Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 206 The Threat of Princess Jeanna

Chapter 206 The Threat of Princess Jeanna

"Can this method really work?" Zhu Wenkui didn't seem to understand: "I think the Poles are quite fanatical."

"You have too little contact with religious groups, so of course you are not sensitive to their organizational methods." Guo Kang said: "In fact, as long as you master the tricks, this kind of people are easy to deal with—or in fact, the more fanatical you are, the easier it is to deal with."

"How does this work?" Jeanne and her daughter also looked very interested.

"It's actually very simple. This is a strategy that everyone can see at a glance." Guo Kang said: "Of course, before designing a strategy, you should analyze the enemy."

"Since everyone knows the state of Poland and their specific performance, has anyone thought about the reasons?" he asked the crowd.

"What's the reason?" Little Jeanne asked curiously.

"For example, we all know that the Poles are very religious—or fanatical, but why are they fanatical? Have you ever thought about it?" Guo Kang asked.

Little Jeanna thought about it suspiciously, and she really didn't seem to understand.She looked back at her mother, but Princess Rangna, who knew the upper classes of all countries well, also frowned.

"Being's because of pious belief. Do you need a reason?" She didn't seem to have considered this question either.

"Of course, there must be a reason for everything." Guo Kang said with a smile: "The old sea urchin school knows that people in different geographical environments will behave differently. A person's behavior may have a lot of subjective factors, and it is difficult to Prediction. But if you analyze the behavior of the entire population, the impact of objective factors is the most important.”

Although the level of theology is not good, Guo Kang's knowledge in other aspects is still passable.He is also used to thinking outside of religion.To make it easier for everyone to understand, he gave another example:

"For example, according to the teachings of Tianfang Sect, spirits are forbidden drinks. This is because food is very precious in the desert area where they originated. If the nobles indulge in drinking, it will seriously damage the interests of the tribe, and even affect their safety and survival. So it's a very high priority and a very serious precept in the teachings."

"But everyone knows that after leaving the Arabian Peninsula, this commandment is almost impossible to maintain. Even if the doctrine remains the same, the rulers can always find various reasons to avoid these rules. There are even Professional jurists who are responsible for arguing that the sultan's citation of fermented grape juice is also dogmatic."

"Because the destructiveness of drinking is not so deadly, they are also able to drink?" Little Jeanna speculated: "If you follow the theory you quoted, it should be... because after the environment changes, the necessity of commandments also changes." Reduced."

"Yes." Guo Kang nodded: "This is a good example."

Of course, it should be noted that this example only applies to the current time period.In Guo Kang's original world line, when the Ottomans gradually became stronger and the authority of the Sultan gradually stabilized, these jurists were abolished.

Because the sultans believe that it is unquestionable common sense that "sultans drink fermented beverages in accordance with the teachings".Subjects should not doubt this truth, so there is no need to explain and refute it.Let the royal jurists and doubters debate the scriptures, but it seems that the sultans have a guilty conscience.Therefore, these jurists also lost their jobs.

In Guo Kang's view, this conclusion is very clear.It's a pity that Princess Jeanna didn't want to accept it.

"Is the pagan theory credible?" She doubted: "Their philosophical research is indeed more advanced than the Catholic world, but this is the part related to belief. Can they directly use their knowledge?"

"It is precisely because of this that we should pay more attention to other people's theories." Guo Kang insisted.

"If the two sides have different beliefs and cannot accept each other, and the theories of the Tianfang believers are more developed than those of the Roman Catholic countries in Europe. Can it be said that God prefers their understanding of the truth, so the protection and blessings given to them are more important?" How many?" He asked in turn: "Otherwise, where would their wisdom come from?"

"It's definitely not the case." Princess Jeanne certainly couldn't admit it: "I don't think their understanding is more correct. They should just be playing tricks on their own, and they didn't really get divine enlightenment and wisdom from the Heavenly Father."

"Then... I suggest, don't say that." Guo Kang shook his head.

"Why?" Zhu Wenkui still didn't understand.

"Because this is equivalent to saying that the teachings of European countries are closer to the truth and have been inspired by the heavenly father, but they are still not as wise as others." Heavenly Father favors the party. How exaggerated is the difference between the two parties in terms of 'humanity'..."

"If you still don't understand." He looked at Zhu Wenkui, and could only add: "To put it more simply, it's 'Catholics are so stupid that Father Heaven won't be able to handle them'."

"You..." Princess Jeanna changed her face, took a long breath, and wanted to reprimand him.It's just that halfway through the conversation, I found that I couldn't even find a reason to cut in for the reprimand.

If it is in France, there will naturally be a group of ladies who accompany her to help, and the priests will find loopholes in his words to refute, and there will definitely be knights who are eager to "progress" in various fields, and will take the initiative to stand up for her and prepare to fight for her. Solve problems physically.

