Chapter 150

"Theoretically, it can indeed have a good effect, but how do you realize the projection you mentioned?" Brother Dmitri asked curiously.

"Please ask Father Mihail to show you too." Guo Kang said.

"Okay." The head monk nodded, turned his head and said, "Brother John, please take out the holy book and show it to Brother Dmitri."

Hearing this, Brother John ran to the warehouse in small steps, and carefully took out a beautifully decorated box.

Father Michael wiped his hands with the cloth towel in front of the car, and took out a rather thick scroll from the box.

Brother John put down the box and opened the scroll for him, only to see that the scroll was framed very strangely: a long leather strap was embedded on each side, and square holes were punched on it.

In the middle, the cloth used for mounting the picture is very long, and the place where the drawing paper is placed is hollowed out.The drawing paper is not pasted on it, but embedded in it.

The paper looks thin and takes on a translucent color in sunlight.On it, a string of holy images of Brother Tian was drawn in light ink.Looking carefully, Brother Tian's body parts are exactly the same, but the positions of the hands and arms are slightly different between each two pictures, and the color of the icon is also a little strange.

"Is this the oriental style?" a monk asked.

"Yes. I got this paper from my grandfather. He is very distressed." Guo Kang shook his head helplessly.

"Hey, it's another technology dependency." Tuo Huan also said with emotion.

"He also asked someone to make this scroll. Although he didn't accept such a strange order, we added money and found a master who was willing to give it a try." Guo Kang continued: "The current structure is also The product of their many attempts. For example, those leather strips can prevent the scroll from being pulled off, so they were added."

"Printing is also an oriental technique. First make an engraving, and engrave the unchanged parts, that is, the head and torso. Then, find a painter to repaint the changed parts. This will achieve such an effect."

Although they didn't know why they drew so many paintings, everyone nodded their heads, expressing that at least they understood the process.

Father Michael's men brought out some tripods from the storeroom.Someone else took a glass lens, mounted it on top of a tripod, and adjusted it slightly so that it aligned with the light.

"The lens can change the direction of the light. After being processed by the mirror, the light is straight, so we need to diffuse it." Guo Kang said with gestures.

"Theoretically, it is enough to replace a reflector with another shape, but that thing is not easy to carry; it is also possible to change the position of the lamp, but our reflector cannot be made too large, which will leak more light, and requires on-site calculations and adjust."

"You have also seen the situation on our side. At present, only technical priests are relatively proficient in this, and many ordinary monks can only perform operations according to formulas. As for slave labor, they can only use their strength. Therefore, in order to It can be used effectively in various occasions, when we design, we would rather sacrifice some performance and pursue convenience.”

"Here, we have added a special lens for animation. In this way, even priests in the Serbian mountains can directly operate it according to the scriptures as long as they know a few words." He pointed to the tall Lens: "The specification of this thing is certain, and the distance from the light has already been calculated. They just need to measure it with a ruler, put it on the ground, and it will start broadcasting."

When they were polishing, they had already measured all the required data.Among other things, these Greeks are not bad at calculating geometry. They can calculate arcs, paraboloids, etc., so there is no need for him to worry.

"What is animation?" Dmitry heard new words again.

"It's a painting that can move." Guo Kang pointed to another wooden platform erected and replied.

After the monks were laid down, Father Michael himself climbed up.On top of the shelf, was a hand-cranked gear train they'd seen many times today.But on the outermost side, there are two large wooden gears that are symmetrical up and down, and they are connected with wooden sticks.

Opposite the gear set, there are two circles.A monk handed over the scroll, and Father Michael carefully fixed the earth shaft at the end of the scroll in the two rings.Pull out the sky shaft at the beginning and insert it into a pair of holes on the edge of the gear.The belt holes also fit snugly into the long wooden teeth.

Father Michael turned the handle so that the first icon was aligned with the diffuser lens and the lamp.Under the dark warehouse shed, a faint image appeared on the opposite wall.

"The effect will be better at night, we can probably try it now." Guo Kang said: "Father, please start."

Father Michael nodded, and with the help of an assistant, rewound the scroll back to the beginning, then said a few verses, made the sign of the sign of the sign of the cross, and began to shake the turntable suddenly and vigorously.

Wooden gears are not heavy and accelerate quickly.The long beginning of the scroll also flashed across quickly, and the row of translucent holy brothers quickly passed in front of the light beam.

Dmitry and the others saw that the projection of Brother Tian on the wall suddenly moved—he raised his hand and made a classic religious gesture.

However, in just an instant, Brother Tian's image disappeared, leaving only a piece of white light.

"We haven't finished the painting yet. Regarding the follow-up action, the theologians of the Constantinople Church have proposed several plans, and they are still arguing. We have to wait for them to discuss it, and then let the artist slowly Draw it." Guo Kang said.

However, the visiting monks no longer cared about his explanation.

The crowd shouted again, "The holy image is moving!" "This must be the manifestation of Brother Tian-no, it is the technique of Brother Tian's grace!", cheering and falling into a frenzied atmosphere.

Father Michael was very happy, stroked his beard, kept leaning over, and returned the salute to the congratulatory monks.Brother Dmitri began to put forward his own theory.

"I think it's good to leave blank at the end, and there is no need to draw more." He pointed out: "At that moment, I saw Brother Tian turned into light-is there anything more sacred than this?"

"The Patriarch and senior theologians of the Junbao Church should have discussed this. They hope to show more complex religious symbols." Guo Kang himself doesn't really understand.If it wasn't for what little Rangna asked him to make up temporarily, he probably wouldn't be able to answer now, so he had to use authority to deal with it.

"Brother Tian's image is just a decoration, and the big people above won't understand it." Dmitry shook his head, but insisted: "As long as it expresses an appropriate religious symbol, it's fine. I think the simpler and clearer it is, the better it is in the world." The closer you are to God theologically, the easier it will be for your technology, right?"

"It's hard for me to comment on this." Guo Kang had no choice but to push it to Lama Wang: "After all, I am not a professional theologian. You can write an official letter to the Patriarch or Dean John to explain this. question."

Brother Dmitri also understood, so he nodded.

"Junbao Church is definitely willing to pay for it." Tuo Huan interjected, "This is indeed more interesting than I imagined—is there anyone else?"

"We can also draw some saints." Guo Kang replied: "However, our production capacity is limited now, so let's finish one first."

"I think this is a very good way to declare." Tuo Huan pointed to the scroll: "What is this... It's just this kind of paper figurine brother, although it is quite blurry and trembling, but it is already very good. If you put other religions, it is estimated that they will be regarded as Buddha's light, miracles and so on."

"Brother paper man... That's true." Guo Kang spread his hands: "In this way, the bishop of Rome is too honest to make money, but he honestly sells indulgences. It's better to take the saints' paper Filmmakers, use it to pay everyone to draw a lottery, so you can earn more."


(End of this chapter)

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