Chapter 2 Great Qin Great Roman Ulus

At the gate of the Niangniang Temple, a priest was already waiting for Guo Kang.Soon, he was brought to the office of the Patriarch.

In the room, Da Lama Wang was wearing the Patriarch's crown and holding a whisk, and was instructing a young man to pack his things.

"Fusheng Arhaha Heavenly Venerable!" Seeing Guo Kang coming in, Wang Da Lama greeted with a smile: "Young Master Guo's face is flushed, what good thing happened?"

"It's nothing, I just practiced for a while." Guo Kang ignored the overly Nestorian greeting, and he couldn't resist asking where Lama Wang learned it from. He just waved his hand: "Master Wang is looking for me. Is there something wrong?"

"The emperor asked Tuhuan Taiji to be responsible for drafting the credential, but I don't think he is very good at it. You know my own level of education, and I can't help you just by being anxious." Wang Dalai said truthfully: "The little general is the most educated and familiar with the Ming Dynasty among us. I think you should come."

"Master Wang, this is not right." Guo Kang shook his head resolutely, and threw this troublesome matter back: "The trade with the Ming Dynasty is the most promising source of income for the future of our Roman Empire. Host. How can a certain foreign minister of Guo intervene in this kind of thing without authorization?"

"Besides, the situation between countries is too complicated. How can an inexperienced junior be able to do well." He added: "It's not that I don't want to help, it's really powerless."

"...Uh." Da Lama Wang was stunned for a moment, and said helplessly, "The little general is thoughtful, and he is really thoughtful. It's the old man, I'm too anxious."

"Oh——" Da Lama Wang shook his whisk and said with emotion: "In the past, when I worked with General Guo, I was used to being straightforward. Looking at it now, it may be because the national system was not perfect at that time, and everyone didn't pay much attention to these twists and turns. Bar."

You also bully my adoptive father to be honest.If I'm like him, I'm afraid I'll be fooled by you and work for nothing.Guo Kang slandered.

This old cunning obviously wanted to rely on his old man to sell his old man, and use his adoptive father to oppress him.However, Guo Kang has long been prepared.

"The sage Confucius said, 'If you are not in the position, you will not seek the government'. My Guo family is a descendant of a prominent family in the Central Plains. When my parents had limited conditions, I could only follow the power in a hurry. Now that the national system has been established, of course we must abide by the rules." Guo Kang Arching his hands, he replied calmly: "This matter is still hard work, Master Wang."

Lama Wang was obviously not as old as Confucius, so he couldn't answer what he said.

"Hey! You kid, you are not like your godfather, but more like your godmother." Lama Wang threw the fly whisk on the table, and said helplessly, "Old man, I was wronged this time, but I really can't help it. For the sake of your love and answer, why don't you go and do me a favor?"

"Oh, just right, I have a few cases about your family here." He thought for a while, and then proposed: "I'll help you settle it, and you can do me a favor, okay? If Tuo Huan can't write well, There must be people around Da Khan who gossip again, saying that the old man is incompetent, I can't even assist Taiji, and I can't be the great Patriarch."

Guo Kang and Lama Wang have also dealt with each other many times, and he has also seen the negotiations between his stepmother and him.Although this old magic stick has always been thick-skinned, but when it comes to this, he basically doesn't talk nonsense.

As Patriarch Wang Dalai, apart from being responsible for religious affairs, he also has another main task, which is to investigate and collect information from various parishes under him.

Especially in places like Dadu, foreign envoys and businessmen come and go frequently, and nobles from all over the Khanate often gather here. The Greeks in the city are also famous rebels. .And the church is its own school, with its own way of inquiring about news.So, it can help a lot in this regard.

There are some small pieces of news in the city, which were collected by Lama Wang.Guo Kang even suspected that the Roman emperors in ancient times had their confidant eunuchs as patriarchs, which might also be a consideration in this regard.

But having said that, if it was really a major event, Lama Wang should have reported it to Khan Ting long ago, or at least directly informed his adoptive father and adoptive mother.It shouldn't be too important to find him.

Correspondingly, it shouldn't be a big problem for him to help Tuo Huan. It may be true as he said, it's just Wang Da Lama and Tuo Huan, and their education level is not enough.

After thinking for a moment, he decided to try it out.

"I'm not as smart as my step-mother, I just understand some big principles." Guo Kang made his attitude clear first, and then asked, "What happened this time?"