But she also understands that the Guo family in Rome is almost like the Duke of Burgundy in France, and belongs to the kind of top nobleman who can be a regent.Now I have something to ask for from others, so I have to admit my mistakes, and there is no way to force the "dignity of the royal family".And forcibly blaming her will only act like a village woman, and on the contrary, she will lose face in a foreign country.

However, the gap in this situation made her feel even more sad.

Recalling the various things that happened after Zhu Yunqi's team was recommended by the Purple Horde Khanate and appeared in Paris, when she faced the Purple Horde, especially the oriental-looking Guo Kang, her mentality was inevitably out of balance.So much so that the mood fluctuated so much that I almost couldn't control it this time.

However, after all, she is a person who has been active in the court all year round and has seen all kinds of important events, and her expression calmed down in a few breaths.But little Jeanne was very dissatisfied.

"Why are you talking to my mother like that!" she protested.

"What did I say?" Guo Kang was quite puzzled.

"You said they were stupid just now." Little Rangna pointed out, "Aren't you going to admit it now?"

"What did I say? What I mean is that if someone's theory makes sense, you have to accept it. Using religion as a reason to accuse the other party is also untenable. It is tantamount to admitting that you are too stupid." Guo Kang did not accept it: "I just used the setting she gave to state a deduction to prove my own idea. I didn't deliberately blame anyone, how can I blame me?"

He also really felt wronged.

Originally, Guo Kang thought that the people here are people who have a thorough understanding of religion, who can communicate and discuss the meaning and usage of religion.Moreover, it's not a big deal to ridicule the Roman Catholics in Europe-most Greek theologians are much more sarcasm than him.

He was sincerely discussing the serious matter, but others showed him emotions, which naturally made people uncomfortable.Moreover, forget about the others, after all, these days, most people still truly believe in the Heavenly Father.But the French upper class...

These people themselves took the lead in attacking Catholics. It is hard to believe how much she would identify with the term Catholics.It's too pretentious to be entangled in this kind of thing.

At this time, he suddenly remembered the matter of little Jeanna.

At a young age, little Rangna has a solid foundation in theology, and she can even preach to Guo Kang often, probably because of her mother's influence.What she studied at the beginning was also based on the teachings there.

After Monk Daoyan came here, he often planned with Princess Rangna.Now she has the permission of her mother and aunt, and is studying to be a fairy girl with Lama Wang.

— From the point of view of the bishop of Rome, this is a very heretical thing.

In the future, little Rangna is expected to be an important figure in the strategy of the Purple Horde Khanate, and she originally had a certain religious position.He hadn't taken this seriously before.

This is actually impossible.From his previous life to these years in the purple tent, the habits he has developed are indeed easy for people to care less about.But judging from the current situation, it's not just that he doesn't pay attention.He seems to have underestimated the influence of religion and idealized his allies.

He didn't know what Jeanna's mother and daughter were planning now, what was the intention of Monk Daoyan, and the Ming Dynasty who might be behind it.But now, these people are actively cooperating with some abnormalities and joining the key future strategic plan of the Purple Horde Khanate.

The adoptive father, Wang Da Lama and others were careless and didn't take it seriously.And Theodora encountered problems about feelings, as if she had lost her brain, she would be jealous of the child and act too abnormally.And he himself has always been obsessed with technical issues and overall strategies, and he doesn't care about these "details".

It is true that Europeans before have never shown enough ability to carry out this level of stratagem, making everyone forget this possibility.If it weren't for today's incident, he might have forgotten it like this, and didn't react until a big problem occurred.

When he analyzed the Mamluk strategy, he specifically emphasized the impact of one-way intelligence and transparency.But now, he is in a transparent situation, which makes Guo Kang, who likes to plan, very uncomfortable.

Zhu Wenkui and little Rangna had frequent contact with him and got to know each other better.But the sudden appearance of Princess Jeanna is really hard to reassure.

People and people's trust is easy to change, difficult to maintain, but easy to destroy.His ancestors, Guo Gai, Guo Di and others, spent their entire lives working hard to maintain peace among the people.Guo Kang has heard too many such stories over the years.Thinking about it now, it is really necessary to guard against the passing of time.

However, it is also unwise to take direct confrontational measures.

The Purple Horde is not his own family.This will only make it appear that you care about every detail, and make other people who don't see any abnormalities feel more sympathetic to the party being targeted, and instead give them room to move.Moreover, there is still a common enemy after all.

Thinking of this, Guo Kang had an idea and decided to give it a try.

He was no longer dissatisfied and angry, but a little scared.However, he still looked angry.

"I thought that the upper class in France was a group of rational people who could clearly see the interests of the country and were willing to put the country's interests first." He deliberately shook his head and said to the people around him: "I didn't expect that they didn't care about these things. It's simple and crude sectarian disputes. I am not good at religion, so there is no need to continue to participate in the discussion."

After that, he interrupted the conversation and stopped speaking.

(End of this chapter)

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