Chapter 154 Joanna Giovanni

"Then is this person trustworthy?" Tuo Huan asked.

"There's nothing wrong with her." Guo Kang pointed out: "The businessmen are not in the same group. Rather, they probably wait to see the Venetian make a fool of themselves."

"That's it." Tuo Huan thought for a while, then nodded, indicating that he was fine.

"Li Xuanying told me that her family is a small nobleman, but I think they are quite rich. Maybe, what big and small people look at is power and status, not wealth." The family has no impression, and it may indeed not be very famous."

"They shouldn't be called the Beech Family." A monk reminded him.

"Ah?" Guo Kang didn't respond.

"If her father's name was Giovanni di Giovanni, that means her grandfather's name was Beach," said the friar. "Again, she should be called Joanna di Giovanni. Not Joanna Beach." .”

"It turns out that they are the same as the Nordics and Arabs." Guo Kang understood: "I saw a middle word in the name, and thought it was French."

"Didn't she sign the donation?" Tuo Huan began to suspect that he was too sloppy: "You don't even remember the name of the donor, do you?"

"She just wrote Joanna in her signature. I don't know what her last name is." Guo Kang also expressed helplessness.

"In many parts of Europe, people don't have clear surnames like the Romans and Serese people. Some nobles are included." The monk explained: "Moreover, there is not only one surname. If it is a celebrity, it will usually choose A fixed word, or several words used in different occasions. As for other people, it’s much more casual, even if you ask them yourself, you probably won’t be able to tell.”

"If her family is a small nobleman who started a business, then this situation is normal. In Italy, this is indeed the habit."

"Ah, then there is no other way." Tuo Huan had no choice but to give up: "The only thing I know about Italy is my grandfather's notes."

"When he was on an expedition to Italy, he teased the local nobles there every day, and wrote down their funny performances, making all kinds of ridicule." He said with a smile: "Although he only interfered in Naples at that time, the whole of Italy , All the nobles with heads and faces rushed to contact him."

"The nobles who support him basically want to use his deterrence to gain power; the nobles who oppose him also use the banner of resisting Rome to expand their family power, and at the same time secretly contact him to see when they will surrender. most."

"I'm very happy watching, so I should be clear about those noble surnames." He told Guo Kang: "Those who didn't appear at that time, even if they were nobles, they were new upstarts, or small characters who had never heard of it." .So don't worry about her."

"Okay." Guo Kang thought it made sense, thought for a while, and said, "Then we don't have to worry about her surname anymore. Let's call her Joanna Giovanni from now on. It's quite easy to remember..."

Tuo Huan has no objection to this.

"When she donated money, did she say what kind of reward she wanted? She also hoped to sell our glass in the future?"

"I didn't make it clear at the time, but she came to me once in the past few days." Guo Kang said: "Everyone knows about the Mamluks' visit, so she came to ask me if she could follow along."

"What is she going to Egypt for? Why is everyone going?" Tuo Huan was puzzled.

"I don't know." Guo Kang shook his head: "I guess it's a business? Like selling mummy powder?"

"Then arrange it in the follow-up business group. Why do these people want to join the front line? The battlefield is a fun place? Everyone is really worried." Tuo Huan said helplessly.

"Then I will deal with it like this next time." Guo Kang agreed.

"Let's continue to look at this workshop. I have a feeling that this may be the foundation of the entire monastery." Tuo Huan urged: "We must not just make mirrors."

"Mirrors are the best and simplest luxury goods known so far." Guo Kang said, "I haven't thought of other solutions for the time being, so I just researched this."

"The profit from selling luxury mirrors to the east may not be stable. You can only sell a few to the upper class, so that they can make a new idea, and it will not be able to form a stable profit." It seems that Tuo Huan has really studied it.

"Their metal mirror technology is very mature. After maintenance, it is visually no different from our glass mirror. The advantage of the glass mirror is that it has an extra coating, which can better prevent rust and darkening."

"Isn't this advantage enough?" Guo Kang was a little surprised: "Bronze mirrors have to be served frequently, but this kind of mirror is much more convenient and can save a lot of effort. My mother and sister like it very much."

"No, no. Think about it carefully, who is the target customer of your luxury mirror?" Tuo Huan shook his head again and again and asked him.

"Is it the nobles and ladies of the upper class?" Guo Kang said.

"Do the upper-class nobles polish their mirrors every day?" Tuo Huan asked.


"Will the upper-class ladies give priority to 'convenience' and 'saving effort'?" Tuo Huan asked again.

Guo Kang was speechless this time.

"Your mother and your sister are both very busy, and they go out to fight with people every day. How can they represent ordinary ladies?" Tuo Huan said.

"You don't like dealing with those people, it's normal, and I don't like it either. But in the past two years, I was forced by my mother to attend various parties, and I still saw a lot of them."

"My mother and my sister are pretty good compared to each other." He said helplessly, "Hey, I don't blame you, I would rather drink with those Mamluks than hang out with those pretentious ladies. Together."

"But since we want to do this business, we have to study the mentality of the customers."

"So, I think that if you sell luxury mirrors, the focus is not only on the mirror itself, but on the theme of the 'Great Qin Kingdom'. Do oriental ladies lack mirrors? Certainly not. But what attracts them is not mirrors , but the 'exotic' brought by the mirror."

"So, we should make a mirror stand, and then pack it up and sell it together." Tuo Huan gestured: "Make some mosaic patterns, make some church-style paintings, and then add amber or something."

"Isn't there people from the Ming Dynasty here? Ask them what style they like there, and then use our techniques and craftsmanship to express it. This way they look pleasing to the eye and have a special style."

"This group of people are all idle and free after eating and drinking all day long. They like this kind of thing."

"And, even so, this thing is not a stable income." He pointed out: "The luxury goods purchased by the richest people look expensive, but the total amount is actually very limited. The biggest effect is actually the role of publicity .”

"Look at the Ming Dynasty and the Javanese Yuan, they sell things by whole boats and boats. This is the main part of the profit." He warned Guo Kang: "I think you should focus on how to increase production and lower costs. When these mirrors can be afforded by the middle and upper classes of the Ming Dynasty, even if shipping costs and damages are included, we can count on a product that can match iron pots and porcelain."

"Okay, I understand." Guo Kang thought for a moment, then nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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