Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 210 I Believe in So Many Gods, Surely I’m Not an Atheist

Chapter 210 I Believe in So Many Gods, Surely I’m Not an Atheist

"What is this Alan? Why are there so many strange people?" Zhu Wenkui asked.

"Alan is probably the Yancai in the Hanshu, and is a similar ethnic group to Kangju and Da Yueshi." Guo Kang said: "Zhizhi Shanyu appeared in the scene when he fled to the west, so there is a record in the Hanshu."

"What story is that?" asked little Jeanne.

"You don't even know this?" Guo Kang was quite surprised: "You really only read church scriptures."

"I, I've only been studying for a few years, so it's normal if I don't know!" Little Jeanna frowned angrily and complained.

"That's not true." Guo Kang managed to catch the field she was not good at, and began to put on airs of his elder brother, and taught him a lesson: "If you don't understand basic historical knowledge, go to recite scriptures. Aren't you afraid that your recitation will be wrong?"

"Let me ask you a basic question: If what actually happened in history contradicts the records in the scriptures, do you think the teachings in the scriptures are wrong, or is the world wrong?"

"Some predecessors' understanding of the doctrine is wrong. Both the doctrine and the world are correct." Little Jeanne replied without thinking.

"My God, your sister is really a religious genius." Guo Kang couldn't hold back, and turned his head to praise Zhu Wenkui.

"..." Zhu Wenkui didn't know whether he was sincerely praising or sarcastic, so he didn't know how to answer.

Guo Kang also felt that looking for a sense of superiority from other young girls was a bit too bullying, and it was not a matter of face-but then again, he was really bullied by little girls before, no matter how he thought about it, he was already a bit shameless up.

And how to regain face with face... This is really not easy to find.

After struggling for a while, he decided to get straight to the point.

"During the Han Dynasty, Yancai was a vassal of Kangju. Zhizhi Shanyu fled there after he was defeated in the Xiongnu civil war. He led more than 3000 remnants of his tribe and stationed on the banks of the Talas River." Guo Kang said: "Kang King Ju wanted to use his power to deal with Wusun, so he married his daughter to him. Zhizhi really defeated Wusun one after another, forcing Wusun to migrate thousands of miles to avoid him."

"Zhizhi was a tyrannical man and ran amok everywhere. Dawan and Yancai were all forced to pay him old coins. They thought that the Kangju people were rude to him, so they killed people wantonly. Hundreds of people including Princess Kangju, nobles, and common people were killed Killed and dismembered, thrown into the river. Kangju and other countries are afraid of his power, and dare not resist him."

"It turned out to be such a way of appearance..." Little Jeanna was a little surprised: "I thought it was some famous big family."

"Indeed." Zhu Wenkui nodded: "My only impression of Zhizhi is that he was killed by the Han Dynasty. I never thought that he could be so rampant in the Western Regions."

"If I didn't look for ancient books specifically to verify their origin legends, I wouldn't know about it." Guo Kang told them: "But this is actually a daily routine in the Western Regions. It's not surprising to see it a lot."

"Later, the rise of Rouran caused the Hu people in the Western Regions to be squeezed and moved westward one after another. Persians and Indians recorded a large number of ethnic groups such as 'Red Huns', 'White Huns', and 'Hunites'. These The Hu people forced the Hu people of the Kangju family to flee to the northwest. Those who entered Europe were the Alan people.”

"It sounds so complicated. Why are there so many Huns? Are they related?" Little Jeanne asked.

"After Rome collapsed in Western Europe, there were a lot of people who claimed to be Rome." Guo Kang pointed out: "The relationship between them and the Huns in the Han Dynasty is probably the relationship between...the Holy Roman Empire and the Roman Empire."

"Oh, it's easy to understand this analogy." Little Jeanne showed a clear expression: "But the Holy Roman Empire has something to do with Rome, right?"

"These Huns of five colors may have been vassals under the Huns back then, or were vassals of vassals. Isn't it always like this on the grassland?" Guo Kang disagreed: "People can also say that they have something to do with it."

Little Jeanna couldn't refute for a while.

"I really don't understand the relationship here." Zhu Wenkui complained: "Last time I read a book, it was said that King Alamanni claimed to be the king of the Romans and the king of the Germans at the same time. How did this work out? "

"I can't figure it out either." Guo Kang said bluntly: "Some of these titles seem to coexist, and some don't. The relationship is too complicated. You have to ask someone like Theodora. I can't remember. live."

