Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 189 The aura of domineering, conquering Egypt

Chapter 189 The aura of domineering, conquering Egypt

While Guo Kang was hesitating, it seemed that Queen Elizabeth and Cao Xun had finished their discussions.She nodded with a smile, looked at Guo Kang and Theodora again, and then stood up.

Then, she looked at Cao Jian again, as if she felt that she should also take care of the young man's efforts, and pulled the seat back a little.

"Thank you General Cao and Mrs. Irina for your hospitality. Then let's get to the point." She didn't seem to be very good at making such speeches. Guo Kang: "Konstantin, let's talk about it first."

Fortunately, everyone was used to her style, so they didn't say anything, but naturally looked at Guo Kang, ready to hear what he had to say.

Guo Kang himself was ready, but Theodora shook his head at him, motioning him to wait.

Although he didn't know what she wanted to say, Guo Kang didn't care and nodded.

Then, Theodora stood up and began to make a speech like a speech.She talked for a while about the importance of Egypt to Rome in history, how Rome's rule there was justified, and how reasonable it was to recover lost land.After that, he began to praise the contribution of the Cao family to Rome, and hoped that they could continue to play the role of the pillar of the country in the future.

She seemed to make the speech very long on purpose, and didn't stop until everyone had almost finished eating.

The behavior of Cao Zhonglin and Cao Jian's father and son is quite normal, and they probably have gotten used to this kind of thing for a long time.The three old men were a little uncomfortable.Queen Elizabeth took the lead and started yawning, and looked at Guo Kang in confusion, as if she didn't quite understand why Theodora was asked to say this.

At this time, Theodora ended his long speech, greeted everyone in turn, and then sat down.

"Let's get straight to the point." She whispered to Guo Kang.

Guo Kang thought for a while, and probably understood what she meant.

He got up to speak, but Theodora gave him a push and sent him into the middle of the living room.Guo Kang had no choice but to stand there and glanced at everyone.

They cheered up a little, and looked at him with a little expectation and curiosity.

"I sorted out the historical materials and found that the ancients had made many attempts. Therefore, I summed up three solutions to deal with the Egyptian problem. One is the easiest to understand, one is the simplest, and one is the most troublesome and laborious. Which one do you want to hear first?" He asked directly.

The queen mother looked at him with great interest, and then at Cao Xun and his wife.Cao Xun looked at Mrs. Elena.

"Let's start with the simplest." Madame Irene said, "What is that?"

"Kill all the locals, and then relocate the population here." Guo Kang said a method that he was sure the Slavs could understand: "This method can be effective in a short period of time in some places."

"Is this method reliable..." Queen Elizabeth obviously didn't believe it.

"Are we going to establish a long-term rule in the local area?" Guo Kang asked rhetorically.

"If you go to war, of course you should hope to rule for a long time." Mrs. Irina also said.

"That's unreliable." Guo Kang shook his head: "The efficiency of this method is very low. The premise of using it is that the local area is very backward, there is no effective resistance, and it lacks use value. If it is destroyed, it will not feel bad."

"In addition, one's own side must also be very backward. Because the forced migration of the population consumes a lot of money, it will cause great damage to manpower and production. Only when one's own side is too backward, the manpower is not very valuable, and you don't care about the loss. Only then will they be inclined to this kind of complete replacement plan, otherwise it will be a loss-making business."

"In Egypt, the two conditions are not suitable." Theodora said cooperatively: "The local people have a high level of technology, and it has always been a rich place since ancient times. So the first point invalid."

"We ourselves are not behind. And all along, our population has been relatively insufficient. In Romania, there are still many areas that need to be developed. In this case, it would be a great waste to move our people out. "

"That is to say, this is not suitable for rich places?" the Queen Mother concluded.

"Yeah, either change the method, or lose these places quickly." Guo Kang nodded: "Because there is also a self-contradictory problem: this kind of 'worthless' manpower must have poor combat effectiveness, and it can only be used in extreme battles." Bullying people in barren and sparsely populated places cannot gain a foothold in slightly better places."

"If the ability is too bad and only this kind of plan is available, then you can only become the Caesar of the wilderness and swamp."

After hearing this, everyone expressed no objection.After all, as long as there is a choice, no one wants to be the king of the dead land.Egypt is such a good place, of course, there is no need to consider it.

"What about the second, the easiest way?" the Queen Mother asked again.

"Some Seris scholars believe that a person's fate is doomed, and his achievements are determined by nature. This concept is called 'air luck'." Guo Kang introduced.

"They believe that the Heavenly Father will favor some people in particular, and let them have extraordinary 'luck'. They are destined to be Malik and Sultan by birth, and they can achieve great things, and the power of the world cannot stop them."

"Is there still such a saying?" Now, Theodora felt strange.

"Of course." Guo Kang nodded: "Malik is called 'Wang' in Chinese, which roughly means the king of Europe. Sultan means 'power' and 'judgment' in Arabic, and it means 'hegemony' in Chinese." '."

"The Mamluk rulers of Egypt are commonly called Sultans, but their official title is actually 'Malik'." He introduced.

"So, if a person is destined to rule Egypt, then he has the 'Qi Luck' to become Malik and the Sultan. In Chinese, it's called 'Wang Ba Zhi Qi'."

"We choose a person with the 'aura of domineering' and throw him into Egypt. Then the Heavenly Father will bless him, and let the Mamluk emirs bow down and conquer Egypt at once."

"Isn't this really a funny show?" Cao Xun looked at the Queen Mother helplessly, and smiled wryly.

"The people of Seris really believe this?" Mrs. Yi Lianna looked at Cao Xun in surprise, and then turned to Guo Kang: "What... is the logic in it? How are they going to do it?"

"I don't know either." Guo Kang spread his hands: "How to do it...Anyway, after the domineering aura dissipates, Heavenly Father will take care of the specific steps, so we don't need to think about it."


"Don't look at me." Cao Xun, who has never talked much, had no choice but to explain to his wife: "There is indeed such a saying in history, and the courts of all generations will also promote the Mandate of Heaven and the like. But this saying...he is just a saying... ..."

"Actually, the people of Seris do believe it." Guo Kang added for him: "But there is a problem with the process, that is, everyone basically declares that they have believed it long ago after this person has really become Malik and Sultan. So, I really don’t know how the process was verified.”

"Of course, it's not impossible." Looking at the crowd, he laughed himself: "Although I can't find Da Khan right now, Tuohuan Taiji is still in Dadu. I'll find a matchmaker and see With his face, can he be the Malik of Egypt?"

"You count this as a plan?" Theodora couldn't laugh or cry: "This is too inconspicuous, you are forcing the 'Three Strategies'."

"I just said this is the simplest, but I didn't guarantee that it will be in tune." Guo Kang argued slyly: "You just say that you can solve the problem directly with the 'power of king and domineering'. It's not easy."

Theodora was momentarily speechless.

 After thinking about it, domineering aura can indeed be sewn...

  By the way, please count the votes.Ranking seems to have a big impact
(End of this chapter)

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