Chapter 204 True and False Poles

The follow-up ceremony will go on for a long time, but the most exciting part is over.The onlookers dispersed one after another and went to other locations.

"In the next three days, various activities will be held in the city." Guo Kangjie said, "However, the highlight is the street performances and free banquets, which are mainly for ordinary citizens. Everyone can go back."

"Can't we go and see?" Princess Jeanne asked.

"Of course, but to be honest, I don't recommend it." Guo Kang persuaded: "You may not know that the highlight of this kind of public event is drinking."

"There are many wine-producing areas on our side. However, most of the winery industry in Hanting is still inferior to those famous traditional producing areas. Low-quality wines cannot be sold at a price, so it is better to give them to everyone to drink. Selling favors. This kind of ceremony is an occasion to take the opportunity to entertain everyone."

"Thousands of people drink together, the scene can be imagined. Every time like this, maintaining law and order is a big headache. There are still women and children here, so I suggest that everyone In the mansion, take care of yourself, don't go out and fight with the drunks in the city. You are all nobles from the monarch family, if something goes wrong, I can't afford it."

"What do you think?" He glanced at Zhu Wenkui, then at Princess Ma.

However, Princess Jeanna was still in high spirits.

"I don't think there's a problem." She insisted, "No matter how chaotic it is here, can there still be chaos in Paris? I believe that Paris is the most unfriendly city in the world to the monarch, and I dare to go out there."

"..." Guo Kang didn't know how to answer her for a while.

The people in Wu Wangfu can be said to have many branches of politics.The titular owner Zhu Yunwen has been missing all year round, and Princess Ma, who should be in charge of the family's internal affairs in theory, has been sick all year round and neglects her affairs.

Zhu Wenkui, another qualified escrow, actually prefers blacksmithing to handling government affairs.After meeting Guo Kang, he was like a fish in water, and often went to the cathedral to play with Guo Kang on the grounds of "engaging in diplomatic and religious activities".Now, he just squats in the blacksmith's shop every day, and never goes to the Wu Palace to "go to court" to receive the "important officials of the palace" that his father brought him.

Moreover, even if they want to manage things, they may not be able to control other people.Princess Jeanna's status is quite special. When Guo Kang received her, he didn't know whether she was considered a princess or a lower level, or simply nothing.Fortunately, the etiquette level of the Purple Horde Khanate is very rough, and it can be handled by pretending not to know.But obviously, whether she would listen to Princess Ma and Zhu Wenkui, or even Zhu Yunqi's words, she had to say something else.

With her mother "Jade and jade in front", little Rangna did not give up.Guo Kang, a time traveler, sometimes feels that when she treats her brother, she is too "bearable".The current situation can also be imagined.

As for the others, Monk Daoyan was not a retainer of the King of Wu, but just came here by himself.During this period of time, besides reading, he just walked around and inquired about the situation.Apart from regularly giving lectures on the scriptures and doing things to Princess Ma and others, he hardly does anything for the palace.Guo Kang also didn't think that Zhu Wenkui's family could handle him well.

But Jeanna and others only have the title of official in name.Zhu Yunqi actually couldn't afford much salary - he didn't have a stable income at all. Now, apart from occasionally coaxing donations from a few European businessmen who took advantage of him, only the royal funds sponsored by the Purple Horde Khanate were left.The latter is enough to support a family, and with more and more retainers, it is very scarce.

At the beginning, Zhu Yunwen thought about asking the Purple Horde Khanate to give more money, saying that he could let his retainers go to the Khanate to serve as guest ministers.However, Zhu Wenkui was too embarrassing to bear his actions. Not only did he not ask for money, but he also withheld the part that was regularly squeezed out and sent to Zhu Yunqi on the grounds that the princess needed additional expenses for medical treatment.For those "retainers", just help them find a job and let them work on their own.

For this reason, Zhu Yunqi couldn't bear it, and he was embarrassed to ask for money again.

Zhu Wenkui himself complained that his father is basically making a living by asking for alms.It sounds like they are starting to restore the traditions of the old Zhu family...

Under such circumstances, everyone was attracted here because of his promise.In this regard, Zhu Yunqi is very capable, at least for the middle and lower class people in Europe, "there will be high-ranking officials to do it after everything is done", which is very attractive.

