Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 213 The Romans Who Like to Remind

Chapter 213 The Romans Who Like to Remind
"Is that so? What about other dramas?" Guo Kang asked, "Is it because Roman dramas are not as famous as Greek dramas?"

"Other dramas..." Li Xuanying listed them one by one: "First of all, the upper class. Compared with the Greeks, the cultural level of the upper class in Rome is really not good."

"When the Greek drama system was introduced, the Romans also learned various types of drama. But the senators had no culture, and only asked people to make various dramas that forcibly praised their ancestors. In this kind of drama, because the main characters are dressed in purple Because of the nobleness of the robe, it is also commonly known as the 'Purple Robe Drama'."

"Is there any representative of this kind of drama?" Guo Kang asked.

"There's nothing famous about it." Li Xuanying shook her head and said, "Purple Robe dramas are generally bad. Many scripts are so embarrassing that the Romans themselves couldn't stand it, so almost all of them have been lost."

"Okay..." Guo Kang felt that this explanation was fine: "What about the others?"

"Some farces and imitations were popular among the people, but there were not many of them. These plays that the Romans were keen on basically described the family's short stories, and told about mutual deception, mutual lawsuits, and mutual infidelity and disputes between husband and wife. Such topics. Although it was very popular at the time, it was generally not nutritious, so it was not well-known in later generations."

"It's not impossible to write these folk affairs." Guo Kang pointed out: "If you can write the stories and mentality of ordinary people well, it's actually good."

"Maybe it's really not good at it. You see, the simplest emotional drama is love drama. But the Romans couldn't write the flavor of the Greeks." Li Xuanying gave an example: "The Greeks seem to have more intense emotions. They can write The kind of unforgettable mellow love. Whether the ending is reunion or tragedy, it can give people a strong shock. But the Romans..."

He scratched his head: "The playwright Terentius once introduced and adapted Greek dramas. In some of the romantic dramas, the characters would choose to commit suicide when tortured by love. But he found that Roman audiences could not understand this behavior."

"In the eyes of the Romans, suicide is an extremely heroic event with a very rich meaning. Therefore, they feel that being obsessed with love and dying is too hypocritical, and it cannot gain the understanding and emotional resonance of the audience. .In the end, Terentius had no choice but to delete all relevant plots directly.”

"Of course, I guess this has something to do with the limited level of the playwright himself. Terentius was the most accomplished playwright at that time, and he even received rare awards. But his writing skills are still not good enough, and Compared with the Greek playwrights of the similar era, it is half the level of the comedy writer Menander."

"In addition, this is not what I said. This is Caesar's evaluation of his works." He added deliberately.

"Then what do the Romans like?" Guo Kang asked.

"Probably because he likes to be lively." Li Xuanying said: "The high-level position of the ancient Romans on drama was leisure and entertainment from the beginning. The earliest comedy was after the first Punic War. In order to appease the tired citizens, specially invited the southern The theater troupe in the Greater Greece region came to perform. In the future, it will become a common practice for citizens to watch plays for entertainment. Even our current theater has the same idea."

"Moreover, Greek dramas are for citizens. Watching theaters is regarded as a way of cultivating people, and special allowances are even given to people who go to theaters. But the number of citizens in Rome is much larger than that of Greek city-states. The average Their social status and property level are far inferior to theirs, and their cultural level is even lower."

"In this case, the head of state and the nobles are trying to win over the people with luxurious performances, and at the same time exaggerate the prosperity of the world to show their generosity. The people are just taking this for fun, and they don't think about philosophical issues. "

"In addition, although the upper class in ancient Rome has been using drama, it is also insisting on suppressing those who are engaged in this industry. The social status of playwrights is not high, and actors are simply slaves and freed slaves."

"Are they also making actors into lowly status?" Guo Kang asked curiously.

"It should be similar to this kind of measure." Li Xuanying nodded: "The law at that time stipulated that, with a few exceptions, free citizens could not participate in dramas, otherwise they would be deprived of some political power."

"By the time of the Empire, women could also participate in comedy performances. This is not because the status of Roman women was higher than that of Greeks, but because the status of actors was too low. Especially comedians, they were already at the same level as women. restricted."

"As for why, I can't tell. But in such an environment, it's normal not to be able to write quality works."

"And with the development of the times, the focus of playwrights is also different. The empire is getting more and more prosperous, and there are more and more theaters and drama performances, so there are more requirements for the volume of scripts."

"By the fourth century, there were 365 days in Rome every year, and 175 days of theater performances. For writers and theater companies, it was most important to put on enough novel plays to attract the attention of the audience. During this period , Many cities are still prosperous, but the artistic level of drama is getting lower and lower, and there are no representative works that can be sold."

"So, Roman theater as a whole is not good. What should be the reason?" Guo Kang asked: "Is it because the elders directed blindly, or the writer's level is too low, or the common people's appreciation ability is too low?"

"I don't know." Li Xuanying spread her hands: "If I have to say something, it's probably all due to fate."

"Use it directly on the spot..." Guo Kang said speechlessly.

