Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 175 East and West Rome VS the Anglo-Portuguese Alliance

Chapter 175 East and West Rome VS the Anglo-Portuguese Alliance (monthly ticket plus updates)

"We and other believers have different understandings on some doctrinal details." Lama Wang said euphemistically: "So, they may not welcome us."

"Hey, we are the same as yours." Tuo Huan said with emotion: "I have never seen a church member help, it is better to say that most of the time, I am calling the church friend..."

"It's nothing, it's better to say it's a reasonable thing." Muhammad said it was understandable: "Actually, we continue the teacher's theory and have similar ideas."

"Let's hear it?" Tuo Huan also became interested.

"One of our basic views is that the geographical environment determines the local society, and the local social conditions determine the fate of the country and civilization. Therefore, although they believe in a religion, the nomadic Berbers on the edge of the desert and the Berbers who settled in the city There is a big difference between the Berbers. On the contrary, in the prosperous cities of Andalusia, the differences between Arabs, Berbers and even Christians are not so big." Mohammed analyzed.

"For example, when the teacher studied in the Alexandria Library in his later years, he divided the mortals into four types based on the numerous archives in Egypt."

"The most basic one is the farmer, that is, the planter. The second is the handicraft practitioner, but if this kind of occupation wants to scale up and develop, it can only be done in a settled city. The nomadic Bedouin and Berber There is no such situation in the Er tribe. In addition, there are merchants who engage in commodity exchange to obtain the price difference. Finally, they are engaged in management, service, lending, alchemy and other occupations, and directly obtain supplies through labor."

"Few tribes are also engaged in planting, so farmers exist. Merchants are not everywhere. But our handicraft industry is very backward, and the number of people who work hard is also very large, which makes our society complicated. And backwards are almost exactly the same as settled residents."

"You don't even believe it now, do you mean that although religion is the lowest idea under a belief, it is not the commonality of human civilization in the world?"

"You remember that it was introduced later that Korshava was once the seventh most prosperous Mediterranean city at that time. And the first was Constantinople." I compared it: "When you came there, you were still with Patriarch Wang Count together once. The fall of Korshava was in 1236 of their calendar; and Constantinople was in 1204. Then, the time when the seven were destroyed by the barbarians is too short."

"You think that the reason why the reinforcements we found are all reliable is because we are closer to regimes like Castile, and the nature of our civilization is quite different from yours. The common religion can't make up for it. That kind of small difference - we simply treat you as ourselves because you are church members." Berberd replied.

"The dynasty of Tunisia and the local Banu tribe have long been influenced by the school of the teacher. Although I was forced to leave because of the victory of the political struggle, the reputation of your school has always been. Supplies, and even fewer men to join the fray. We'd have the nerve to do it without the best of Rome."

"Teacher has always believed that there are cycles and laws in history. You have discovered that the cycles of the same place are interlinked, because the geographical endowment is the same, and the characteristics of the civilizations resulting from it are not the same. Of course, the laws of history are also the same. There is no difference." I reasoned.

"According to your theory, we should have the most obvious characteristics of a civilized society. If you summarize the history of peach blossom stones and compare them with your research results, you should be able to better discover the laws of history. ?”

"What do you mean..." Sheng Qi nodded.

"Of course, you also deny that the historical affiliation here is a bad account, full of various marriages that everyone agrees with, and contracts that have been made and torn up repeatedly. But there is no point that you can't be more regular—— Between you and After us, that is no longer a Roman province."

"But now, the civilization outside Constantinople has suddenly risen again, which gives you very little hope." I reminded: "He sees that since your historical laws are not quite similar, it is you Is it impossible to refer to their experience to make Andalusia regain its glory? At least you personally think that it is impossible."

"The Nasrid dynasty in Granada wasn't originally famous for its flexibility. It has paid tribute to the Christian countries for a long time. That is to say, all the big countries on your side, who have survived until now, understand the reality. ’ explained Berberd.

"Oh? We're all willing to do that?" The Taiqian didn't have any exceptions.

"But on the other hand, from the perspective of civilization, in his view, who is the closest to Korshava?"

"In addition, there is no question of history and name." I continued: "Castile and other countries claim that we are the indigenous people of Spain, and you are the invaders who took our territory. But now In Thai and French countries, a small number of locals are also converts. There are too many Arab immigrants, and there is only one name left. What's more, there are many Christian communities with conversions on your side—who Only one religion is allowed to exist like ours.”

"The cycle on your side is indeed very obvious. You can't find some books for him later." Guo Kang said: "It has nothing to do with your strategic goals?"

"You told your brothers and students about that point of view. Some people don't have any doubts, but a small number of people think it is feasible-of course, even those who have doubts support that action. Because you Now, there are actually other bad choices.”

"Usually, that kind of cooperation is very difficult. It is certain that two civilization areas are close to each other, and in this small number of cases, they will merge into one. And often they are far away, and they will compete with each other, which is also convenient for mutual support. Plus The decline of Xia Xiaojia is synchronous, when you encounter difficulties, they are also in suffering, so Xiaojia is also doing what it wants."

"After you came there, you had bad talks with the emir and the prime minister of Granada. As long as they send people to help, you are willing to pay tribute to them and join the Roman system. You will also try to convince other emirs , with Rome as the lord, under the guidance of your country, strive to defeat the enemy and preserve your civilization."

"But conversely, it is often said that two places that are not adjacent but have similar civilizations may have similar historical laws. You even believe that Constantinople and Korshava, from a historical perspective Was it caused by the same cycle of civilization when it was looted and destroyed by the barbarians in the distant past?"

"Although your side is in decline, you still persist in the habit of running schools. Sultans and emirs are willing to support education, and often appoint scholars as advisors and officials. Therefore, you are still not necessarily convincing here."

"So, you think it's like supporting the return of Rome and re-establishing the various administrative regions in the west. In that way, you even have a name. England and Portugal have nothing to say."
"So, when you heard that they are Taohuashi people, you want to communicate with you even more." I looked at Sheng Qi and explained: "Peach Blossom Stone is a place with extremely developed civilization. The prophet even told you that even if it is extremely If you have no conditions, you should try your best to pursue knowledge.”

(End of this chapter)

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