Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 131 Theodora's Manifesto

Chapter 131 Theodora's Manifesto
Taking advantage of Theodora's hesitation, Meltem jumped up, jumped behind the pillar in two steps, and made faces at her with his head.

Theodora was furious and wanted to catch her, but found that the heroine Jeanne also appeared behind the colonnade, looking at them with a smile.

"Why are you here?" she asked angrily.

"I'm serious about my job." Jeanna waved her hands again and again: "Your brother specially invited me to monitor here to prevent assassins from making trouble."

"Okay..." Theodora could only admit it: "What about her?"

"She is too." The heroine Jeanna said: "You also know the security level of your Khan Ting. It is definitely beneficial to have more experienced people."

This reason is very good, and Theodora didn't know how to answer, so she could only reprimand Meltem: "If you have a job, go and stand guard outside, and don't come in casually to harass people."

"I came to see my brother, how could it be considered harassment..." Meltem didn't seem too convinced.

Rangna female hero held her head and rubbed it vigorously: "Okay, you have had enough fun, go out and have a walk."

Meltham was a little reconciled, but finally nodded and left.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Guo Kang quickly pushed down the wine glass, slammed the unfinished plate on his face, and laid it on the table.

"What are you pretending to do, get up!" Theodora pulled him up.

She picked up the napkin, wiped Guo Kang a few times, then dragged him outside.A guy who had drunk too much was coming out to ask for a drink. She kicked him aside and fell on his back, still yelling, "Fill it up! Fill it up!" Seeing her so angry, Guo Kang didn't dare to speak. I had no choice but to follow obediently.Jeanna and Meltem also followed.

In the hall, the few who were still drunk did not dare to speak.

Monk Daoyan was tasting the Greek sunflower stew in front of him. Seeing this scene, he showed a rare expression of surprise.Seeing little Rangna running out, she didn't stop her.

Theodora seemed to know that they would follow, so she deliberately waited outside on the balcony.When the others were all present, she stood up straight and announced, "I don't care what you think, I won't give in!"

"Don't look at me." Jeanna waved her hands again and again: "I won't rob you of your husband. You tell them."

"Who made you the biggest?" Theodora was almost dizzy, so she had to deal with it casually.

Rang Na's heroine looked surprised, looked at the other two, scratched her head, and stepped aside.

"I'm serious!" Theodora emphasized, "Do you know my situation?"

"You don't worry about not being able to find a husband at all." She pointed at Meltham: "No one cares about you running around, and your organization doesn't seem to have any strict rules. I guess they don't care who they marry. "

"You too." She turned to little Rangna again: "Your father doesn't care - he can't control you, I can see that. And your brother spoils you to the sky. Your mother herself is the one who took the lead in running away from marriage. Others are afraid of the Ming Dynasty and dare not force you to marry; the Ming Dynasty is too far away, and I can't control it so finely. So, I know very well that you can choose your husband yourself."

"But I can't." She pointed to herself: "It's the best choice for me to marry him. But that's the only choice I have."

"My two aunts were married to Russians and Italians by my grandfather. They didn't want to marry far away, but my grandfather said that this is the responsibility of the daughter of the Great Khan. According to the plan at the time, I should probably marry For the French royal family..."

"I think Mr. Basil is right." Meltem interjected.

"You usually eat delicious food and drink spicy food, and you are white and fat." She looked at Theodora and curled her lips: "Tsk, you are as strong as a cow... You can't just eat without working!"

"Yes. And what are you blaming me for?" Little Jeanna said dissatisfied: "My father cut down the royal family in France, and successfully cut down the royal family to the point where marriage is worthless. You should thank me."

"..." Guo Kang didn't know whether it was a compliment or a curse.

"Of course I am not failing to fulfill my responsibilities." Theodora retorted: "The marriage between the Khan family and the Han family Zhuguo was last time the sister of the founding Khan Boyan Timur. It has been so long, and it is not in the national interest to do it again request?"

"I hope that when I fulfill my responsibilities, I can guarantee my own happiness. Is it wrong?" She continued to ask: "I know that the conditions are very harsh, and the possibility of being satisfied at the same time is very small. But it is because the chances are too small that I choose Take advantage of the opportunity in front of you.”

"If you continue to mess around, you will destroy the freedom and happiness of my life!" She warned: "I have never bothered with you before, but if anyone continues like this, I will be rude!"

After finishing speaking, she stared at the two of them with a menacing look.

Little Jeanna and Meltem looked at each other.

"Hmph, you're just being sentimental..." Meltham was also a little unhappy, and muttered, but in the end he gave in and said, "Okay, now that I've said that, it seems like I'm a big villain. I won't delay Aren't you two going to get married?"

"I don't have any objections." Little Jeanna spread her hands, "I'm not Theseus, so I have to fight against you all the time."

She looked at her mother in the hall: "My brother said that the girl Jiji was 15 years old, and Princess Ma married my father at the age of 17. This was conferred by Emperor Taizu himself, so it should be a rule. No. Just like in France, you get married at a young age."

"So, you don't have to worry about me." She finally said, "Don't worry, I'm just playing around with him now. I know it very well."

"Which one of us is a child." She sighed maturely: "Why do you have to let your little sister teach you about this kind of thing. Can't you see it?"

Theodora was said several times by her, but she couldn't refute for a while.She was about to emphasize it again and give herself a step, when she suddenly saw someone walking out of the door.

"Princess, Brother Kang, let's go back. It's winter, and it's windy outside." Shi Ke held a bowl of soup and poked his head out: "It's so hot after drinking, it's easy to catch cold. Let's have some hot soup just served... ...Hey, where are people?"

After talking halfway, he realized that the two of them were not at the door.

"You two also change the time, you have to run out at this time." He shrank his head and walked out the door.Looking back, I saw Theodora holding Guo Kang and confronting several girls of different ages.

"This is quite a wide range..." Shi Ke muttered.

Seeing that those people also turned their heads to look at him, he hurriedly said loudly again: "Oh, you still have something to do. Then I won't bother you, I'm leaving!"

With that said, he quickly ran back all the way.

(End of this chapter)

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