"I don't study this either, I just listen to what other people told me." Li Xuanying argued: "Let me sum up, and I can't sum up well. You are smarter than me, I think you should think for yourself."

"I'm going to figure it out. I'm free to ask you." Guo Kang said speechlessly, "Don't you think you are a senior drama researcher?"

"Then I'll take you to ask directly later." Li Xuanying thought for a while and finally decided.

"Don't forget about business, I have to find someone to support Zhu Dajia." Guo Kang reminded.

"No delay, no delay." Li Xuanying waved her hand: "It will be settled on the way."

"Oh, by the way, don't tell my father that I'm thinking about drama." He added hastily.

"Okay, okay."

Although it seems unreliable, Li Xuanying will try her best to do what she promised.So Guo Kang also nodded and agreed.

He was thinking about what to do in the future. Behind the stage, several staff members lifted out a shelf and started to set it up on the spot.The audience seemed to seldom see props set up behind the stage, and turned around one after another, watching curiously and discussing with each other.And those people took out a large round mirror and fixed it on the shelf.

"Hey?" Guo Kang always felt that this thing looked familiar: "Isn't this my reflector..."

"You made this too." Li Xuanying wasn't too surprised: "Let me just say, it was all bronze mirrors before, and this is the first time I've seen this kind of glass."

"I only made this thing in the monastery, I don't know where they got it. Others are also capable of making it? Or did Master Wang order it directly from the monastery?" Guo Kang was a little confused.

"Even if other people can make this thing, it will definitely not be cheap." Li Xuanying said: "The monastery is also the territory of the church. It is not surprising that Master Wang let them make it conveniently and use it as a prop for the drama he promotes."

Guo Kang thought about it and felt that it really made sense.

"All kinds of props are also the characteristics of this show. But it is more troublesome to install, so this time the intermission is so long." Li Xuanying said: "But this is also a benefit of the night show, so I specially chose to bring you this time. .”

Guo Kang nodded, seeing the staff put a goblet-like glass vessel in front of the mirror, he probably knew what it was for.

Electric light bulbs are more troublesome to operate, but under the brightness requirements of the theater, there is more than one way of lighting.This whale oil lamp is a very commonly used one.

In northern Europe, there is a tradition of whaling along the coast of the North Sea. Merchants will transport the whale oil they get to Novgorod, and then all the way south, and finally arrive at Dadu.This oil is used as a fuel, is bright and durable, and can be used in lighthouses.In daily life, it is also a very convenient lighting product.

From this point of view, this modification is also quite practical.

After the light stand was ready, someone rang a bell to let the audience know that intermission was over.

The curtain was opened again, and the scene had been changed.In addition to the curtain painted with blue sky and hedges, there is also a green carpet dotted with colors.A little to the left of the middle of the stage, a fountain model was placed, and it is actually spraying water now.Behind the fountain, there are shrubs composed of bonsai.

The "Sun" and his warriors sat on the carpet by the fountain, drinking and singing songs in turn.At this time, the "Goddess of Discord" came up from the other side holding the wine jar.

She walked forward in small steps while wandering, while looking back and looking forward.After walking around twice, "Goddess of the Night" led several other people, sneaked out of the backstage on tiptoe, walked behind the bushes, squatted down, and hid.The actors on the "sun" side stopped singing and let the audience look away.

"Mother!" The Goddess of Discord walked over quickly: "Have you found any helpers?"

"The Ai family brought them all. As long as they fight among themselves, we will take the opportunity to swarm them and settle them down." Queen Mother Ni, the goddess of the night, said confidently.

She stood up and began to click:
"Destroy God of Destruction, Karl!"

"I'm coming!" A strong man with a huge red anger-like mask and an ax on his back stood up from behind the bushes and replied.

"Goddess of Deceit, Apat!" Empress Dowager Ni shouted again.

"My daughter is here!" Apat, who had already played once, also stood up and responded to her mother.

"God of Rot, Eurynomus!" Queen Mother Ni continued.

"I'm--I'm--!" A big fat man with turquoise oil paint on his body and a blue-faced fang mask also stood up and replied in a drawn-out tone.

"Goddess of lust, Philotes!" Empress Dowager Ni greeted.

"My daughter is here!" Philotes, who had also appeared before, replied sharply.

"Listen to you!" The queen mother put her hips on her hips and gave them four lectures: "All follow my command. Whenever an order is issued, you will immediately go up together. Do you understand?"


"I see what you mean, mother."



The four sons and daughters answered one after another.

The Queen Mother nodded in satisfaction, looked again, and said, "Strange, where is Hypnos?"

Everyone else shook their heads, indicating that they hadn't seen it.The queen mother waved her hand, indicating that these few children are enough.

After the mother and brothers and sisters hid again, the goddess of discord, Eris, came to the fountain with wine in her hand.

Everyone stood up and looked at Eris warily.And she said loudly: "Warriors, I got a jar of fine wine, but it says 'for the bravest heroes' on it. Although there have been conflicts in the past, I dare not go against the arrangement of fate. This jar The wine is left to you, decide who to give it to!"

After finishing speaking, she put down the wine and walked away with light dance steps.

