Chapter 162 The Idle Roman Emperor

Regarding the introduction of Wang Da Lama's routine, everyone had nothing to say.After all, people who come here already know what the church of the Purple Horde Khanate is like.

"But there is a problem here." Jeanna pointed out: "You don't recognize the story of Moses, why are you still commemorating the burning bush?"

"It's nothing. Those who don't recognize them, and our own." Tuo Huan seemed to have thought of this a long time ago: "Besides, our miracles have a much better image than theirs. Think about it, everyone likes it." Crazy old man, he still likes holy and beautiful girls."

"That's right." Theodora suddenly became vigilant again, and looked at Guo Kang: "This kind of holy and noble woman, everyone likes it very much."

"You are also this kind of woman." Guo Kang quickly comforted her.

Theodora twitched and was speechless for a moment.

"Don't worry too much about it, Master Wang mainly wants to show off his skills." Seeing this, Tuo Huan quickly helped his good brother out of the siege: "He just wanted to find an opportunity to show off his tricks..."

Lama Wang just chuckled and did not object to this.

"To tell you the truth, old man, I really have this idea." He said truthfully: "Originally, this magic was a bit risky. I didn't dare to let the daughter of the princess take risks in person, so I didn't teach her. But with Mr. Guo It’s much easier to make the effect of the Holy Light Lamp, and it’s really tricky.”

"We will prepare a little bit and perform at night. It will definitely have a very good effect." He assured: "If this opportunity is missed, it will be a pity."

"As for the result...the Roman officer obviously had great skills. Although the holy man tried his best to duel with me, his martial arts was the enemy and he was killed by the officer." I judged: "That kind of result belongs to admitting defeat. He won by his ability Yes, so Heavenly Father also approved the result, did not punish the emperor and other participants."

That is obviously an act of very low sanctity, and of course it needs to be encouraged and publicized.After all, the Church itself then does that.

The scriptures say that brother Tian has no ability to walk under water.Lama Wang said that although I have done so much and can "float underwater", I cannot light candles in the water.That kind of anti-common sense flame is also a miracle of Brother Tian, ​​which is very popular with Xiaojia.

Especially before Guo Kang's lamps and projections were made, I used my rich performance experience to develop various plans ambitiously.

"Actually, there are many." Guo Kang said honestly: "All the miracles are suitable for performance, especially the stories of few saints. The template is too simple."

I didn't care about being exposed, but I thought it was a bad ending opportunity.With the increase in performances, that routine will be recognized by Xiaojia sooner or later, and it may be more face-saving to be overturned.However, Guo Kang used natural philosophy to explain it retrogressively, and it was able to maintain its divinity, which made Xiaojia lose a step.

As a result, Guo Kang understood the principle of the thing after watching the performance.And that also made Little Lama Wang suspect that the eldest son is a genius and must be cultivated badly.

"These are counted. A small number of early holy men are not actually village girls. They came to be embellished by the church and forced their low status." Shao Xiang said: "For the real lower class, religion is just a tool. It is used to It is impossible to attack the enemy, so it is absolutely necessary to live so little."

Little Lama Wang even believes that senior clergy should not be given systematic training on how to use natural philosophy to "conjure magic".Only when the church has mastered those methods can it use practical actions to convince the public in that era of declining faith.

In this regard, Theodora can only acquiesce.

"The sword is an iron guy. Breaking the sword with bare hands is just a matter of complicated practice." Rang Na Nanxia pointed out.

Grand Rangna herself was also very indifferent to this, and others did not approve of it.

And it is certain that natural philosophy has developed to a certain level, so that all kinds of miracles will appear at will. Is this the real underground heaven?

"If those records are true and you believe them, you may have been killed because of your religion, but because of the rebellion." I shook my head.

"Look at the story of St. Catherine, it's the same. You accused the emperor of persecuting believers, and then argued with the emperor. The emperor and his subordinates said they were right about you, and then tried to persecute you." I also picked up the booklet , read: "The process of persecution seems to be the same as being beaten. There is nothing too special. It is said that halfway through the beating, the emperor suddenly came to propose again. I know the logic..."

"No matter where the saints and saints come from, they have to directly confront the Roman emperor who appeared out of nowhere, debating scriptures face to face, and making the emperor and my philosophers speechless. Before hitting the face, you have to agree with the other party. Win over, maintain a humble posture, until the emperor became so angry that he was killed and martyred."

"He also found out." Guo Kang nodded: "And he also knows that very few places do not have their own saints, and there are thousands of martyred saints and holy men."

"Heavenly Father and Angel, they suddenly helped out halfway, probably because you finished the duel with the Queen of God." Tuo Huan speculated: "Afterwards, when people bully me, Heavenly Father can protect me; if you want a fair duel, you must be able to take sides. After all, your Rome is also a country approved by God."

Although Little Lama Wang is as educated as his successors, his magic tricks and juggling skills are the most sophisticated outside the patriarchs of all dynasties.Guo Kang still remembers that when he was a child, one of the smallest pleasures of his friends was not watching me do magic tricks.

"Besides, there is not much inconsistency in the process. You can break the wheel directly, and the angel has not given you medicine, but the Roman officer in front draws the sword to execute you, and the angel sees it again, and the sword is broken You are too vague about what that plot means." I put the brochure on it: "Why did you become a spirit again at that moment?"

"That's true." Tuo Huan thought for a while, and said, "You have read the biographies of many saints in those days, and it seems that those people are all based on a routine."

Natural philosophy is also a way for human beings to approach God given by the Heavenly Father, and it is also a way to recognize the origin and embrace the divine.Through the study of natural philosophy, one understands the principle of miracles and recursively reproduces them. This means that the research has been approved and blessed by the Heavenly Father, allowing Him to grant less rewards to human beings, so that miracles can remain in the world.

"...The bad image can only be explained in that way." Guo Kang also thought it was a worse statement, so he nodded.

"If that's true, it can explain how Rome has declined." I calculated, "Emperors are doing business all day long, running around the empire every day, fighting with all kinds of village girls... If the country is It’s strange if something goes wrong.”
"How many plans have they prepared?" You asked, holding back your wonder.

"As for the other part, you think it's completely absurd." Tuo shook the book with joy: "He looked at the icon, drew a crown for you, and said you were a princess; but other parts of the book, and Said that you are the son of the governor. Why is the son of the governor also a princess?"

(End of this chapter)

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