Chapter 134
Because of this origin, the "Church of Rome" had little connection with the Orthodox Church of Constantinople.

At that time, in the eyes of the Orthodox Church, they may all be beyond heresy.Patriarch Zhang sorted out the teachings, which actually had the effect of normalizing, but made the concept of the "Church of Rome" closer to the orthodox church.At the very least, some more outrageous claims such as "The Great Khan is the reincarnation of Brother Tian" were suppressed.To be honest, the Junbao Church has to thank others...

Of course, even so, the Orthodox Church just complained and did nothing.

The church in Eastern Rome was different from the Holy See in that it was greatly constrained by the emperor and the court.Although they are also quite powerful, owning a lot of real estate and loyal followers, and sometimes can even call on the people to make troubles and put pressure on the emperor, but these all depend on various political forces after all, and they can use the game between them.The Orthodox Church itself does not have as much independent action capability as the Holy See.

It was okay for a while before, because some big nobles and the emperor were at odds, and everyone often needed to win over the church, so that they had some bargaining power.

But it is a pity that at the moment when the purple tent was just emerging, there were not many big nobles with real family backgrounds in Eastern Rome, and the church's own property was also very small.

——Because of Ottoman's frequent attacks, the great nobles either went bankrupt or surrendered to the enemy.In short, it was almost finished by Ottoman's cutting of the vassal.

The King Castle Church didn't even have time to make a formal condemnation at that time - at that time, the Greek officials were fighting among themselves, and the church forces were also deeply involved in it. Everyone was busy fighting among themselves and didn't care about them.

After the Purple Horde entered Constantinople, the "Church of Rome" did not consider itself a reformed church, or the merger of the two churches.They thought they had come to "take over" the Greek Church.

This was not because they rejected the Orthodox Church, the "Church of Rome" still classified itself as Orthodox at that time.But belief belongs to belief, organization belongs to organization, these are two different things.

The "Church of Rome" is the official organization of the Purple Horde Khanate. After Guo Gai rectified the official positions of the Khanate and established provinces and ministries, they were always directly under the Ministry of Rites. The patriarch usually held the position of minister or even minister.

And, it's not a fake job.Because the cultural and educational level of the Purple Horde Khanate was not as good as that of the Central Plains, Guo Gai, Zhang Patriarch and others have been consciously using the church to educate and manage.For example, at present, the "[-] civil servants" in various farms in Romania are dispatched by the church in terms of establishment, and they are responsible for quite a lot of clerical and educational responsibilities.

Above them, until the patriarch of the province, is part of the official government. The assessment and promotion are determined by the Ministry of Officials, and the supervision is in charge of Post Office Minister, one of the chief officials of Zhongshu Province.

The Ministry of Officials used the old system of the Tang Dynasty, and the post office officials were in charge of supervision, which was not only a habit in the Han Dynasty, but also the experience of Eastern Rome itself.Even the position of post post minister was directly transferred from the Roman official position.

Although it is the same as other official systems in the Zizhang, it is mixed everywhere, but it is very useful here and has continued to this day.Even the Greeks themselves, when it came time to take charge of state affairs, felt that it was better to use this set. The "Church of Rome" system such as the inspection of priests in the state capital and the regular rotation of priests sitting in the church was introduced by the Queen Mother of Greece.

In this case, the Roman Church believes that it is the government.The Greek Church in Constantinople was different in nature.

Ever since Emperor Constantine accepted the church, although the imperial court has been managing them, the church has always continued its own organization, but it has been reused by the imperial court as a helper for the imperial court, and has never been truly incorporated.

Therefore, this time to take over the church in Constantinople, it is actually a respect for them.This is a matter for the establishment, which is equivalent to upgrading from a civil society to a formal official.

Where can I get such a good thing?Others wanted it, but the government didn't give it to them.

This incident caused fierce quarrels and even splits in the Church of Constantinople at that time.Most of the upper-level patriarchs and senior priests agreed with the proposition of the Purple Horde, and believed that there was no choice now.But many middle- and lower-level priests firmly oppose this. Some people are worried that their jurisdiction and power will be deprived, and more people may simply think that the teachings of these "religionists" are too outrageous, and they have never seen such a heresy. degree of...

Because of these lower priests, they had great influence on many Greek villages and towns.Moreover, the Khan court does need a group of theologians in the traditional sense to engage in work on scriptures—such as routine debates with the Holy See.Therefore, in the end, the Purple Horde and the "Church of Rome" could only make some concessions.

What is now Constantinople is an ad hoc diocese, with various temples and academies underneath.Some priests and priests in the Greek region are not officials under these provinces—the Patriarchate—in terms of establishment, but commissioners sent from various monasteries and research institutes in the diocese of Constantine.Their churches do not belong to the parish establishment of the state capital, but are regarded as the liaison station of the Constantine diocese in various places.In this way, a certain degree of independence is maintained when both parties can accept it.

The conflict between the two sides was not bridged until Guo Kang's father's generation.At that time, the Ottomans tried to risk Constantinople by storm, and the church was the most active group of people in the city who resisted.If other people have the ability, they can switch to Ottoman, and they can easily get a job again, but if the priests switch to that side, the industry threshold is relatively high...

After that, the two sides became more stable.

The bigger problem is that these two are not the only ones in Zizhang.In the north, there is a third faction that joined later - the Church of Kiev.

As early as when Rus was baptized, Kiev became the center of the Orthodox Church in the Rus region.The Patriarch of Constantinople sent a group of clergy to establish the Metropolitan Diocese of Kiev.Afterwards, the educational affairs in the Rus area were presided over by Kiev, and Kiev became the "Russian metropolitan diocese".

But later, the entire Ross Metropolitan Diocese was divided.The Principality of Galich-Volyn, west of Kiev, decided to accept the Roman Catholic Church in order to gather manpower to deal with the Mongols, received the crown from the Pope, and began to call itself a kingdom.

This move aroused dissatisfaction in the Orthodox world.Since Galich was relatively powerful among the principalities at that time, the neighboring Kiev was inclined to them, and the Metropolitan of All Rus, who felt threatened, led his congregation to leave, came to Vladimir, and finally moved to Moscow.This also caused the Ross church to split.

Of course, this split also seems inevitable.After the arrival of the Mongols, Galich and Kiev in the southwest, Moscow and Vladimir in the northeast became the two centers of the Ross region.The division of politics and economy finally led to the division of religion.

In the end, under the mediation of Patriarch Constantine, it was decided that both metropolitan dioceses should be preserved.Of the fifteen dioceses in the Rus region, six in the southwestern part are still under the administration of the Metropolitan of Kiev, known as the "Little Rus Metropolitan Diocese".The remaining nine, under the administration of the Metropolitan of Moscow, are known as the "Great Rus Metropolitan Diocese".The former "All Ross Diocese" has now been divided into two, which has had a profound impact on later generations.

(End of this chapter)

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