Everyone walked over one after another, observing the jar of wine while whispering to each other.The sun strode over and said loudly to the crowd, "What's wrong with this wine? Asclepius!"

An old man in a long robe came out from behind the scenes, lit the wine jar with a cane engraved with snakes, and said, "No problem, this is normal fine wine."

The heroes began to discuss more loudly, and some people have already begun to try to persuade everyone to let themselves taste it first.In the chaos, Taiyang stepped forward and picked up the wine jar.

"Since this is the case, we will award it to the bravest hero according to the requirements above." He said, "Who do you think is the most qualified?"

The heroes stepped forward one by one and narrated their exploits.Some have slain monstrous monsters, some have vanquished foes of great numbers, and others have had adventures unimaginable to most.Every time a hero finished his narrative, the sun yelled for him to be applauded.

Finally, he said: "You are all one in a million warriors, and I can't decide who is more heroic. So—"

He opened the jug, turned, and poured it all into the fountain.

After the stage, the staff turned on the lights and cast bright spots over the spring water, like a little sun.

The Greek audience exclaimed, and some people couldn't help standing up.

"The Sun" shook the empty wine jar, then put it into the spring water, scooped up a full jar, and handed it to the first warrior: "This whole jar is for you, I respect your courage!"

The spot then turned to him.The warrior held the jar, drank it booze, and shouted: "Good wine!"

The sun scooped up another jar and handed it to the second one: "This is your jar of wine, toast to your swordsmanship!"

The warrior also raised the pot, and drank with his head up in the light, and then shouted: "Harry!"

The band began to play passionate music, and the audience's emotions were also mobilized, with applause one after another.

"Greeks really don't know this allusion." Guo Kang said in surprise.

"Didn't you say it yourself, a combination of Eastern and Western cultures?" Li Xuanying didn't know why he was surprised.

Guo Kang hesitated for a while, and felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

On the other side of the stage, Empress Dowager Ni poked her head out as if to listen.When the voices of the audience faded away, he opened his mouth and said: "The Ai family can hear the shouts from the crowd, it must be that the plan has been completed, and those people started fighting themselves."

"Boys, give it to me!"

The four sons and daughters walked out of the bush at once.And the sun and the others also saw them, and immediately stopped the carnival, and put on a posture to meet the enemy.

"No!" exclaimed Apata, the Goddess of Deceit. "They didn't fight at all. It's a hoax!"

After all, she turned around and ran away first.

Philotes, the goddess of lust, turned to the sun, and the sun took up the spear directly.The goddess angrily cursed at him for not being ignorant of pity and pity, and at the same time turned around and ran away.

Eurynomus, the god of decay, limped forward, much slower than the others.Seeing that the two younger sisters ran away before fighting, he also turned around quickly.Before reaching the place, he limped back again.

In the end, Karl, the God of Destruction, rushed up foolishly alone, and was immediately surrounded and beaten by justice.Amidst the audience's laughter, he was knocked down and thrown behind the curtain.

Seeing that her sons and daughters failed one after another, the sun also chased after her. Empress Ni jumped out of the bushes and ran to the edge of the stage screaming.

There is a lifting device for "mechanical séance" here. Empress Dowager Ni stood up and shouted "I will definitely come back!" The device slowly rose, implying that she flew away and fled.

Amidst the laughter of the audience, the curtain gradually closed.

"This is the regular routine of this drama." Li Xuanying told Guo Kang: "Every ending is a failure of a strategy. And at the end, the queen mother will shout 'I will definitely come back', indicating that there will be another episode. "

"Is that so..."

Guo Kang nodded, and amid the constant applause from the audience, the curtain slowly opened again.

The staff has rolled up the carpet here.On the stage floor, lay a man in nightgown and nightcap.The chorus narrator introduced: "At the same time, the son of Nyx, Hypnos, the god of sleep, is still on his way to the battlefield."

The spot of light turned around to illuminate this corner, Sleepy sat up and rubbed his eyes.

Behind the scenes, the singing team still sang the war song, but the voice was reduced.There were still people shouting and seeming to be fighting.Sleeping God assumes a listening posture, covers his eyes again, and turns his head to face the audience.

"Why is it so bright here suddenly? There is also the sound of fighting? Could it be brothers and sisters fighting with the sun?"

He hesitated for a moment, then made up his mind: "Anyway, I'm not missing. I'd better sleep a little longer."

So saying, he pushed his nightcap over his face, and lay down again.

Amidst the roar of laughter from the audience, the rope moved the curtain and slowly closed it again.The backstage staff also extinguished the oil lamps, ending the performance.

"How about these props, do they work well?" Li Xuanying said enthusiastically, "So you asked me last time, and I said that I welcome all new technologies. After a little research on these things, the effects of stage effects will be greatly improved." The improvements are very noticeable.”

"Are you still in charge of planning the stage?" Guo Kang asked in surprise.

"I just know a concept, so I probably won't be able to do it. But some of my friends understand." Li Xuanying explained: "Come on, I'll take you to meet him right away."

The play was over, the audience left one after another, and the staff began to pack their things.Li Xuanying led Guo Kang to the backstage preparation room.

(End of this chapter)

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