owed commissions also decisively joined in.They were comrades-in-arms of a legion before, so they connected with each other very quickly.At this time, recruits from most of the state began to gather, demanding that the local nobles follow the example of the military mansion next door and cancel all excess taxes.

Of course, it is impossible for the nobles to agree, but the scale and speed of this time far exceed previous experience.In order to slow down the time, I had no choice but to act modestly and said that I would invite the leader of the people to negotiate.

The villagers were very happy about this, but the senior non-commissioned officer who took the lead said that the answer was too fast and obviously something was wrong.So, he asked a few mountain people for help, walked to the negotiation site by a small path, and personally investigated the situation.

The nobles' awareness of prevention was very poor. After a few people turned around, they found that there was indeed a group of mercenaries ambushing. The road in the distance was billowing with smoke and dust, and it was obvious that someone was coming on horseback.

Obviously, this is a scam.

So, they used their tricks and organized a group of capable people to come to the venue one day in advance, prepare on the outside, and then attack suddenly.The noble army was shocked and fled in all directions. Several lords were killed on the spot.On the same day, other people rushed to the local lord's manor and found that there was no one guarding it, so they quickly took it.

If it stops here, it will be just a slightly more exciting mutiny.However, in the captured estate, some letters were found.

The villagers were more concerned about the wealth that the lord had plundered over the years, but the veterans of the legion immediately went to collect the letters and files in the lord's hands to see if there was any important information.As a result, the news that the nobles colluded with each other and prepared to rebel was exposed.

After a brief discussion, everyone decided not to rebel.From now on, everyone will be loyal ministers of the Purple Horde Khanate, and must promptly report the conspiracy of the evil chieftain.The old non-commissioned officer asked the mountain people to lead the way again, and instead of going to Dadu, he went directly to the mountain to take a shortcut, went north to find the nearest military mansion, and informed them.

The largest civil war in the history of the Purple Horde began in such an unexpected way.

Khan Ting, who got the news, decided to intervene immediately. No matter what was going on there, these nobles must be uneasy and well-intentioned.

When the Serbian nobles heard the news of the mobilization of the Khan court's army, they also broke the jar and decided to reverse it first.Everyone recruits their own people, the more the better, and try to drive the Romans out directly.

They first besieged Belgrade, demanded that the city let them in, and provided money and supplies to sponsor the Restoration Movement.Citizens who were afraid of being looted closed the city gates and resisted desperately.The two sides fell into anxiety.

Other nobles took their private soldiers and went south into the Greek area, preparing to fight for Thessaloniki.

The Purple Horde has not ruled here for a long time, and the local Greek nobles have great influence.And many of these people are old nobles who have gone through several dynasties - in the history of Guo Kang's world, they were still able to hold high-level positions such as pashas until the Ottoman era. The way of living.

The old nobles immediately announced that they also sympathized with the Serbs and could provide necessary assistance.At the same time, he sent his confidants to take a secret letter, set off from the port, and sail directly to Dadu to inform the Zizhang Khan of the size, composition and supply of the Serbian noble army.

In Morea in the south and Transylvania in the north, many people responded to the rebels in the newly recovered areas.But when the news spread to the north, several rebellious Grand Duchesses of Ross began routinely besieging Moscow again.Sure enough, Shinra, Hungary, and Ottoman also tried to intervene, and most of the Khanate was caught in the flames of war.

However, in terms of danger alone, this time it was lower than last time.

Guo Kang's Greek teacher has specially studied this period of history.He believes that, judging from various subsequent documents, the messy reasons put forward by the nobles are only temporary excuses.He also told Guo Kang that from his own experience at the time and subsequent investigations, these nobles did not even have a unified slogan.

The various measures of the Queen Mother Helena really cannot eliminate the inherent contradictions between the Khan Court itself and these local nobles.But the Empress Dowager was too familiar with these people, and without paying much, she destroyed the traditional but very important organizational methods among the nobles.

Due to the haste of the incident, the noble rebels lacked a unified action and no clear strategic goals.At the beginning, many people thought that it would be good to protect themselves in the mountains, but after the number of nobles and soldiers joining exceeded expectations, the crowd quickly swelled up and decided to take the initiative to attack.

Due to the chaos of the rebel organization, Guo Kang's scholars and teachers did not know who came up with this idea, and even suspected that this person was an undercover agent.However, the temporarily formed noble council quickly passed this proposal in a frenzy.This move also quickly ruined themselves.

Unlike his mother, Basil III did have a reliable and large army in his hands.

After the Empress Dowager fell, he may have sensed that the situation was about to change, so he recalled Li Yinglin who had been forced to flee because he was accused of plotting to "kill the Queen".

In order to get rid of the embarrassing identity as soon as possible, Li Yinglin is very active in this regard.He even pointed out that although those local nobles now support the Great Khan and oppose the Queen Mother, they are actually opposing the Khan itself and are not trustworthy.

Although he should be the person who hates the queen mother the most, Li Yinglin admits that the various methods used by the queen mother have actually weakened the nobles' ability to fight.

This gang of mobs is the political legacy left by the Queen Mother.Instead of waiting for them to slowly plan and form an organization, it is better to start early so as not to let them recover.

He also proposed a plan to attack the enemy from behind by sending troops to the east coast of the Adriatic by supporting Venice.However, the development of the matter is even more outrageous than the radical Li Yinglin plan.This point, it is estimated that neither of them thought of it at the time.

(End of this chapter)

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