"However, I feel that this is like the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty still calling himself the Great Khan of Mongolia. It is to take care of both sides at the same time." He thought for a while and said:
"This phenomenon is actually quite common. The Mongolian Khan always wants to enter the Central Plains, and does not want to take care of poor relatives in the grassland; the Alemanni king tries to enter Italy all day long, but does not manage his German compatriots; the English king misses France every day, not because he has no choice I don't want to stay on the island at all. It can be seen that everyone's thoughts are actually similar."

"Rouran, as I just said, was originally from Xianbei. After Tuoba Xianbei entered the Central Plains, his hometown was abandoned. In these unattended places, various scattered tribes, fugitive slaves, and even Central Plains people and Western Regions who were exiled to the grasslands People form such a country. Their relationship with Xianbei is somewhat similar to the relationship between Mongolian tribes and Yuan Dynasty, but they just need to be stronger.”

"Then if Shinra really completely controls Italy, their German attributes will probably be weakened soon." Little Jeanna speculated.

"That's for sure." Guo Kang nodded confidently: "At that time, we have to guard against other fellow Germans, who have learned and learned, and went south to the Alps to compete with him for territory-look at Frederick II, sit firmly in Sicily After taking the throne, didn't they immediately imitate the Arabs, and even seldom call themselves the king of Germany."

Little Jeanna thought about it and thought it made sense.

"You still don't know clearly, don't you know these historical events very well?" she said.

"I really can't remember those titles, lineages, etc. The history of their various families is too complicated." Guo Kang said: "I'm just curious about the sequence of civilization inheritance."

"Order? In what order?" asked little Jeanne.

"I heard a saying before that the civilization of Greece was inherited from Egypt, the civilization of Rome was inherited from Greece, and the civilization of Western Europe was inherited from Rome. Therefore, the civilization here has been inherited in one continuous line and has never been interrupted." Guo Kang said: "Someone Based on this, I believe that the Roman Catholic countries can be regarded as an orthodox civilization that has been passed down for a long time. But I have seen the situation here a lot, and I always feel that it is not very reliable, as if the Europeans deliberately exaggerated and made it up to brag."

"Bragging?" Little Rangna tilted her head, looking a little confused: "It's bragging, that's right..."

"But the Catholics themselves shouldn't be blowing it up." She thought for a while and judged.

"Why?" Guo Kang asked.

"This is not just a question of whether these inheritances are true or false, but because normal Europeans would not choose this direction of bragging." Little Jeanna looked confident:

"I'm also a Western European Catholic, and I know them well. If they brag, they must be describing and exaggerating from the aspects of the grace of the heavenly father, the legitimacy of the church, and the authority of the kingdom. This civilization inheritance... No matter how you look at it like they could say."

"That's right." Zhu Wenkui also nodded, and said casually, "Let's put the barbarians through the three systems here, do people understand this? This idea is too central, and it's not a European way of thinking at all."

"It's okay to argue about orthodoxy, but it's not the idea of ​​which civilization inherits which." Little Jeanna corrected: "Europe is different from the Central Plains, and the church has the orthodox inheritance. But there is only one heavenly father in the world, and the church will not There are the former dynasty and the two kings and three Ke. Therefore, their inheritance only cares about the status of 'religionist', and there is no need to consider the issue of civilization replacement."

"As for the various secular regimes, legitimacy is granted by the gods, and has nothing to do with civilization and ethnic groups. The king of Germany calls himself Rome, which is mainly the religious meaning of Rome, not that he really considers himself a Roman."

"If I, as a Catholic, come here to promote, the goal is to prove that civilization has a long history, and I must start with Moses." When she encounters a topic she is good at, she analyzes again: "First demonstrate that from Abraham to Moses, this ancient civilization history, and their relationship with Mesopotamia and Egypt; and then argue that after Moses left, the fire of civilization and truth reached the eastern shore of the Mediterranean; then, demonstrate that in the age of Christ, civilization and truth were spread to all parts of the Mediterranean , gradually united with Rome; finally spread to Western Europe, and took root with the mission of the Roman Church.”

"It's better to mention Egypt less. Because in the scriptures, Egypt is mainly a negative image. It is mainly mentioned as a time scale for comparison and to explain the long history."

She rested her cheeks, thought for a moment, and added: "By the way, it's best to mention the Greek you mentioned. Because the dispute between Greek priests and Latin priests in the early church is a bad debt. There are many things involved in it." Events related to the core of the church, including doctrinal differences and the emergence of some early heresies, can’t be explained clearly in a few words, and it’s hard to explain who is right.”

"This place is too detailed. Not only is it not conducive to establishing an image, but it will make everyone feel confused and doubt the orthodoxy of the inheritance."

"That's it..." Guo Kang scratched his head and remembered something again: "By the way, didn't you say that the origin of Christianity theory is the Greeks and Hebrews? The Greeks are kicked out now?"