Guo Kang also thought it was outrageous at first, but after thinking about it, other nobles probably don't even bother to brag.

The upper limit of ordinary people in Europe these days is estimated to be a knight.Moreover, only powerful monarchs like Britain and France have the ability to systematically support these low-born people in order to fight against the local nobles.For most people, this kind of opportunity is out of reach.

No matter how you say it, Zhu Yunqi is also an oriental. In this era of Europe, he has a mysterious aura of "wealthy and powerful".He also has a group of followers who can afford travel expenses and give him a way to escape.Looking at it this way, let alone commoners, even some unsatisfactory little nobles in the court have enough motivation to follow him.

Captain Jessica is over there, and he is actually a respectable person.The heroine Jeanna also claimed to be a descendant of a nobleman—although she couldn't produce any evidence, but she dared to say so openly, at least she had to have a certain fighting power, at least she had to be able to beat other nobles who raised doubts.

They are all considered to be the best in the middle and lower classes in Europe, and being able to recruit these people is actually relatively successful.It's a pity that although Zhu Yunqi has the ability to attract people among the people, he obviously doesn't inherit his grandfather's combat effectiveness.Otherwise, it is not impossible to lead this group of people to fight Haixi Daming.

Some time ago, Zhu Wenkui also told Guo Kang that his father recently analyzed the current situation in Alemanni and believed that the king's judgment was completely wrong.The key now is not to be serious with heretics big and small at all, but to use them to quell civil strife.

The Purple Horde has many enemies, and it is not necessary to fight them.Hussite is also only a small local sect, not a serious problem at all.

The "Holy Roman Empire" was once a powerful power in Europe, but later it declined because of continuous civil strife.Obviously, the problem in this country is not paganism or heresy at all, but the princes from all over the place.

Therefore, instead of being entangled with the so-called heresy, it is better to use the power of these two parties to first level the princes from all walks of life in the country.As long as the plan to cut down the vassals can be completed, Alemanni actually has hope of prosperity.

Of course, this is just a talk.It was useless for him to help the Alemanni king, and he would certainly not be listened to.Probably just complaining, expressing dissatisfaction with the detriment of the feudal clan...

In this state, it is not bad for Zhu Yunqi to maintain the role of a nominal monarch.It is impossible to manage better.

Guo Kang thought about it, and decided to see what Zhu Wenkui had to say first.

As a result, Zhu Wenkui also looked at a loss.

"Or... Mr. Guo, can you lend me more of your guards?" He tentatively asked.

"My family's guards are not good at security work at all." Guo Kang reminded: "It's useless to lend it to you."

"Ah..." Zhu Wenkui had no other choice.

In the end, Princess Ma spoke up and helped him out:
"Sister wants to go to see the excitement, of course it's okay. It's just that as mothers, we have to make our children safer so that we can play with peace of mind. It happens that I'm resting at home these two days, so it's better to keep the children at home. Good care."

Princess Jeanne doesn't know much Greek, but she knows some basic Chinese, so she can probably understand what she means.Hearing what she said, I also feel that it is not very responsible to take the child out.And it's really too much to take care of the chaos outside.So after thinking about it, I agreed.

"Mr. Guo, I'm going to trouble you. I'll let you know and ask them to help me." Princess Ma said to Guo Kang again.

Guo Kang cupped his hands and agreed.

He reckoned that Princess Ma couldn't control Princess Rangna in this chaotic relationship, and it was the right thing to do - and she didn't necessarily want to.Taking care of little Rangna can be regarded as dedication.

As for the security issue, she didn't ask Guo Kang to help first, like Zhu Wenkui, but just asked him to pass it on.After all, Guo Kang really couldn't help with this matter.

In this matter, she was indeed more thoughtful than Zhu Wenkui.

Guo Kang always feels that Zhu Wenkui should not only forge iron, but also learn more about it.It stands to reason that he also often helps with various affairs, and for some reason, the progress has not been very great.You can't always scare people by putting on a big shelf.

Moreover, this shelf is also installed for outsiders to see.For people who are familiar and close, it is impossible to pretend, and it may not be useful to be entangled in manners and language.

