Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 126 Brother Caliph also wants me to protect him

Chapter 126 Brother Caliph also wants me to protect him
Another result of the "Anta War" was the introduction of transitional management and conscription methods.

The system of the Purple Horde is actually a special case in the local area.Even within the Khanate, only some areas can implement it.

However, even so, after decades of continuous improvement and tempering, it has gradually improved and provided the Purple Horde with abundant troops.

In Europe and West Asia, the legionnaires were not considered the best fighters, but everyone in the Khan court believed that they must be the most competent soldiers.

Even old opponents such as Shinra and Poland often misjudged the strength of the Purple Tent.

On the one hand, for a long time, they couldn't understand how the Purple Horde had so many regular troops in such a poor place.

On the other hand, it may be due to the influence from the beginning, the Purple Tentacle Corps attaches great importance to logistics and mobility.In this era, even if the opponent can gather a larger army, assemble and act, it will take a lot of time.Therefore, even if the total number is not as good as that of the opponent, the purple tent army can often create opportunities to fight more and less on specific battlefields.

But in the era of Basil, due to the rapid expansion of the territory, the control area of ​​the Purple Horde Khanate could no longer be covered by the two military systems of Nanya and Beiya.In order to effectively utilize the war potential of these areas, new concepts such as "auxiliary army" and "alliance army" were also introduced.

At first, this type of army was still very loose, basically acknowledging the rule of the local nobles, and then incorporating their armed forces as a vassal army as a whole.However, this "alliance" is often not very stable, and its combat effectiveness is also uneven.Later, with the improvement of Khan Ting's management ability and overall strength, everyone began to explore ways to better use and digest these forces.

Basil's rectification of the Serbian region provided Khanting with a good example.Since then, the Khan court decision-makers have been referring to these experiences to formulate different grouping methods for different geographical environments, folk customs, and power comparisons between parties.

Today, the plains of Serbia have basically become military residences.However, in the mountainous area, there are still some knight territories remaining.These people have performed well in previous wars, so Khan Ting is not too eager to change.It is not easy to say whether they are auxiliary troops or allied troops.

Of course, according to their own opinions, it should be neither, but the regular army of the legion itself.In order to show that they are also "proper Romans", the knights will regularly send representatives to Dadu to visit Basil's widow, Queen Elizabeth, with great fanfare every time.

In fact, some people believe that the Beiya Army itself is also a kind of auxiliary army system.It's just that this statement has been fiercely opposed by many people, so it's not very popular.

And the auxiliary army in the true sense was indeed created by the Beiya Army.

When the "Anda War" broke out, the Purple Horde had just annexed Georgia and Trabzon with the help of the break between Timur and Tutuo.In these places, management institutions have not yet been established, and it is impossible to organize reliable military fortifications.

Ottoman also hoped to take this opportunity to attack the Purple Horde, but disagreements occurred within the court regarding the direction of the march.Some people advocate taking Trabzon and other places on the southern coast of the Black Sea first, while others believe that the Greek region should continue to be attacked.

While they were still hesitating and the front line was still investigating and probing, the Khan court ordered Beiya general Tuotuo to lead his army south for reinforcements.Tuotuo then left the Ross front line that had just been pacified, took a few thousand households who could draw his hands, and set off from Kiev.In the Crimea, three more regiments, which happened to be training, were called up.But he still felt that there was not enough manpower, so he temporarily recruited many Ross people, and brought them to Asia Minor in the south of the Black Sea.

Here, these "auxiliary brigades" conducted hasty training, and then were sent to various places to fortify.But these Ross people, when fighting against the Ottoman army's attack, were unexpectedly determined, beyond the expectations of both sides.

This caused the Ottoman commander to misjudge the distribution and strategic intentions of the purple tent army.

While they were still confused about the situation, Tuotuo decided to take the initiative.The local Turkmen tribe learned that the Purple Horde Khanate was coming to fight Ottomans, and they all came out to help lead the way.After finding out the situation, with their help, Tuotuo led the main force, taking advantage of the winter when no one would march on a large scale, quietly went out to Sivas, and defeated the Ottoman army who was resting in the winter camp and was caught off guard.

In this battle, he captured six senior officers named Muhammad at one time, and even got the nickname "Maimatinicus".The sudden defeat also dealt a blow to the Ottoman northward advance, forcing the Sultan to abandon his plan to attack Trabzon.After that, Guo Kang was familiar with the fact that his adoptive father went to the Bursa court for a "visit".

The Purple Horde expanded its control area and recruited troops, and the one most affected was actually the Mamluk regime in Egypt.

The military system of the Mamluks is almost completely different from that of the Purple Horde.

The system of the Purple Horde has a lot of shadows in the Central Plains, and it is probably not too difficult to understand, but the organizational form of the Mamluk regime is different in the Mediterranean world.

The word "Mamluk" means slave.But "Mamluk Sultanate" and "Mamluk Egypt" are all names from outsiders, and of course they don't call them that.

The official name of the Mamluk regime is called "Turkish State", indicating their origin.Later, the dynasty changed, and the Mamluks from Circassians replaced the Mamluks from Kipchak, and the official diplomatic name became "the country of the Circassians", or "the Circassians". Turkey" has nothing to do with Egypt.

Therefore, when faced with specific affairs, many "inherent impressions" formed by Guo Kang had to be updated.After all, at this time, the Egyptian Mamluks are "Turkey"; and if you say that Ottoman is a "Turkish country", then the Sultan will be anxious with you on the spot, thinking that you are scolding him...

And the ruler of the Mamluks was not always the Sultan.After the Abbasid dynasty finally fell to Hulagu's army and the caliph was trampled to death by the Mongols, the Mamluk regime took in one of his relatives and declared him the new caliph.

Although the Mamluk caliphate has always been and will be basically a puppet in the future, and its influence is relatively limited, but this is indeed the only Abbasid caliphate in the Tianfangjiao world for a long time.Moreover, because of the frequent internal strife in the Mamluk dynasty, not long ago, the Caliph was actually pushed to power.

Therefore, this strange regime is actually neither called Egypt nor Mamluks, and it is not even known whether it is a sultanate at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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