"It's because of the great influence that I want to kick it out. Otherwise, how can I prove that my church is the one that grasps the truth? You know, the heresy that is close to each other is the biggest hatred." Little Jeanna pointed out: "In addition, you said That's right. Kicking out the Hebrews is a common way of thinking among Europeans."

Guo Kang also thought about it for a while, and found that it did make sense.

"What if we don't consider religion and talk about civilization alone?" He speculated in a different way: "If Europeans exclude the church and then talk about the inheritance of civilization, it's okay, right?"

"How is it possible." Little Jeanna rolled her dark eyes and looked at him in surprise: "Western European civilization itself is based on religion. Without religion, how can we talk about civilization alone?"

This sentence directly caught Guo Kang's question, and he couldn't answer it for a while.

"In Europe, even if you don't mention religion, you can't get rid of the influence of religion." Little Jeanne told him: "So, even if you deliberately strip the religious part, the result will be the same. That's why I suspect that this is not Europe at all." Bragging reasons that people think of themselves.”

"Last time I saw someone who said angrily that I was an atheist because I didn't bother to spare time to pray when I was working in a blacksmith shop." Zhu Wenkui thought for a while and said, "There are such people in Europe, right? If they don’t consider God’s words, can they also have a similar effect?”

"This is not what you think at all." Little Jeanna said helplessly: "Ordinary citizens probably don't know what atheist means at all, and take it as a general curse word."

"The definition of atheism is a philosophy based on the first principle of denying the Heavenly Father. Therefore, his first requirement is to completely deny the Heavenly Father." She defined her brother's behavior: "You go to the Niangniang Temple twice in three days , follow everyone to pray to Heavenly Father, although many people will think you are a heretic, but they will definitely not think you are an atheist."

"Secondly, this is a kind of philosophy. Philosophy and theology are inseparable, so even if they deny the Heavenly Father, their way of thinking is to use various philosophical and theological tools to prove that the Heavenly Father does not exist, or that the person does not match. Therefore, we Over there, even atheistic heresies are based on this kind of thinking. They will not deviate too much when they argue."

"No wonder. Let me just say, I have worshiped so many gods, how could I be an atheist." Zhu Wenkui showed a clear expression.

"What you think, that's not atheism, that's not caring about God at all." She laughed and shook her head: "I suspect this is a specialty of Siris—it's not caring about admitting or denying God at all. I It is suspected that this is an idea beyond theism and atheism."

"Of course, ordinary people don't know so much." She reminded: "You have lived here for so long, and you have to realize a difference: Western European culture is not like Serris, and history is not a divine thing. In addition, they do not have a separate code of ethics. The 'scholar-officials' referred to by the teachers are part-time priests here; they are also doing the work of educating the people and organizing the grassroots."

"That's why I kept telling Brother Kang just now that it is impossible to have a definition of civilization that is divorced from religion. If there is no church, unless a more powerful replacement appears directly, there will definitely be a scene of demons dancing around in Europe. If this continues , I am afraid that civilization is about to collapse, so what is there to pass on?"

"When they say you're an atheist, it means you're divorced from the Father and from religion, which means you're free from morality and religious organization. It's like calling you a savage without ancestors, a rogue without morals in Seris—they You can’t understand beliefs that are divorced from religion, and morals that are divorced from religion, so it’s analogous.”

"So the next time you meet someone like this, just take your hammer and swing it back. Don't argue with him about these scriptures, do you understand?" She looked at her brother bitterly, and said.

"Who is this, talking so viciously?" Princess Ma, who had been listening silently, finally couldn't help asking.

"Oh, by the way, what he said probably meant that you were immoral." After listening to her mother's words, little Jeanna felt that this was more appropriate, and added.

This time, Princess Ma didn't hold back either, and glared at her.Little Rangna stuck out her tongue, put on a cute look, and stopped talking.

"It's just someone who came to visit, and I didn't pay much attention to it. I just remembered it when you two talked about it." Zhu Wenkui scratched his head: "I really don't feel anything..."

"You child is too slow." Princess Ma sighed, then looked at little Rangna again: "Hey, but there is no way, let alone your brother, I don't understand this well either."

"The little princess just knows about the civilizations on both sides, so I understand this. Hey, I'm not sensitive enough myself." Guo Kang thought for a while, and said to Zhu Wenkui: "It's okay, just tell me who it is, and I'll help you." Just take care of that guy."

"Is this necessary?" Zhu Wenkui really didn't want to bother him: "Things in the market are probably very chaotic."

"If we don't know, there is no need. Now that we know, we will be embarrassed if we don't teach him a lesson." Guo Kang recognized the matter: "Leave it to me."

(End of this chapter)

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