The real emperor of the Ming Dynasty may not even claim to be lonely every day, only in formal written occasions, he pays special attention to these things.Like Zhu Yuanzhang himself, he has always called himself "We".Others persuaded him to develop the habit of saying "Zhen", but he couldn't change it.Zhu Wenkui's fourth grandfather, Zhu Di, likes to call himself "I" in history.In short, few are very refined.

When it comes to this step of entanglement, it may also mean that there is really nothing else that can maintain authority.

Guo Kang decided to find a time to talk to him.Even from a business perspective, maintaining the presence of King Wu's family is valuable to the Purple Horde Khanate.

He led the crowd out of the stands and came to the parking place outside the square.Just as I was about to leave, there seemed to be a conflict ahead.

"Drink too much now?" Guo Kang was very surprised.

Quite a few people gathered around curiously, and they also poked their heads to look.I saw the crowd forming a circle, and two people dressed as captives were fighting inside.

"What's going on?" Guo Kang asked loudly, "Why did you fight yourself?"

"It's Mr. Guo. Oh, these two accused each other just now." A hundred households recognized him and said.

"What is the accusation?" Guo Kang asked: "Tell them not to fight, and ask about the situation."

Baihu pulled out his cane, pushed the crowd away, and beat the two people to separate them.The new onlookers also asked questions one after another, so one of the tall ones immediately pushed him away and accused loudly: "Everyone! This Leer is a Polish nobleman. He has always called himself French, trying to escape punishment. But I don't think that's the case. He has to pay for his actions and those of his people. You say, don't you!"

"Really?" Many people wondered.

"Don't listen to his nonsense." The short man called Leva also shouted: "He is the Polish nobleman, and his whole family is Polish nobleman!"

"Stop shouting." Baihu twitched again: "Tell me, what's going on."

"I'm innocent! I'm a native Frenchman who was later hired by the Poles to design the farm. I don't know why I was arrested, but I'm definitely not Polish!" Lerva argued.

"It's Peter Tesko, who must be a Pole. His father fled from Poland to England, gave birth to him, and then they both went back to work for the Poles. He's a bad Pole through and through!"

"Who are you scolding? You, I'm a mercenary, a bastard nobleman. I don't have the final say on who I will work for." Tesco immediately retorted: "My stupid mercenary captain insists on pulling everyone here Death, but we didn't know the specific situation before."

"Master." He pleaded to Baihu: "We are all poor people who have been deceived. We are willing to use ransom money or coolies to redeem ourselves. As for the captain who did all kinds of evil, he is already dead and atones for his crimes. So, also You don't have to punish me anymore, do you?"

The audience looked at each other listening.

"What's the situation?" Zhu Wenkui asked strangely.

"This is trying to kill people with a knife." Guo Kang said to him: "As usual, we execute Polish nobles, and civilians are sent to various places as hard labor or sold to slave traders. Therefore, captured Polish nobles often try to pretend to be serfs. Or claiming to be a foreigner to avoid punishment."

"Huh? I thought they would stick to their status as Poles and nobles." Zhu Wenkui was a little surprised.

"That kind of thing, when you usually pretend to be superior to others, of course you have to use it to make a big fuss. It's a pity that in this situation, these 'noble status' are cumbersome instead." Guo Kang said with a smile.

"People who usually like to say that they are proud of being Poles and nobles are not necessarily proud of it. Most people just want to take advantage of this status. Being this status is not only not beneficial, but a burden Sometimes, many people will give up it decisively and choose a safer way.”

"We actually encourage this kind of behavior." He whispered to Zhu Wenkui: "In fact, every time we capture prisoners, we can catch a few who would rather admit that they are not Poles or nobles. We will deliberately let them be among other Poles. Openly swear in front of you—don’t tell me, even if they say they believe in the Heavenly Father, there are quite a few people who lie in front of the Heavenly Father to save their lives.”

"Uh, then..." Zhu Wenkui thought about it.

"In this case, the follow-up will be very interesting." Guo Kang said with a smile.

 Regarding the update:
  More than 4k words are guaranteed every day.This time it is fixed before 12 o'clock in the middle of the night.If there are during the day... it may be because the day is relatively free, so we can have more.

  Please forgive me as a non-full-time author.

(End of this chapter)

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