Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 140 Old Chinese Physician Pharabius

Chapter 140 Old Chinese Physician Pharabius (476 Monthly Ticket Plus)

"The female ruler of Alexandria... that is Cleopatra." Dmitri thought for a while and said.

"is her."

"This description is different from what we saw here."

"That's true." Guo Kang had been told by little Jeanna that he was not very knowledgeable before, and it was rare to be able to give lectures to others, so he talked more: "There are not many records of her affairs on the side of the Arabs. On the contrary, there are , the ones who are most interested in her are the scholars."

"Scholars over there believe that she is a learned person who is good at alchemy, philosophy and mathematics. Some people also say that she is also an architect with excellent administrative ability. The re-planning of Alexandria and the repair of the nearby Nile waterway are also She hosted it back then. Therefore, her reputation there should be much better than here."

"So it's like this..." Dmitry understood: "For them, Cleopatra was one of the early enlightenment teachers. It's normal to have a different impression. Then what happened after that? "

"After that, this situation lasted for a long time. After the rise of God worship, the philosophical education in Rome stopped because of internal strife. Afterwards, because of the Syrian Platonists and the conflict with the Alexandria diocese, the Alexandria city Philosophy education is also unsustainable," Guo Kang said.

"However, before the appearance of Tianfangjiao, the Arabs and Persians had already begun to obtain knowledge from here. They probably collected some books that were scattered to the people during the previous destructions, and learned from those philosophy teachers who fled to Antioch Some of their descendants were active in Baghdad, and some returned to Central Asia, forming a center of philosophical research in Mulu. After the establishment of the Arab empire, this kind of research became more prosperous."

"The representative of this type of research is the Al Farabi I just mentioned."

"In the world of Tianfangjiao, the Aristotelian school is called the 'Hou Kema' school, which means 'wise men'. They respect Aristotle as the 'first teacher' and Farabi as the 'second teacher'. tutor'."

"Farabi systematically organized and annotated Aristotle's works. So far, this is also the most complete version. The Frankish scholastics learned from their compiled works. to a more complete Aristotelian learning."

Of course, Guo Kang's statement is actually conservative.Until the time of his previous life, Farabi's annotations and taxonomy were still in use.

"Then does his theory inspire our research?" Dmitry asked.

"There are a lot of people who admire his theory on the side of the Franks. On our side..." Guo Kang thought for a while, but didn't say anything dead: "You can refer to it."

"Farabi and the Mulu School advocate rationality and have conducted in-depth research on epistemology. They believe that logic is the foundation of philosophy, and the highest law of logic is the law of contradiction."

"Farabi classifies religion as the truth in the field of belief and morality; while philosophy, especially natural philosophy, is the exploration of the logical relationship of nature in order to seek happiness for human beings, which is a broader truth."

"In this set of theories, religion and philosophy are separate and are two different fields, and the value of pure reason is higher than the value of religion. The basic means of distinguishing religion and philosophy is logic."

"This statement is self-consistent, but not all monks on our side would welcome it." Dmitry said truthfully: "In the Church of Constantine, there are many monks who believe in mysticism and penance. Patriarch Wang and Dean John told me in advance that I don't think my knowledge is enough to evaluate this distant scholar who doesn't know much, but the monks over there may really find it hard to accept such a straightforward statement."

"That's why I think the banner of Shengguang's study is very good, even I am motivated to read it." He pointed to the badge and nodded in agreement.

"In addition, where is he from?" He thought for a while, and then asked: "Tianfang's theory of teaching the world, I feel that different regions are very different. Some places are very active, and some places are very conservative. I don't know him. Which dynasty does it belong to?"

"Uh..." Guo Kang's face was a bit strange: "Strictly speaking, he is from Seris."


"Farabi was born in Eidala, and went to school in Balasagun and other places. It was the boundary of the Karahan Dynasty, and the Karahan Dynasty insisted that they were peach blossom stone people." Guo Kang said: "This dynasty is also the Liao dynasty. The tributary state of the Kingdom of China was later incorporated by Xiliao. Therefore, after careful argumentation, from the perspective of the political power, he should be a peach blossom stone man—that is what the Central Asians call Seris.”

"I've seen quite a few people from Seris." Dmitri nodded, "Well, it's not surprising that he views religion this way..."

"Actually, you get used to it after getting in touch with it a lot." Guo Kang said: "There are also many people on the Frankish side, and they can't accept their idea."

"'Dr. Angel' Thomas Aquinas, because of the influence of the Arab Aristotelian school, suffered a lot of attacks. He is considered the most outstanding representative of scholastic philosophy. As a result, with his status in theological circles , were all censored for heresy in the end. But in the end, everyone still has to use this set of philosophical tools.”

"Of course, the more practical part will definitely be accepted faster." He asked, "Do you know the "Medical Code"?"

"I know that." Demetrius nodded: "I heard that it was introduced by the Iberians from the Tianfang Sect world. They thought that the achievements of this book surpassed the works of Hippocrates and Galen. It is regarded as a classic."

"That book was written by Ibn Sina, and his teacher was Al Farabi." Guo Kang said, "Both of them are actually Aristotelian philosophers, but their medical research is more Famous. Europeans don’t necessarily know the philosophy of Ibn Sina, but they know Avicenna’s Canon of Medicine—that’s his Latin name.”

"Farabi lived in the territory of the Uighurs, and sorted out a lot of medical achievements in the Central Plains and Central Asia. Some of the materials of Ibn Sina came from him. And these places, in the eyes of the Tianfang Sect world, are peach blossom stones Partly, so his better-known image in Europe may not be a Tianfang Sect philosopher, but a... er, an old Chinese doctor."

"Farabi's Latin name is Farabius. So, for the same reason, not many people know about the philosopher Farabi. But if you find a knowledgeable Frank, especially a scholar or a doctor, then He has a high probability of knowing the old Chinese doctor Pharabius."

"So you see what I mean."

(End of this chapter)

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