"It's still those messy things." Lama Wang was also relieved to see that he was willing to respond.He turned his head and greeted a young man who was busy on the ladder inside: "Wu Han, bring the confiscated things."

Hearing this, Wu Han climbed down from the ladder next to the bookshelf, walked to the table, and took out a few booklets.When handing it to Guo Kang, he also saluted him incidentally.

He has a strong figure, and there are several obvious calluses on his hands, which are obviously left by using weapons all year round.Guo Kang thought about it, he seemed to have seen this person in his father's shogunate recently.

The shogunate of foster father Guo Daxia recruits a large number of talented young people every year, and those who perform well are recommended to the Khan court as clerks, bodyguards, and reserve officials.Before entering Dadu, the Han Shihous of the Khanate began to prepare talents in this way.After the fierce "Answer War", it became an important selection channel.

Wu Han may be one of the talents recruited and recommended by the Guo family. It is not surprising that he knows Guo Kang.

"There are more and more of these things." During the greeting between the two, Lama Wang commented beside him: "The Greeks learned printing faster than we thought."

"It's that... unsightly thing again?" Guo Kang asked.

Greeks, printed matter, related to Guo -- he knew what was inside without opening the booklet.

As Wang Da Lama said, it didn't take long for printing to spread.The Greeks learned this technique from visitors from the East, but they didn't do anything about it.The most popular printed matter now is the erotic articles written by local writers.

Of course, if it's just this level, it's hard for him to say anything.Lama Wang also said that the same thing happened in the Chinese cities—no matter where, what culture, or what era, readers’ favorites and the most profitable ones seem to always be in this category.

The real trouble is that his family members often appear as important characters in the book.

Although he is an adopted child, even from another time and space, Guo Kang and his wife have treated him as their own over the years, and Guo Kang is very grateful for this.From this point of view, these Greek fiddlers are very annoying.

Sighing, he opened one of them.

Sure enough, after a few glances, he saw a familiar character again.

——Father Guo Daxia has a majestic face, a strong body, and his heroic deeds are widely circulated. He is the kind of erotic story character that the Greeks like most. He is taken by them every day to flirt with different heroes.

After thinking about it for a long time, Guo Kang decided not to tell the rest of the family, especially his stepmother and elder sister.But how to settle this matter, he has no good way.

"Then Master Wang thinks, how should we deal with this matter?" He asked.

"What do you think?" Lama Wang made a fool of himself and turned to ask Wu Han.

"I think... find an opportunity to teach them a lesson?" Wu Han didn't expect to answer, he was stunned for a moment, and answered.

"If the Greek citizens were afraid of being taught a lesson, no one would have been caught by us." Lama Wang shook his head and said, "This group of people are not even afraid of the emperor, they are no longer ordinary troublemakers, and they will definitely be out of control. "

"Then, what should we do?" Wu Han said dumbfounded, obviously unprepared.

"What does our church do?" asked Lama Wang.

"Sheep herder!" Wu Han stood up straight and said loudly.

"It is called to shepherd the sheep on behalf of the master." Da Lama Wang was very dissatisfied, he picked up the whisk and slapped him: "Have you learned it or not? How can you make mistakes with this professional vocabulary..."

"Remember, we want to guide the faith!" He reiterated: "The land of Europa is a place with a strong religious atmosphere, and the books printed by the folks also involve religion to some extent. Our church needs to strengthen these religious works." Review, so as not to spread heresy and confuse believers. Do you understand now?"

"Understood, I understand. Master Wang is still wise." Although Wu Han's face was full of doubts, he still nodded quickly.

At least Lama Wang was satisfied with this attitude and did not continue to pursue it.He helped the Patriarch's big hat, shook his whisk again, and beckoned Guo Kang to leave with him.

"Master Wang, will this work?" Guo Kang was still a little worried.

On the one hand, it is necessary to take into account the degree of troublesome Greek citizens, on the other hand, the efficiency of the church is also very questionable.This system was inherited from Eastern Rome, and Eastern Rome in today's Taixi belongs to the type with a very high degree of civilization-it already has a bureaucratic form.

The price is that bureaucracy lacks all of its shortcomings.

The decrees of Lama Wang may not be welcomed by the Greek priests, and it is likely that they will not be implemented in the endless official documents and repeated instructions.

"The old man has his own tricks, so you don't have to worry too much." Lama Wang was very confident, "I'll trouble you to take care of the Tuohuan Taiji."

