Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 220 Guo Kang's Investigation Plan

Chapter 220 Guo Kang's Investigation Plan

After making a few plans, Guo Kang stopped asking questions.

Li Xuanying probably couldn't ask much valuable content.It's not that he doesn't know, but Guo Kang feels that the information he can provide is too difficult to distinguish between true and false.

Li Xuanying himself didn't know whether what he learned was the real situation, or the real situation after he made up his own mind, or the "truth situation" after his little lover modified him.Of course, it is more likely that these two people have been "modifying" each other in the process of getting along for many years.

It is not completely impossible to find out the real situation from these words, but it is too troublesome for an outsider like Guo Kang, and they have to consider their emotions if they keep interrogating directly, especially this woman's emotional feelings towards Li Xuanying. Influence.

The Greeks recorded a story. It is said that there was a knot in the city of Gordium. It was prophesied that whoever untied the knot would conquer Asia, but no one had the ability to untie it before.After Alexander arrived, he split the knot with a sword and solved the problem directly.The prophecy was later fulfilled.

Of course, the scope of Asia referred to here is not as large as defined by later generations, and it can basically be understood as a synonym for Persia.As for the farther places, the Greeks back then didn't have much concept.Although Guo Kang considers himself a Serisian and is considered to be in the east, there is no need to bring himself in.After all, the difference between him and those Persians and Central Asians is not small.

On the contrary, he is also prepared to use this method to solve the problem.He estimated that a new war is coming soon, and there may not be much time left for himself to toss about these things.

Thinking of this, he directly told Li Xuanying in Chinese: "I can't judge the situation based on one-sided words, neither yours nor Odosia's. In this situation, not only you, but also she herself may not be able to prove her own words."

"Just like you, she has a very subjective position on this kind of issue. I can't even tell if she lied on purpose or if she really didn't know. Even if it's the part of lying, is it because of bad intentions or to maintain the status quo? The feelings of disparity in status are beautified intentionally or unintentionally, and it is impossible to tell. In this case, the subjective intention is precisely the most important."

"It's not that I look down on her." Guo Kang shook his head: "I really think that everyone is equal in personality and soul. But the problem is that in the real world, there are too many influencing factors beyond this part."

"If you fall in love because of the compatibility of souls, then I will admit that the two lovers are equal. But there are too many characteristics in people, how can you tell whether the other party is interested in your status and money?" He warned: "If the main goal is not for love itself, but involves inequalities such as status and money, then I can't treat it in an equal way."

"Okay." Li Xuanying had no choice but to nod: "Then how are you going to investigate?"

"When money and status are involved, it is impossible not to show one's feet." Guo Kang said: "This kind of preparation will definitely involve many people and leave a lot of traces, so it is not difficult to find."

"Hiding something is also because you are weak and unable to get the support of your family. Of course it is easy to hide a person. But don't worry, if you want to hide a lot of people for a long time, the difficulty will not only increase. 01:30 It's on," he explained.

"If it's not for worrying about irritating the relevant people or making things bigger, this is actually not a big deal. Because as long as the scope of the investigation is large enough, it is meaningless to conceal it in the face of a huge information gap."

"So that's how it is." Li Xuanying probably understood his train of thought, and after being told for a long time, she became a little more sober: "However, what do you mean by showing off?"

"Uh..." Guo Kang couldn't say that this was the allusion of Zhu Dajiazi's grandma, so he had to forcefully explain: "I heard that when the ancients made a surprise attack, they would hide their soldiers and horses and act secretly. But soldiers are easy to hide, and war horses But it’s not easy to hide, it will show the horse’s hoof, so there is this saying. It is probably an unpopular allusion.”

"That's it." Li Xuanying nodded, and stopped thinking about it: "Okay, then I ask you to help me."

"On my side... I don't seem to be able to investigate too much without disturbing the family." He sighed, as if he felt guilty: "I'll keep Eudocia's side secret from her for the time being." But if there is any situation, you have to tell me first."

"If she is involved, I'll tell you first." Guo Kang began to bargain: "For other people, I promise not to let the real intention leak out. The matter of the investigation... Well, let Tuo Huan know at most, see if it's okay. "

"I have to give a reason to transfer people here. If there are too many times, it is easy to make mistakes. It is easier for him to transfer people." He explained again.

Li Xuanying thought for a moment.

"Okay." He nodded.

Although the love affair is careless, the key things can still be clearly distinguished.Moreover, as long as he agrees, his mouth will always be tight-lipped, and he won't talk nonsense even when he's drunk—otherwise, Tian Fang's friends wouldn't ask him to drink grape juice every day.

Therefore, Li Xuanying can also accept calling him for help when necessary.

After the discussion, the two fell silent.

After a while, footsteps were heard in the corridor.Eudocia pushed open the door and walked in.

Under the dim light of the oil lamp, both Guo Kang and Li Xuanying looked very thoughtful.She glanced at both sides, showing a surprised expression.

"Is waiting too boring?" She asked with a smile, "I'm sorry, it took a long time to ask. Daniel didn't know where he went, so I had to ask other people."

"The gang activities of the Ross people are indeed frequent recently, but we don't know their purpose. You also know that although the troupe and gangs have always been in contact, everyone actually doesn't want to have too much contact with them on weekdays." Eudocia Said, sat down.

"It is reported that they have recently found an opportunity to intervene in higher-level affairs. It may be that they have hooked up with the officials above. But this kind of thing will definitely change the current situation, so of course, it has also aroused concerns from other gangs. Bounce."

"Although I don't know if this is the direct cause of your friend's troubles, I think it may be related." She looked at Guo Kang and said, "Although gang leaders and counselors always want to design plans, their subordinates are not The army. When it comes to large-scale operations, everyone will always go their own way and make the situation messy."

"If your friend has no contact with gangsters on weekdays, then it is very likely that under this circumstance, he was approached by those gangsters who are careless. But if this is the case, it should not be a big deal, because their goal is not here. Beat up the culprit, scare the people, and that'll fix the problem," she suggested.

(End of this chapter)

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