Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 180 Learning martial arts can't save Andalusia

Chapter 180 Learning martial arts can't save Andalusia
After talking about this, the queen mother also regained her spirits, and immediately invited the old sea urchin to go outside for a discussion.

"More than ten years ago, I fought against a Moorish warrior, and I was very interested in their sword skills. Unfortunately, I haven't seen a similar master in so many years." She said, "I heard from Lao Wang that you are also A master? Hearing what this kid said just now, he was too absorbed in it, and forgot about the business."

Although Guo Kang felt that she had turned the right thing upside down, since she was the queen mother, it was hard for him to say anything.The Great Lama Wang and Muhammad had no choice but to nod along.

Counting carefully, Queen Elizabeth only spent one year and a few months in the "Parliament of 13".It was when she was just married. In order to show her importance to the Serbian region and appease the locals who had just been adapted, Basil III established her as a co-governor and allowed her to enter the Kuriletai Senate and the 13-member council.

But the Queen Mother was not very used to working in these institutions at that time.The other elders routinely asked a question, but she didn't know how to answer it.After a long time, I always feel that I can't do anything, and I always lose face in front of everyone, and I can't even be a vase, so I insist on quitting.

Basil didn't stop her either, he could only obey her wishes.Afterwards, Guo Di, Li Yinglin, Maimai Thinicus and others, including Basil's son John Mangge, took turns to serve as his co-rulers, and the Queen Mother has resolutely refused this position since then.

After the current Baisai Khan John IX came to the throne, the Queen Mother also gave up the opportunity to participate and gave up the identity of Baselissa to her daughter-in-law.

But on the other hand, the Queen Mother is also influential.John IX and Queen Anna respected her opinion.Many grassroots priests and people prefer her style of behavior, which makes her have a high prestige among the church and the common people.

Although she does not have the right to vote, the so-called voting is a concrete symbol of the right to speak.If you can have enough influence, you will actually have corresponding power.

Lama Wang came here specially to persuade her.Through her reporting the situation to Bai Saihan, the queen, and the princes, better results can be achieved, and it is also convenient for him to persuade the top church leaders to support the plan and guarantee the church's vote.

In this regard, the old sea urchin is not easy to refuse.

"I'm very honored that you are willing to honor me, but I haven't studied martial arts for a long time." He bowed and explained politely: "If you don't perform well, please don't blame your Majesty the Queen Mother, and don't blame me. Therefore, it is believed that we have no qualified fighters there."

"Why are you being so polite?" The queen mother didn't care: "I've seen a lot of martial arts from different walks of life, so I won't make rash comments. But why do you think so?"

"Because I once felt that the skills of wielding knives and swords were not what we needed most." Muhammad said helplessly: "Our martial arts have indeed been developing all the time, and we have our own system, but we cannot defend our homeland. , What is the use? The experience of practicing martial arts when I was young only made me feel that learning martial arts cannot save Andalusia."

"So, later my teacher recommended me to study, and I set off immediately. At that time, my thought was very simple, that is, to learn from historical experience and see why we always lose battles. There must be a reason for this, right? Since then, I have never regarded swords as my main occupation."

"Compared to discussing martial arts, I actually want to discuss historical issues with your philosophers." He smiled bitterly: "The Patriarch Wang said that I can teach philosophy students and introduce Ibn Lucid to Yali. I still yearn for this kind of life more..."

"Then, can I go and listen to your class?" Theodora interjected, "I don't know if you allow a woman like me to participate in the teaching?"

"That depends on your rules here." Muhammad said: "The former teacher Ibn Lucid believed that Aristotle's attitude towards women was questionable and not conducive to the realization of the Utopia, so he supported Women get an education."

"However, many people don't like this point of view. In Andalusia, more people accept it, but as I said before, the Tianfangjiao society in different regions is very different. In some places where the society is relatively simple and poor ... anyway, the local emirs did not advise us to do so."

"So, I personally can accept it, but I still give priority to complying with your country's arrangements." He said.

"On our side, some schools are opposed to this, but the Senate and the Church have a non-intervention attitude." Lama Wang told him: "If a school is willing, then they can recruit students at will. Of course, And if they insist that only certain people are fit to learn their teachings, we won't interfere. After all, it's their business."

"That's all right." Muhammad nodded: "Ibn Lucid explained it in the official fatwa (fatwa) during his tenure as an official. He believed that if women have the same qualities as men, then All these women should be equal to men in every rule and command. Therefore, the rules do not forbid us to look for warriors, administrators, and philosophers in women."

"Actually, according to his understanding, it is also possible for women to serve as imams. He quoted Plato's point of view and analyzed it. He believed that although Plato did not explicitly state it, in the 'Utopia' plan, women's leadership of religion is not unfeasible. Some women are intelligent enough to be leaders of men and to take on management roles in ceremonies and religious organizations. So, you can actually be the director of colleges and convents in the future."

"Of course, we have many opponents on this issue." He added: "Many scholars cannot accept it, and still think that it is against the hadith for women to serve as imams. Therefore, in his fatwa, women can only be avoided as imams. The Maam article only says that from a philosophical point of view, women have the right to undertake the obligations as religious and national managers."

"After all, he is a senior national official. In official documents, he can no longer speak casually like us lay scholars."

"These views were indeed too radical at that time." Guo Kang thought for a while and asked, "How did he come to these conclusions?"

"Actually, just like I gave up learning martial arts, it was also forced by the situation." Muhammad admitted: "At that time, Andalusia had already begun to decline, and after his research, he believed that there was a problem with the efficiency of society."

"He believes that the key difference between women and men lies in the level of difference, and the essence of both parties is equal. The reason for saying that the level is different is that men are more efficient than women in most actions. But in this case , if it is also possible for women to perform certain activities with greater efficiency, then there should be a higher level as well."

"The problem at the time was that the female population was a large proportion of the society, but they were not allowed to participate in society. For example, they could only do jobs like sewing and embroidery, but these jobs could not support themselves."

"In other words, he thinks this state hinders what he calls social efficiency?" Guo Kang asked.

"Yes." Muhammad nodded: "He once expressed to the students that he regretted and worried about the real situation of women in Tianfang Sect countries. This situation is too far from the ideal state, which is obviously not conducive to social efficiency and the country. economy."

"Among Andalusian women, there is no shortage of people with wisdom and strength, but they live in a state of near slavery, so that the instinct of pursuing higher abilities and more perfect levels in the human soul is suppressed, destroying them. The ability to handle big things."

"Ibn Lucid was very sad about this. In his notes, he described that these women lived like plants. Because of this, we no longer see truly virtuous women, and this environment further There's misery across the city, and it's not going to get better without getting women involved in public service and getting the necessities of life with their labor."

"Then how does he think it needs to be changed?" Theodora looked very interested.

"He advocated that philosophy and music education should be used first to enhance women's courage and heart." Muhammad introduced: "After that, they should be allowed to carry out physical training like ancient philosophers to strengthen their bodies. Let them have the same qualities, and thus fulfill the duties of warrior, administrator, and philosopher."

"Of course, you also know that we actually have no way to change this, so we can only complain during the theoretical discussion."

(End of this chapter)

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