Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 157 Physics, Doesn't Exist!

Chapter 157 Physics, Doesn't Exist!

"From a theological point of view, this is indeed a miracle." A monk analyzed it: "Our scriptures were written down by the heavenly Father who inspired them."

"Now, through the church, the Heavenly Father has written down the rules and precepts of natural philosophy with the pen of philosophers. Therefore, these theories, and the devices created according to the theories, are naturally spiritual. On them, it is true There is a divine element."

"This kind of divinity is indeed easier to test." Another monk also put forward his own thoughts: "It is very difficult to check out theological errors. But in the study of natural philosophy, if there are misunderstandings and inadequacies in cognition , is easily discovered by others.”

"Since all parts of the world were created by the Heavenly Father, the basic laws should also be the same. This is the window that the Heavenly Father left for us. Let us only need to verify it to find out the truth."

Everyone agreed.

"Everyone, our church takes the offerings of believers and lets others farm and weave to support themselves. It is to save everyone's energy, concentrate on feeling the glory of God, and then turn around and lead others." Guo Kang said: "If The church's ability to understand the world is not as good as that of ordinary believers, so it cannot be justified."

"That's right." Dmitry also thought it made sense.

After they finished discussing, Guo Kang said that these are the main tour items for today.It happened to be meal time, so everyone went to the cafeteria to have something to eat, and then think about what else is wrong.Regarding follow-up research, you can also talk while eating.

They followed another road, boarded the red cliff, and prepared to return.

Looking down from here, you can see a bay not far away.There is a small pier and several houses have been built on the shore.You can see the elevated aqueduct that diverts water from the small river in the mountain, and the waterwheel that has not yet been built.One of the buildings has a tall chimney and several small pools beside it.

"Is that part of the monastery too?" Dmitry asked.

"Yes, I found a place with convenient transportation, and I plan to integrate the current experimental workshops to improve efficiency." Guo Kang said: "There are many coal-producing places in various regions of Romania, but unfortunately most of them are not nearby. For the time being, it can only be transported by water. The building next to the mountain is used to refine coke with coal. We burn the coal in a sealed boiler, and the product is a very good fuel.”

"And that pool is used to treat exhaust gas. After firing a kiln, the exhaust gas inside passes through ceramic pipes and enters the bottom of this pool. The pool is filled with lime, which can remove a lot of poisons. Later, we will add covers to these pools. Insulate the air, so that you can get the processed furnace gas."

"Still collecting these things?" Tuo Huan asked curiously, "What is this for?"

"In the glass workshop just now, there was a big bellows next to the tin tank, and this was inside." Guo Kang said: "When we heat the tin, its surface contacts the 'phlogiston gas' in the air, and it will Changes. So during this time, you need to use other gases to blow."

"The 'phlogiston gas' in the coke oven has been consumed by coal, and it can be regarded as a 'phlogiston-free gas'. So it is enough to use it to protect the tin water. Anyway, in our process, it does not take long to use it, waiting for the glass liquid When it is poured upwards, the glass itself will insulate the tin and the air."

"But when I built those experimental facilities, I didn't think about such a complicated problem. Now I have to use cowhide airbags to fill the gas. To make glass, you have to blow the cowhide first..."

"It's too stupid to move around. So I decided to move the whole glass workshop there in the future." Guo Kang said: "I'm going to make a whole pipeline and use exhaust gas to help preheat the tin bath , and then treat the cooled gas, and finally lead it back for spraying. It’s just that, the pipes are twisted and bent, I can’t figure it out, and now I’m looking for an architect to do it.”

"Can you design it well?" Tuo Huan asked.

"Don't worry, they have a lot of experience in designing pipelines." Guo Kang said: "Tell them that the temperature is very high and they don't need to use lead to connect."

They said, left the workshop area, and returned to the church.After resting for a while, the horn on the wall blared three times, and everyone went to eat while lamenting how amazing this thing is.

Lama Wang and Dean John also appeared in the cafeteria to greet the visiting monks and see if they had gained anything from the visit.Dmitry and others expressed their gratitude, saying that they would bring more priests to visit in the future, and called on other religious orders to help.

In short, everyone seems to be quite satisfied with these displays.

After dinner, Guo Kang returned to the chapel at their request and showed everyone the air pump he made earlier.

"The airtightness of this thing is not very good, so it can't draw a vacuum state. Of course, it is enough to show the power of air pressure." He held a copper-like pump and told everyone.

"Inside this thing, a one-way valve is made of copper sheets and soft leather gaskets. It is this copper plug with a handle that pumps air." He passed the air cylinder to the monks: "Actually, the principle of the air pump is the same as that of the air pump. The direction of the valve is just reversed."

"Then, I also ordered a special demonstration equipment - vacuum copper ball." He took out two copper hemispheres with a wide edge: "At first, I gave lectures to the monks here, and I used it .But then we made a more practical glass tube, and this thing has been kept here as a teaching tool."