Tuo Huan is an old acquaintance of Guo Kang, and also the only legitimate son of His Majesty the Emperor of the Roman Khanate.The queen gave birth to such a son after a long time, so he was loved by his father since he was a child, and he was with him every day.

However, afterward, the old man realized that running around with himself and the gang of rough men in the army didn't seem to be conducive to the child's growth.So in the past few years, Tuo Huan was thrown by his father into the library next to the Niangniang Temple, and started to follow everyone to school.

His study is on the second floor of that building.Lama Wang and Guo Kang came to this spacious room with their familiarity.

Standing guard at the door were two Serbian servants in shifts. Judging by their attire, they were junior officers of the Kexue Army, who belonged to the famous Proton Army.

Of course, at this time, according to the Christian calendar, it is already the 15th century, and there is no real cowardice in the whole world.Although they still have a name, they only have a title left, and they are no longer the elite troops that could go to the battlefield back then.The protons are just Dangdang followers, doing some chores.

Theoretically, only the guards of the Great Khan are called Kexue, but the last one with a serious Kexue army was Mengge Khan a long time ago.

Meng Ge Khan died in the eastern battlefield in a daze, and his second brother, Kublai Khan, declared himself the Great Khan.But many Mongolian nobles believed that Meng Ge's youngest brother Ali Buge was the orthodox heir.As a result, the cowardly Xue army who had been dispatched by Kublai Khan took advantage of the opportunity to send the spirits away, and all of them escaped and went to join Brother Ali.

Although Kublai Khan wiped out Brother Alibu with the help of the Han army, the cowardice inherited from the Genghis Khan era was also wiped out.In the end, the Marquis of the Han Dynasty sent out some soldiers and gathered a military guard army for him, so the Yuan Dynasty had a new guard army.

The original Qixue, although rebuilt in name, has lost its war function. It just does odd jobs in the palace and competes with eunuchs for jobs.

The cowardice in Rome is also in a similar situation.The Zizhang Khan Court came from Ye Luzi. After becoming an empire, this army was formed for the sake of face.But it is also conceivable that there are basically... service personnel.

Moreover, in addition to Dadu, there are also territories and palaces on the grasslands, so the task of Roman Kexue is even more complicated.

Later, a Frenchman who traveled here made a solid suggestion.According to his idea, Qi Xue can be divided into two parts: one part is newly recruited in Dadu, mainly urban people, responsible for standing guard, cleaning, cooking, serving tea and water, called young Qi Xue Jun; the other part is It turned out that those who were on the grassland territory were mainly grassland herdsmen, who were responsible for herding sheep for the big sweat, and they were called Lao Qi Xue Jun.

Both parties performed their duties and completed various tasks well.The purity of cowardice has been greatly improved.

Like these two guards, they are typical young cowardly Xue Jun, but they don't know whose family they are.

After they informed the room, they opened the door and invited Lama Wang and Guo Kang in.

As soon as Guo Kang entered the door, a tall figure rushed towards him and shouted loudly: "Hello! I miss you so much!"

It took him a lot of effort to push aside the overzealous orgy.

There was also a little boy in the room, who sat obediently on the side, looking at them with some embarrassment.

"Oh, this is my cousin, Constantine from the Paleolio family. My mother said that he is old enough to go to school with us." Tuohuan reacted and introduced to Guo Kang.

"Ah... hello..." Guo Kang hadn't recovered yet, but simply greeted him, then turned to Tuo Huan and asked, "What happened to you? You're so excited."

"It's really difficult for the rest of us to write the national letter." Tuo Huan said helplessly, "Father Khan asked me to change the way of writing that the Ming Dynasty liked, so as to have a good relationship with others, but how can I do this? I can find help everywhere.”

"If you are looking for me, you have to consider whether I will, after all, all I know are jokes from unreliable sources, so I can't be sure." Guo Kang complained: "Forget it, I will try my best to help. Let me see how you write now..."

Beside the desk, sat a young man who was also scratching his head, with manuscript paper in front of him.Seeing this, he turned the manuscript paper over and showed it to Guo Kang.I saw the words: "Great Qin Great Roman Wulusi Bai Saihan, to Dunta Wulusi Zhu Tianping Hehan."

The back is gone.

"It's a bit difficult for you, isn't this completely unwritten!" Guo Kang didn't know what to say for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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