Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 191 Ten thousand camel workers, clothing and food

Chapter 191 One hundred thousand camel workers, food and clothing

Regarding Guo Kang's suggestion, others also thought about it.

Mrs. Elena first asked: "Then what if Sheikh refuses to accept this situation and insists on fighting us to the end?"

Theodora froze for a moment, then looked at Guo Kang helplessly.

This question was too simple, and she obviously didn't want to answer it.Guo Kang had no choice but to take the initiative to explain: "Then find another person. There is no shortage of people who want to be emirs. He won't do it, and some people will do it."

"Then, can this newcomer take on the responsibilities you mentioned?" Mrs. Irina asked again.

"Of course." Guo Kang replied: "I just said that Sheikh is slightly stronger than Hafiz, just an example. Conversely, Hafiz is stronger than Sheikh or this new opponent, and can achieve the same Effect."

"We don't have to worry about no one." He looked at everyone, thought for a while, and said bluntly: "The power of a lord does not come from himself, but from the needs of the social environment."

"As long as there is a vacancy in power, someone will definitely take it. If there is such a need, someone will naturally satisfy it. As for who takes the place, we don't need to care at all."

"If the Sheikh falls, someone will naturally replace him and manage the areas that we and Hafez cannot control. We don't have to worry about his ability. The competition between Mamluks is extremely fierce, and those who are incompetent will pass the stage. The time was cut by themselves, so we don’t need to pick it.”

"In addition, I only said half of it. Besides ourselves, other forces can also be introduced."

"Then don't we also face this problem?" Cao Xun asked: "Or, the Venetians have come up with a plan this time?"

"After the collapse of the Abbasid dynasty, the various regimes that controlled Egypt had no intention of maintaining the canal. The canal gradually silted up and disappeared, and it has not recovered until now."

"The caliph is also an influence. What if he grows bigger and tries to establish his own country?" Mrs. Irina asked all the questions.

"The Venetians would love to restore the canal so they could have direct access to the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean. The trade route was so lucrative that they even contacted the Mamluks, willing to pay for the construction themselves, and would not ask for control of the canal , as long as you ensure that your own merchant ships can pass through unhindered."

"The regime of the Mamluks is not very stable, so the Sultans don't have to offend them for this little money. Anyway, the traffic is not convenient, and it just makes the Venetians who operate the next transportation and distribution anxious. The Mamluks still collect tolls themselves, So it doesn't matter much."

"Oh, this problem is much smaller now." Guo Kang said: "A severe plague broke out in Egypt before, and the losses along the trade routes were severe. Afterwards, there was a civil war, and it has not been peaceful until now. Many of the caravans now have transferred Taking other routes, the size of the camel team has also shrunk greatly. Compared with the past, it is much easier to deal with."

"Italian businessman." Guo Kang replied: "The Venetians have long wanted to dredge the canal. If they are pulled in, the money problem can be solved, and even a profit can be made."

"As soon as the Mamluk envoys opened, several representatives of the Italian Chamber of Commerce came to find Tuhuan and me." Guo Kang said: "I deliberately told them all the news about the canal, and wanted them to bid with each other, so that we could earn more money. a little."

Elena seemed to have some problems, but Cao Xun put his hand on her arm, making her hesitate to speak.

"I think this possibility is too small. But if he has this ability, he won't be a puppet for hundreds of years." Guo Kang shook his head: "And, if he has this idea, the Mamluk warlords will immediately teach him—— It’s just like King Alemanni would lead his army south every time the bishop of Rome thought about it. It’s become a habit on his side.”

"I think this condition is very good. Why didn't it be implemented before? Is the Venetian's credit bad, or is there something wrong with the canal?" Cao Xun asked.

"We told them that in that kind of place, everyone is an outsider, and it is best to be in a group. The Venetians also think it makes sense. They think that they can invest in the canal and propose to sponsor our military operations."

"The canal connecting the Red Sea and the Nile." Guo Kang nodded: "The construction of this river is not very difficult. The Egyptians tried it more than 3000 years ago. The location is also named after him. Because of continuous sound changes, it should be called 'Suez' now."

"When we finalize the specific plan, maybe we can raise the price again. Because the merchants in several other city-states are also enthusiastic, there will definitely be another round of competition. At present, if the negotiation is good, the remaining The garrison may not even have to pay for it themselves.”

"That's okay too..." Cao Xun mumbled as if he didn't expect to be able to solve it like this.

"Please continue." He said to Guo Kang: "Who else can we rely on?"

"It's not a problem with the river." Guo Kang said: "Because it has been blocked for hundreds of years, in order to replace the failed canal, there have been many camel teams in the local area, which specially accept goods from various ports on the Red Sea and deliver them to the river. Various ports in the hinterland of Egypt or along the Mediterranean Sea. After so many years, a huge group has formed, and it is said that the scale has reached 10 people. If the canal is re-drilled, most of these people will lose their jobs."

"Currently, the Venetians are not only willing to spend money, but also support our garrison in Egypt. Because they believe that the local government cares too much about trivial matters such as camel caravans, and only outsiders like us focus more on business itself."

"Canal?" Cao Xun didn't seem to have heard of it either.

"We just need to manage the ports and trade routes well, and leave the rest to them." Guo Kang said: "And don't worry, not only us, the Caliph also very much hopes that these people will fight. If one day they don't If we fight, then the Caliph will be in danger..."

"Then are you going to use force to deal with the local forces?" Cao Xun asked.

"I don't know much about Egypt, but based on my experience, this kind of team that has been operating on fixed trade routes for a long time will not only have its own organization, but also be inextricably linked with local forces along the way."

"You mean, now that the power of the camel team has weakened, there is no problem in dealing with them. But we need to consider the follow-up effects." He stroked his white beard, stared at Guo Kang intently, and continued to ask questions: "What if Will our armed confrontation with the camel caravan affect the subsequent construction?"

"If we are not in a hurry, of course we can slowly organize manpower and dig the canal after the local government has established our own management organization. But what this plan pursues is to restore the canal as soon as possible? In this way, a large number of local people must be called together quickly. Labor, and this kind of work definitely requires the cooperation of local tyrants around you. How are you going to deal with these people?"

(End of this chapter)

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