"This is not a ball." Tuo Huan pointed out.

"Uh, I really planned to just make two hemispheres, but our sealing material is not very good. To be on the safe side, I made the edge wider. Now it feels a bit like a sweaty hat..." Guo Kang He argued: "Bronze ball is what I'm used to calling it, you can call it 'Bronze Hat Experiment' if you want..."

"Look, I still have the valve." He pointed to half of it and said, "There is also a soft leather gasket between the two hemispheres."

"Now, let's fix it." He let the two monks press down hard, then connected the air cylinder, opened the valve, and began to pump air.

This crude device will soon be unable to pump.But Guo Kang said that enough was enough, and he closed the valve tightly, letting the two let go.Then, he held a "copper hat" in one hand, and the other half did not fall off.

"Is this stuck?" Someone asked.

"It was pressed." Guo Kang said: "Although the inside is far from being a vacuum, the difference in gas pressure is enough to keep it fixed on it—it means that two people keep pressing it, so it can't fall down. "

As he said, he closed half of the gate, picked up the rope, tied one end to the pillar, and tied the other end to the handrail of the gate, straightened the rope, and let the copper ball hang in the air.

"It's easy to use force. Who will try?"

Dmitry stepped forward and tried to push the door, but it didn't move.Several other monks also tried it curiously, and the rope on the copper ball became tense, but they could not be torn apart.

"Look, this is also the power of physics." Guo Kang said proudly.

"I don't know if there is a patron saint in this field." A monk said, "I want to enshrine him in the church I work for. The believers will definitely like him very much."

"The entire domain is too big. I guess only Heavenly Father and Heavenly Brother can control it so broadly." Guo Kang said: "As for a specific part...the villagers have already started to worship the 'Saint with the Lamp' before. "

"What is that?" asked the monk.

Guo Kang took out a scroll, opened it, and saw a picture of a young girl in a nun's attire.She herself doesn't have many characteristics, but she holds a purple lamp in her hand.

"The paint is quite valuable, but the villagers think it is worth it." Guo Kang said: "This character is not real, but a symbol of the grace of the heavenly father in the purple light. Perhaps it can also be regarded as the personification of the lamp. They Thank you for donating this painting to the monastery."

"Didn't you make this lamp?" Tuo Huan pointed out, "Then... isn't this the female version of you?"


Guo Kang couldn't react for a while.

He had been imagining that little Rangna would be a part-time saint, after all, she knew a lot.Even my own remarks today were learned from her temporary supplementary lessons.Tuo Huan was the first to think of himself, and he didn't know how to use his brain...

He was still thinking about when he would introduce her to the priests, but he couldn't say anything now.

But the priests rushed to persuade him, saying how could Mr. Guo, such a powerful philosopher, say that he was a woman.They put away the painting of the saint holding the mercury lamp, and then began to discuss whether this was in line with the doctrine.

"Everyone." Guo Kang thought for a while, and still said: "I am not a professional theologian. Miss Rangna from the Wu Palace gave me a lot of doctrinal help and guidance. If I have the opportunity, I can take you there again. Visit her. She is far more talented than I am in exposition of theory."

The priests reacted differently to this, and everyone was discussing, when suddenly a young monk ran over at the door.

"Mr. Guo!" He shouted: "The princess came to you and told you and Miss Jeanna to see her."

"Princess? Isn't this about Miss Jeanne?" Dmitry turned around and said in confusion.

"No..." The monk turned his head back: "Ah, she came here by herself."

After all, he ran away in a hurry.


Guo Kang instinctively felt that something was wrong, and the priests next to him were already unhappy.

"We are here to study natural philosophy. We have just seen so many miracles." A monk stood up and questioned, "How can women enter such a sacred place?"

"That's right, not even a princess." The other monks all agreed, "Let's reason with her and persuade her to leave!"

With that said, everyone stood up one after another.

Guo Kang also probed to see what was going on, and happened to see Theodora, who was furious for some reason, striding from outside, followed by a few priests and followers from a distance.The monks came to the door and asked her to stop, but she insisted on letting Guo Kang out.

Seeing that the negotiation failed, Dmitry and others tried to close the other half of the door to let her calm down first.Theodora tried to push the other half of the door, but it didn't work.

She didn't seem to notice what the copper ball was for, she scolded the priests a few words, then took a few steps back, exerted all her strength, and hit the gate.

The copper ball split into two halves with a bang, the door swung back, and Guo Kang, who was probing behind the door, was slapped away.

"That...physics!" A monk pointed to the copper ball on the ground in panic: "Physics exploded!"

Theodora rushed into the chapel, and all the monks ran around in fright.

"You are a cow!" Guo Kang got up in embarrassment: "Why do you like to bump into people so much!"

 I don't know how to divide it up.This part is just over, post a long...

(End of this chapter)

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